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Posts posted by TechnoVampire

  1. 10 hours ago, Eldarain said:

    @TechnoVampire i wouldn't bump the knights to 10 as that coherency change sucks.

    Will have to be a 2 drop though as you can't fit two monster heroes into a Battle Regiment.

    @Eldarain thanks, that’s a good point… also I misread the battalion and thought it could include 2 monsters, so thanks for correcting that.

    I’ll play around with the last 75 points and see what works best.

    I’m also not sure whether to take the sword or lance  on VLOZD more attacks seems nice with the flaming weapon/ Kastelia buffs, but the charge bonus for Lance is hefty.

  2. Hi all, 

    This is my proposed Kastelai - Blood Knights army. I'm yet to play AOS 3.0, but looking for something fun, fast and fairly hard hitting. I always wanted to play with 2 x mounted zombie dragons and with new rules I feel like Vhordria and VLOZD work really well together. I'm considering taking one unit of 10 Blood Knights as oposed to 2 x 5 for a more survivable unit, and was also thinking of using emerald lifeswarm to help keep things alive (Also makes the army 1 drop) as oposed to Fell Bats who are just there to fill up points/ grab objectives. Skeletons are there for a tar-pit unit of bodies and objective camping. Any feedback apreciatted: 

    Allegiance: Soulblight Gravelords
    - Lineage: Kastelai Dynasty
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    - Triumphs:


    Prince Vhordrai (455) in Battle Regiment
    - Lore of the Vampires: Amethystine Pinions

    Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (435) in Battle Regiment
    - General
    - Command Trait: Rousing Commander
    - Vampiric Sword
    - Artefact: Sword of the Red Seneschals
    - Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon

    5 x Blood Knights (195) in Battle Regiment
    5 x Blood Knights (195) in Battle Regiment
    5 x Blood Knights (195) in Battle Regiment
    5 x Blood Knights (195) in Battle Regiment
    30 x Deathrattle Skeletons (255) in Battle Regiment
    3 x Fell Bats (75)

    Battle Regiment

  3. What do people think about Lance vs sword if using flaming weapon generic spell lore on VLOZD… I’m also thinking of running him alongside Vhordrai so will be using Vhordrias CA to allow VLOZD to pile in and attack twice during the hero phase? (A bit more niche and situational but what do people think in this scenario?) 

  4. Hi all, I’m new to this forum, so my apologies if this question isn’t in the right place. 

    Quick question about the endless legions faction ability… After a unit has been brought back at half size can it then be returned to full starting size via resurrection such as deathly invocations… or is the unit then capped at half size. The wording of the ability doesn’t make it very clear. 

    Thanks in advance! 

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