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Posts posted by TechnoVampire

  1. 4 hours ago, Beliman said:

    Disagree. In 3.0, you had one subfaction that buffed your Alarith, and that's why you took as many as Alarith units as you could in your list (appart from powerful auto-take units).

    4.0 lets you have the basic Alarith buff, but you have the option to take whatever you want and still buff them.

    With "less" abilities, you have a lot more. Do you want Vannari units? You will have two Facet of War, go for it. Maybe mix Hurikan kangaroos and Cow people? Nice. A mix of everything? Requires a bit of finess but don't feel bad, you still have the buffs on your disposal.

    Like I said, I not familiar with lumineth, so may well be incorrect regarding them specifically and I’m glad to hear that the new system is offering more ways to build lists. I still feel like the general trend seems to be stripped back overall. The 3.0 Legion of blood sub faction offers me two abilities on top of two heroic actions, and SBGL have 5 battle traits. I’ll be very surprised if under the new system that level of unique and thematic abilities remains, but I guess we’ll see. 

  2. 8 hours ago, Chikout said:

    Did you watch the masterclass livestream? It didn't feel stripped back there. The armies seemed to play like you'd expect them to from third edition expect the Skaven had more movement tricks than before. Even there they only showed one artefact, one heroic traits, one spell lore and one battle formation. We know from yesterday's article that there's definitely going to be more than that even in the indexes. 

    Another thing is that while warscrolls do have fewer abilities than before it's not as different as it looks. Before you would get a written out rule explaining what happens when you roll a six, now it just says crit mortal or there's a keyword that says wizard 2 or ward 5+ or whatever. The warscrolls looks sparse but it's all the same rules as before. 

    I watched the breakdowns on HWG and a couple of other sources. I’m a fan of the key wording of weapon abilities and the general paring down of wording, but it seems in general that warscrolls have less abilities than before? Factions also seem to have quite stripped back rules. Skaven get deep strike (split into 3 abilities) no mortal damage on retreat and a 1/enemy hero phase move. Lumineth get to pick 2 units to fight at the start of combat and then 1 use of a choice of other abilities. Those abilities aren’t bad, but it feels quite minimal. On top of that it seems like each faction has a choice of 4 subfactions with 1 ability. Individually these changes might not amount to much but together it’s starting to feel quite stripped back. … tbf I don’t play either of those armies so I don’t know how it holds up in comparison to before. I play SBGL and am used to having a lot of abilities to manage. I’ll be interested to see how it pans out. 

  3. Having seen most of the faction rules and warscrolls made available from the preview games I am starting to get a bit concerned that individual army rules are going to feel overly stripped back and somewhat lack the sense of strong individual themes created in 3.0. So far the core rules look great, but I’m not as excited about the pattern that seems to be emerging regarding individual warscrolls and faction rules based on what we’ve seen. I’m hoping that once all is revealed it will make more sense, but I’m feeling slightly less enthusiastic and a bit more apprehensive than I was a few weeks ago. 

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Mmh, I’d suggest having a look at old world.

    i have a feeling you might like the list building there specifically

    I like the idea of unit upgrades. I used to play WFB way back when, but I’ve very little desire to return to rank and file. AOS strikes a good balance for me. 

    • Like 1
  5. Spearhead won’t be for me. The joy of a table top war-game (for me), is playing my list that I’ve put (too many) hours of thought and craft into, against someone else’s. I’m not interested in playing a pre-made list, but I hope there’s something for other people to get excited about. 

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  6. 42 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    I feel the point is that banishing them or killing them cost resources. In particular, one shouldn't underestimate what doing 6 damages means (i.e. more than what a chaff units with 10 attacks on 3+/3+/-1/1 will do on average). Are you using a mid-sized hammer or multiple units to kill a spell which can be recast next turn (whether it's your turn or you opponent)? What about 2 or 3 of them?

    As for not having them not being a big disadvantage: maybe. The point remains that if you don't buy a box of these you're playing with less rules. It is as if you needed to have spell cards in order to access your faction lore. It's not the end of the world (proxying, kitbashing, 3d printing etc) but playing a "standard" game just became (a bit) more expensive for new players

    I feel the same. No one will not take a lore if they a free, and I think most lists will have some opportunity for casting them. T1 being out of range of a damage spell or not having any significant buffs, attempting to bring an additional unit that can fight, move block, do mortals or any number of other things could be a big advantage. I think there’s potentially much more incentive to play with them now than before when there was a cost attached. As a result I think there will be much more pressure on players to buy them, even out of FOMO. 

    • Like 2
  7. 10 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

    Yea I guess it also boils down to just how crazy some of these get. If all of the rest of the endless spell warscrolls are roughly close to the swords and palisade in terms of power level then it shouldn't be a problem. 

    But I just can't imagine them giving the Krondspine a derpy profile lol. 

    It was krondspine that made me think of it, but you’re right and I’ll reserve judgement until we know more. Regardless it wouldn’t be very fun to see nearly every army spamming the same endless spells. Hopefully there’s enough of a spread of power and themes that there’s a real choice. If the different lores lend themselves to a particular playstyle then that will make them much more interesting. 

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  8. 36 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

    I like the idea of endless spells you can actually interact with. However I think the success of them is going to lie on how well the universal ones are balanced.

    Because if they are all free, then there won't be a points system to help mitigate stronger ones. So the highest performers will become apparent super quickly and potentially be in every army's list.

    I guess the casting cost could be used as a balancing measure to some degree. I think Wizards with casting bonuses could end up being the power players this edition. 

    That’s definitely one of my concerns; if they’re not well balanced we may end up seeing the same few lores in every list and it becomes almost a necessity to get certain spells off to win. 

  9. Interesting changes and like @Neil Arthur Hotep said, impossible to evaluate without testing, or the complete set of rules. 

    Im assuming they will be much more ubiquitous than before, being free to every faction, but those with less casting potential might suffer. 

    I wasn’t a particularly big fan of endless spells before, as they kind of just felt like additional stuff to keep track of. I’m not sure if I’ll prefer this system, but I’ll definitely feel more obliged to play with them. The fact that they’re more interactive is probably a positive. 

  10. 10 hours ago, Ferban said:

    But they are getting rid of book tactics.  I disliked those not only because of the disparity in difficulty (there were haves and have-nots), but also because GW used them as a balancing tool.  Army underperforming?  Here's an easy battle tactic.  It's lazy and artificially inflates the data without addressing the underlying weaknesses or problems of the army.  And if you're playing PtG, it does nothing to help the army. 

    Amen to this. I absolutely hated book tactics being used as a balancing measure for the same reasons. I’ll be very glad to see that become a thing of the past. 

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, OkayestDM said:

    Replacing mortal wounds with auto-wound or 'becomes 2 hits' abilities would be much better to create impactful shooting that still has counterplay.

    Mortal Wounds would work best with heroes, monsters, spells, and defensive units like Liberators (a unit that has few attacks and is meant to take it on the chin, but due to mortal wounds still has the potential to do some damage on the return swing.)

    Offensive units should have more attacks, deal more damage and have access to abilities that improve their offensive ability, but no mortal wounds (the Kroxigor warscroll demonstrates this perfectly.) 

    Completely agree. Mortal wounds should be given as specialist cases where they make sense and not as the standard form of dealing damage. 
    leaning into other forms of damage (as you suggested) opens up more specialised units and interesting interactions on the table which I’m all for. 

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  12. 24 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    The new Skaven hero only has Crit(Auto-Wound), which is much better.

    I agree, though with rend 2 that’s likely to cause damage. I’m ok with that as a specialised unit though. What I really don’t want to see is another iteration of 30 sentinels doing mortals from 30” and ignoring line of sight, or 12 bolt boyz doing 2 mortals on a 5 to hit or 3 on a 6. 

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  13. 25 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    A more concrete idea of what reduced shooting range means would be nice. I would like to see if there are specific abilities on shooting attacks other than "shoot in combat", as well.

    Would be cool to see them say something like "there are no more mortal wounds on hit for shooting attacks" or "the line-of-sight system has been reworked" if those changes are in the game.

    I pray that there is little to no mortal wounds on hit for shooting attacks 🙏 and would generally like to see a reduction in mortal wounds across the board. 

    • Like 4
  14. 2 hours ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

    6 is to let you deploy either a pair of threes or a 5 in a single line. I do get your point about it perhaps being a bit awkward to have to double line 10 25mm bases, but equally if you allow other stuff that coherency rule. It’s not too much of a problem letting a unit of steel helms stretch out like that, they could make a line of about 14 inches. By the same rule, 10 liberators cover 20 inches and 10 dire wolves cover 28 inches.  

    I get your point about certain units being able to be used to cover a lot of area in 10’s. I have thought about it, hence the reason that I don’t think that a blanket rule for coherency works particularly well. Having to use 10 x 25mm infantry in 2 ranks isn’t the end of the world, but it feels at odds with what they’re designed for, and makes them less valuable. It’s something I was hoping they would have cleaned up in the next edition, but ultimately not a massive deal. 

  15. Additionally I do find a coherency number of 6 very strange when a lot of infantry units come in 10’s. Having to use a minimum size infantry unit on 25mm bases in 2 ranks feels particularly unintuitive and also overly harsh considering the new coherency range is 1/2”. I think they could have safely made the maximum number of models in one rank 10. 

  16. I find I end up mostly playing in base contact to make sure I’m getting the maximum into range for combat. It’s really screening that’s going to be affected. I do wonder how that’s going to pan out. Personally I’d have maybe liked to see coherency be a stat that makes sense for each specific unit. Having one blanket rule just doesn’t make sense for all (IMO)... Like small skirmishing units could be used in 10’s designed specifically as a screen, while other units such as those with spears and shields are designed to be used in tightly packed in ranks. Maybe that would add to mental load/ bloat but I think there will always be winners and losers with one rule and different base and unit sizes. The standardised weapon range should help a lot with that though. 

  17. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I don't know about you guys, but I am super excited to play 4th edition. Can't wait to see the warscrolls for my factions. What they have been doing for Stormcast is so good!

    I meant to reply to this message with my last 😅

  18. 50 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Interesting. It seems so much more approachable to me than the huge blocks of text we had before. No more digging through the rules text for activation timing, casting values, your phase vs. any phase etc.

    But what I am really excited about is the Anti-KEYWORD stuff. I'm super excited to see what new roles all those redundant units from past editions get.


    Really exited about Ruination, too. I am already finding myself planning out colour schemes.

    The last article got me excited and gave me a lot of hope. I felt a little uneasy after the subfactions preview that some aspects of the game might be getting oversimplified, but the combat phase looks to be cleaner and also more interesting than before. 

    I’m a big fan of the weapon specific abilities and more clearly defined roles that units seem to be given, such as infantry killers, objective holders etc. For me this adds an additional layer of tactics and makes things feel more flavourful and in keeping with the actual identity of the units on the table. 

    Like you I’m excited to see specific warscrolls and rules for my faction! (SBGL). 

    • Like 3
  19. 7 hours ago, Ferban said:

    Today's topic covers battle traits and battle formations.  Battle traits are more or less as we would expect them to be.  Rules that give a particular faction special abilities.  And they show off one that requires a command point.  I'm not sure I'm super in love with additional command point abilities for each army, but if they are limited to one per army, maybe it will be easy enough to share the one with your opponent before each game. 

    The battle formations (new subfactions) seem like a miss for me.  I was excited that they would no longer be tied to lore or color schemes and would instead be based on how you want to play.  But the ones they showed off aren't like that at all.  They are tied to Stormcast chambers.  They show off one for Warriors and one for Extremis.  Both seem fairly bland.  For me, that's really the first rules reveal that hasn't seemed like a dramatic improvement.  If anything, it's a slight downgrade as it seems to have the same problem of focusing the player down one path (all Bladegheists get mortals!) while losing the fluff that at least gave you a narrative hook to play that style.  

    Oh well, they can't all be bangers. 

    I had the same reaction. It felt like a rebranding of the current system, minus the narrative intrigue. The new subfactions (“battle formations”) appear to have all the same kind of restrictions as before (relating only to specific unit types), however now there’s is no lore… which apparently allows us to paint them however we like for the first time.

    I’m also concerned that there might only be a single trait for each battle formation, which to me would feel like dumbing down faction rules, while keeping numerous core rules I’d happily have seen stripped away. That’s the oposite of the kind of “streamlining” I’d like to see, but hopefully it’s not the case 🤞

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  20. @Leshoyadut I like your second list (LOB with vengorian lord). I’m similarly attached to blood knights, despite the fact they’re not considered overly competitive and run 5 in my list. I find them versatile and pretty tanky. 
    My list is similar to yours but still using VLOZD. This is what I’m going to try out post points increases:

    Army Faction: Soulblight Gravelords
        - Army Type: Legion of Blood
        - Grand Strategy: Lust for Domination
        - Triumphs: Inspired


    1 x Neferata (400)
        - Spells: Waste Away

    1 x Vampire Lord (140)*
        - Spells: Hoarfrost

    1 x Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (460)*
        - General
        - Command Traits: Doomed Minions
        - Deathlance
        - Artefacts: Cloak of Mists and Shadows
        - Spells: Vile Transference


    20 x Deadwalker Zombies (120)*

    10 x Deathrattle Skeletons (100)*
        - Skeleton Champion
        - Standard Bearer

    10 x Dire Wolves (140)*
        - Doom Wolf


    5 x Blood Knights (230)*
        - Kastellan
        - Standard Bearer
        - Templar Lance

    20 x Grave Guard (150)*
        - Seneschal
        - 2 x Standard Bearer
        - 2 x Hornblower
        - Great Wight Blade


    *Battle Regiment

    TOTAL POINTS: (1890/2000)

    I think the points add up.

    I also might try switching out the zombies for a second unit of dire wolves. 

    • Like 1
  21. I feel like part of the issue with our book is how easy our book tactics are to achieve. They pretty much guarantee 2 VP every turn on top of our healing and resurrecting, which makes our attrition game even stronger. Personally I dislike book tactics. They seem to make the game harder to balance and have too much impact on overall performance. The fact that GW uses them as a balancing method, giving out easy to achieve tactics to struggling factions, I think just perpetuates the problem. Conversely I think having points increased on warscrolls to balance overly strong tactics feels backwards and not great. 

    Id like to see how we’re doing now with the points changes. I like our rules, but maybe some of them still need tweaked (reduction in hunger possibly, and more conditional resurrection sound feasable). I’m not a fan of running hordes so I would be sad to see the faction focus only on that and I appreciate the current diversity in lists and play-styles available. 

    • Like 3
  22. 7 hours ago, Leshoyadut said:

    For the subfactions that were over 60% winrate (Vyrkos and LoN), everything will be entirely fine. They'll probably drop, possibly into the fat middle, but they'll definitely still be quite powerful despite losing some units in their lists. The other subfactions will struggle a bit more, especially Kastelai and Avengorii which were already not exactly our top picks and didn't even make the 20 results benchmark for Woehammer's subfactions winrate chart. Given LoB was clearly better than the two of them, and it was already at 52%, they're probably kind of hurting at this point (though LoB is probably still okay).

    I agree. I watched the metawatch article and thought that the lead designer (forget his name) was misrepresenting when he claimed that all the sub faction are performing well, in order to justify the widespread points increases. They know that’s not true, but to address the real issues would take too much work/ rewriting rules and warscrolls, which they basically only ever do with the release of a new book. LON and vyrkros will still be strong. LOB feels pretty tight writing lists now, but probably still do well in certain matchups. The other two will continue to struggle. They should have at least reduced the costs of blood knights to help Kastelai. They don’t even see tournament play, and have seen nothing but points increases. I think our book has a lot of well functioning units, but the idea that generally everything over-performs is a myth.  

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  23. I’m just checking back in here after a while away. Hope everyone’s hobby is going well. The battle scroll increases didn’t surprise me much, but I do think they weren’t well targeted. Everything “good” saw an increase because a variety of lists/ subfactions have been over performing, but from what I can tell, that’s partly due to quite specific reasons (zombies, battle tactics are too easy, the hunger is really strong in certain cases). Despite that I think we’ll still be a strong faction with lots of builds, and hopefully now the meta win rate will be reasonable enough that we can make lists and have them last more than a couple of months. I do find it odd that we’re supposed to be a horde faction and there’s basically no cheap chaff battle line option anymore. Fingers crossed these are the last nerfs we’ll see for a while… I didn’t enjoy being the top peroeming faction. It draws too much attention 😉

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