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Everything posted by Sowoky

  1. If they can "lord kroak" the rest of their resin heroes for seraphon, nurgle, skaven, etc over the next few years I'm gonna be broke...
  2. I don't know why so much conversation against battle boxes. Fine for new players, otherwise they rarely have great stuff, just a trap to add another big box to your pile of shame to get 1 little hero.. New armies / army refreshes is where all of my hopes and dreams go.
  3. Battle boxes aren't the only option for an army update. Honestly that's not usually where they get updated. It's almost always "what excess junk do we have around in the warehouse for these two armies?" And include 2 new small, exclusive heroes to move it. Usually significant waves are their own thing. There was a bit of an abnormal example last year (or year before) where STD got a new start collecting box with new sculpts. I could see that happening for beasts or gutbusters. Better than nothing but those are monopose and don't replace the existing kits.more of a bandaid.
  4. New stuff doesn't get start collecting for a long time... Sacrosanct SCE still doesn't have a SC box. There will be starter sets of various sizes if you want the exact sprues you're already getting in dominion... Otherwise you're looking at seperate kits that will be released later.
  5. If it's something like a redemptor dreadnaught, where there is an ETB and a multipart kit, that's great. A unique hero like Astrelia Soulbright is also great. What I am struggling with in modern warhammer is when you have a unit that you want to have multiple of in your army, but there's only 1 kit, and it's ETB. I really can't stand the idea of having 2 of the same sculpt on the table. It's not fun from a hobby perspective, and it's immersion killing on the table.
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