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Posts posted by Redmanphill

  1. I decided a few months ago that my games of Age of Sigmar needed a narrative setting and to that end I settled upon the idea of an ancient ruined city in the Realm of Life that has recently been rediscovered and is now being fought over. The only problem was actually building the city. I had assumed that GW would release more Azyrite kits at some point so I took a leap of faith and started building up the kits they did have available into the beginnings of my ruins. Of course I couldn't just leave the kits as they were and some converting was done, firstly to incorporate a Realmgate.


    I also decided that as the ruin would be over grown I needed some appropriately fantasy like trees. I have plenty from model railway kits and these just weren't hitting the mark. So having browsed the GW range I thought that the Shardwrack Spines would work well as trees for the setting. I recently finished up the first set.... these took a while to do!


    Anyway my terrain journey continued apace with more ruins as the kits became available. The townscape sadly isn't as modular as I would have liked and so I only picked up a single kit. It's fine don't get me wrong. Its just that it only goes together in one way and I didn't want large duplicate pieces on the board.



    As I started laying out what I had done I realised that I was missing an important element that would really tie the whole city together, some street surfaces. Well thankfully I was able to find an easy and effective way to build these and so I set about creating some streets. I've only completed four sections of these and I'll need a few more for sure. Again like all terrain projects, these take a bit of time to do and so I've only managed four. I was able to incorporate some of the recent debris from the newer kits and I think this works well to theme the pieces for what I've been doing with the Azyrite stuff.



    Below you can see some ruins laid out with the street in place, its going to look good once its all together!


    I picked up the Enduring Stormvault kit too when that came out. It's huge and storage is going to be a problem. Still it works so well with everything else how could I resist? D8FW5hmW4AEqCTS.jpg.5b96fb353aa62fddf5cedf1b60d50442.jpg


    Finally the terrain kits for Warcry were releassed and these I am still painting. Again they are just great, more detailed than the original Azyrite stuff and that means that they don't match 100% when built together but side by side on the table they are amazing and I've been busy getting them done too...



    Anyway I think that is enough photographs for now. Once I have a few more pieces done I'll update the thread and hopefully I'll be also able to get some battle shots soon!

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  2. On 5/24/2019 at 3:18 AM, Skabnoze said:

    It’s a big sheet of metal and the models can stick to any point on it - not just exactly on the footprint.

    You can slide models around - I do it all the time with mine since I also use them to carry and store many of my models.

    Seems to be exactly what you'd do without a tray....

    Is there a listing anywhere of suppliers for movement trays. I asked Sarissa about these a while ago but they never responded to me.


  3. I'm still on he Nighthaunt train but my painting has slackened off a little. We are preparing for a campaign here and I've been tasked (self appointed in fairness) with getting the terrain ready. Check out the #fellnan hastag on twitter if you want to see any of that. I'll still need to have an army ready to play however and to that end I recently got some Myrmourn Banshees done. You would think that models that are essentially all one colour would be quick to paint but alas they are not. The large flat areas deserve some nice blending as otherwise they can look really patchy. I think for the most part these work well.


    I also was gifted with the Thorns of the Briar Queen and my usual response to getting a gift of miniatures is to pop them to the top of my painting pile.  It was nice to get back to some Chainrasps and these are absolutely great models to paint. Far more interesting and far less repetitive than the standard set of ten for sure. I even like the rules so these will definitely be getting used in the upcoming games!


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  4. I would very much hope that they keep the game within the narrative theme they have established. Simply adding factions in to the game randomly would break that. I simpy don't see the Cities of Sigmar (Freeguild) turning up in the Eight Points.

    My hopes for future expansions would be for the basic eight Chaos Warbands to get new models and at the same time a second set of cards would be printed for the twelve AoS factions that are currently present in the setting. Lets build depth rather than breadth to the system.

    • Like 2

    2 hours ago, JPjr said:

     Assuming they haven't already thought of this I also need to figure out some home-brew rules for bribing your opponents mercenaries in narrative games, campaigns and certain battleplans.

    Just have a bidding war using Command Points with the hiring player having a starting bonus of two already in the pot.

  6. For narrative play these are excellent. I have seen a lot of complaints on other social media about these breaking the narrative and I just don't get it. It would seem that people view the four allegiances as totally inviolable and monolithic. I always viewed them as rather nebulous ideas and alliances. I can totally see Morathi using some Chaos Tribesmen. I actually could see those Tribesmen being rather ambivalent towards the chaos gods too. Not everyone is a total fanatical worshipper of chaos/Sigmar or Nagash. This is really apparent in the lore.

    I am eager enough to get myself a small 400pt Fyreslayer force to ally in with my Nighthaunt and to paint in a suitably Syhsian scheme. It will look great on the battlefield, give me something interesting to paint and play with and at the same time tell an interesting story for my opponent.

    As for matched play... well competitive players get what they deserve I find.

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  7. I really think you need to define what resilience means here. A similarly pointed 2 wound model with a 4+ save is only as resilient as a model with four wounds and no save. There are two ways of considering resilience, base number of wounds versus quality of saves. Then factor things in like -1 to hit, -1 to wound. rend, healing, resurrecting and ethereal and you get a very complex formula. Fyreslayers at first glance are very resilient but consider a block of Chainrasps that are being returned to play at a steady pace , have -1 to wound and have a 5+(6+) save with no modifiers being allowed. That makes for an interesting comparison.

  8. I bought it. For €70 or so that it cost me I think it is worth it.

    The lore was fine. I hate the constant recapping of the past but I understand why it is there. Nothing really was revealed which is annoying and it was a bit too much of a battle report. I'd prefer these things to be described more as a campaign rather than a single huge battle. The Stromvaults themselves are a good addition to the Realms.

    The terrain piece was nice and even if I won't use it in my army it'll look good on my table.

    The spells are again lovely and nice to have. I don't know if I will really use them either but it is nice to have the options.

    The campaign is okay, easy to run and organise for sure but it could have done with another layer on top. I like the fact that it brings in all the contents of the box.  I love the artefacts, they aren't totally balanced but for narrative play they are good.

  9. It looks to me like they will bring out more Companies, for now it is restricted to the Greyfyrd Lodge and the FEC one whose name I can't remember. They both get a small bonus too so that differentiates them somewhat. I think over the course of more publications we will see Ogres and others get a Mercenary Company.

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  10. I have read through the Mercenary rules and to be honest they seem fine to me. The rules are the same as Allies, ie. 20% of total points and a strict limit on the number of units based on the units taken from the main allegiance. On top of that you lose the first command point you generate. Allies and Mercenaries are bought from the same pool of points.

    For me I now have to chance to collect both a few Ghouls and a few Fyreslayers if I want. These would never really have been a full army for me anyway but I have wanted to paint some for a while. The Chosen Axes is perfect for what I want for instance. So for me this is a big plus to at least the narrative style of play that I prefer.


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    I finally managed to get some pictures of this guy. It took me quite a while to paint him but even longer to photograph. As you can see I stuck with my standard Nighthaunt scheme, very similar to what GW. This model does present some new colours to the army and I found them quite difficult to do. For instance the banner fades from my ethereal scheme into a red. This was technically really hard to do and I am not 100% satisfied with the end result but done is done! The stone was also an interesting colour to work with. I wanted it to be cold and washed out like the rest of the scheme tends to be. You can't see on this photo the transition from the stone into the attendants. It came out alright but again it was a steep learning curve. You can see a Burning Head in the background. Its almost done and hopefully I can get a few photos for here once it is finished.


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  12. ChainGhasts.jpg.3c90a1f0129104897757dcd12529b758.jpgHalf of my Chainghasts are finally done. I was complaining about how my Nighthaunt speed painting project was taking so long but these two models have been sitting on my desk for two weeks now and no progress was being made. I'm getting close to the point where I will be able to field an army and report upon how it fares here. I've been jumping between lists a lot and while Chainghasts are in all of them I keep coming to the realisation that I just don't think the Chainrasps are that good and I'm planning on replacing them with Grimghasts. 

    Here is the list I am currently planning on using. Yes it has two sub optimal choices in terms of the battalion and the Glaivewraith Stalkers. I like the models and I see the army as being on a quest/hunt as yet undefined which is most easily reflected in the battalion I chose. As for the rest of the army I think it is solid enough to compensate the weaknesses. I am not planning on winning tournaments with this mainly I want to be competitive and give my opponent a fun game while having fun myself.

    I chose Valentian as he is just an awesome model that I want to have in the army and I don't think that he is half bad at all in the game. The aim would be for him to take out enemy combat characters that my other characters can't easily handle. I can always swap him and the Malevolent Maelstrom out for Lady Olyander which is nice as it would totally change the play style of the army with only a minimal change.

    I envisage the army being very fast and swarming the best targets first to reduce the enemies effectiveness. The Glaivewraiths I would mainly use to get to and hold objectives with the Grimghasts doing the majority of the fighting. Behind them the Chaingahsts and Spirit Torment will buff the actual fighting with my characters acting opportunistically to take out the opponents characters or hamper their ability to fight. The Malevolent Maelstrom is a little bit of back up against magic mainly as I only have a single dispel attempt per turn.

    Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern (140)
    - General
    - Trait: Cloaked in Shadow 
    - Artefact: Midnight Tome 
    - Lore of the Underworlds: Shademist
    Cairn Wraith (60)
    Knight of Shrouds (120)
    - Artefact: Pendant of the Fell Wind 
    Kurdoss Valentian, the Craven King (220)
    Spirit Torment (120)
    20 x Grimghast Reapers (280)
    20 x Grimghast Reapers (280)
    6 x Spirit Hosts (240)
    8 x Glaivewraith Stalkers (120)
    8 x Glaivewraith Stalkers (120)
    4 x Chainghasts (160)
    Death Stalkers (120)
    Malevolent Maelstrom (20)

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