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Big Kim Woof-Woof

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Posts posted by Big Kim Woof-Woof

  1. 5 minutes ago, Kronos said:

    Mtg, New genstealers, and vulture bees  just to drive my point home.


    That explains a lot... none of that appeals to me as the basis of a AoS faction. 

    But I'm not the sole market they're aiming for. If other hobbyists like all that gribbly Insectoid stuff... hoorah and I hope they go for it! 

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  2. 8 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    I can think of some more uninspired concepts. Knights in shinging Armour are pretty overdone in fantasy, as are orcs, Goblins, elves, dwarves, wizards and don't even get me started on how over used vampires, zombies, skeletons, wights, revenants, werewolves, ghouls and ghosts are in both fantasy, horror and Gothic romance.

    The fun part of age of sigmar is taking familiar tropes and expanding them in imaginative ways. Like people who see Kragnos as just a centuar when instead it is a mythological god beast whose hooves are tied to rumbling in the ground. Or how people want Idoneth to be lovecraftian horrors when currently they feel much closer to legends of mysterious sea peoples that exist throughout history and told in the tall tales of my fisher folk relatives. 

    In other words I love AOS as the armies feel like heavily mythologized versions of traditional fantasy tropes.

    Fair point, well made. 

    Still can't picture myself collecting a lot of bugs, though! 

    • Like 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

    I don't know. I'm a Lumineth fan and I loved the rules preview for them. No complaints, all gravy. I don't play Slaanesh and have no interest to, but I still feel like the rules shown for them were a big letdown. They don't really feel Slaanesh-ey, and they don't seem all that exciting. 

    I think the idea of Temptation dice is great, and very flavorful. But the way they've executed it is disappointing. It should be something that a Slaanesh player can choose to offer to an opponent, something very tempting, but with a definite downside. Not just a big bonus for the opponent, with a small chance of there being a (not especially dreadful) penalty. 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, woolf said:

    With those changes I feel it would at least be playable, as of now its just mind blowing how bad it is, it seems to benefit opponent more than you, certainly if you use it on more than 1 unit... crazy how this have passed quality controls...

    Why, oh why, do Hedonites keep getting bollocked when it comes to rules!? 

    I know why... it's because Slaanesh is too awesome, and everyone else (including rules writers) are jealous. We've got the best models too, after all. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Rachmani said:

    If it‘s just the charge you’re worried about, you can always just choose a single unit instead of two to three.

    The double 6 charge needs 2 Temptation dice, you can’t use it if you only get one.


    This implies a level of restraint that this Slaanesh player can seldom muster. 

    • Haha 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

    Yep, my first read was that you could give temptation dice up to the number of units you make ecstatic, so I thought "Oh just don't give temptation as the damage is bad", bit silly but whatever the ecstatic buff is good.


    But nope.... It is an ability that benefits the opponent more than the player. Make the opponent Tzeentch in exchange for some moderate buffs! ..... Why?

    It's Slaanesh... there's something very masochistic about giving the enemy the edge. Hah! 

    • Haha 1
  7. 33 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    I actually really like the new Slaanesh rules. Yes they look weaker than before, but they're still flavourful and have some good tactics to consider. 

    I can't imagine they'll tear up the meta, but I'm looking forward to playing them at least! 

    Yes, pleasingly flavorful. 

    Shalaxi is apparently still not the all-skewering great hunter that it's background promises. Someone high up hates it. Noticed that the Living Whip/Shining Aegis options are both gone... presumably it'll be the same story for generic Keepers. Not too fussed about that... means I'm not missing out because of the way I assembled my model. 

    My beloved Twinsouls seem pleasantly slicey. The Fane is a bit bland now. I really liked the sacrifice mechanic. Oh well. 

    Overall, it's got the juices flowing! Salivating to get some games in.

    • Like 1
  8. I'm such a hypocrite. 

    I'm often amused at how eager contributors to this forum are when it comes to reveals and countdowns and the like. It'll all come in the fullness of time, people.

    ... but right now I am literally counting down the hours until the Hedonites FF gets unleashed! 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  9. 2 hours ago, woolf said:

    although I would certainly not advocate for making <another dude> to become the new Tactical Rock!

    I should hope not. Despite my Slaanesh devotion, even I'm not going to defend the rather graceless Syll'Esske model. I think it's the only Hedonites miniature I don't have in my collection! 

  10. 18 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Yeah. That's exactly my point. I know some would be/ are tired of that many details, but for me it just makes the life of newcomers easier and without too much learning you can get pretty solid results by just putting some time in the mini. It also helps to learn faster, IMO.

    It might be easier to paint (that's a moot point) but what about the actual aesthetics of the model? You don't think some sculpts are overburdened with detail, and it spoils the shapes? 

  11. 9 minutes ago, Goatforce said:


    Bit of a self own by GW, not sure what they were thinking pricing their old models like that... I mean 3 Skelly chariots from 6th for £52.50 now after the rise? Who in their right mind is going to buy that? I remember buying a box of 3 for £15 back in the day!

    That's been my thoughts about the whole thing from the start. Who the hell is paying top dollar for models as uninspiring as the Bretonnian Mounted Yeomen, or as ancient as those metal Snotlings? 

    • Like 4
  12. 3 minutes ago, Vomikron said:

    I don’t think it’s nostalgia as much as its preference. How is Bretonnia being clearly based on Arthurian legend a bad thing? There’s a strange fascination with everything being 100% original for it to be quality. Everything of the last 150 years is derivative of something else. Absolutely everything.

    To be fair, you were saying only a few posts back how "insanely original" the Warhammer fantasy world was. 

    • Like 5
  13. 24 minutes ago, Vomikron said:

    John Blanche recently gave an interview where he said that in his last years he found that miniature designers cared less and less for historical reference and looked to video games and movies for inspiration. 

    That's interesting. I would have said the most recent Cities of Sigmar models show a lot of homage to historical arms and armour. They certainly feel more grounded in history than, say, a flying elf boat! 

    • Like 1
  14. 41 minutes ago, Periophtalmus said:

    The sisters of the watch are finished.


    I won't do the bases for now as I don't have access to the paints needed.

    Here is the whole unit with the command group I painted Iast month:


    Time to start working on some skinks.

    A very swish job! Nice contrasts between the colours. 

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Sception said:

    Hunt for slaanesh?  On hiatus. 

    ... as it has been since time immemorial. The only real plot development was the twins... and they were about as effective as the proverbial chocolate teapot. 

  16. 9 minutes ago, Flippy said:

    But he Spearhead painting scheme is really cool.

     AoS OssiarchFF Jun7 Spearhead

    I like it! And I've always been distinctly 'meh' about the visual style of the Ossiarchs before. I've gotta say, showing off the different colour schemes for the Spearhead is very inspiring. I think it's great that they're not just sticking with the immaculately painted 'studio' collection. 

    • Like 1
  17. Needing opinions... I've started painting this chappy, and I'm unsure of what colour to go with on his armour. Robes and sword aside, he's covered in the bone-patterned armour. I was thinking of doing it all gold, but I'm now worried it might be too extreme a look. Could go with a dark iron colour (similar to what I've base-coated him with, but a lot neater). Or I could go with actual bone colour... but is that too necromancer-ish, not Slaanesh enough? 



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