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Posts posted by Voltek

  1. If a Verminous hero uses heroic action to gain a command Trait but he is not your General would he not be able to use the ones that say General? Or can he not even do the heroic action unless he is the General?


    I dont play Skaven but this question came up and could not find an answer 



  2. I have been thinking Vostarg Vulkite spam may be decent in the objective game. Some list ideas I have toyed around with involve 60+ Vulkites. I feel like we can get to a high wound, good save and with ward we have staying power to sit on objectives. Alot of the meta is low model count and potentially we can keep objectives long enough to out score regardless of enemies damage. Basically we could attempt to play it like we are a Sons army. The disadvantage is if we were to play against Sons they would most likely have more bodies on objectives than us.

    I definitely feel like there is something there though. I think Hermdar is the only truly bad subfaction and it's a shame we didn't get more.

    • Like 1
  3. Nothing wrong with Doko stating his opinion, alot of things do look weaker at least right now, matchmaker certainly matters but new books get released over time and new point costs are introduced etc so it's hard to say how it will be for the Fyreslayers moving forward. I'm excited to try out new stuff and hope I can figure out ways to win matches.

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    • Confused 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, madmac said:

    You're paying like 650 points for 30 shield Vulkites and a battlesmith mind you, and getting effectively zero damage out of it. I would only hope it would at least be able to hold for one turn for all that + a once per battle ability, a spell(?) and a CP.

    Oh I agree I'm not sure it's effectiveness either in fact I think the new Fyreslayers are looking to be weaker overall as a book then they currently are and in addition the only things that seem like they will be okish are the Hearthguard Berzerkers still. Which is sad cause I have an entire army of the little dwarves.


    I am hoping there is still some good stuff we don't know about.

    • Like 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, Kelsicle said:

    @PJetski What do you mean when you say 'Effective wounds' as opposed to just wounds?

    I think he means 60 Wounds plus the fact that one third statistically will be saved by the 5+ after save making it effectively 90 damage that the enemy unit must do after armor saves to wipe the unit.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    A normal save is going to come up a lot more than a Ward even with GW's fetish for giving things Mortals and the odds of rolling that 6+ are pretty low. Death aren't exactly dominating the meta despite all of their armies having it innately. 

    Getting the 5+ on a key turn will help though, in addition the new rally will help immensely if we can manage to be out of combat to even use it.

  7. I think the Magmadroth and Fyreslayers on a whole will really change opinion wise depending on what the Forge, prayers, banner, 

    Abilities do as those auras etc are kind of what made the army the army and with save stacking on Fyreslayers specifically not being as good I imagine the stuff that handed our +1 saves post faq will probably have maybe new abilities.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Beliman said:


    1. You said: 
    2. @Marcvs said that you are wrong and proved that there are monsters with worst save, and he only pointed a few because there are a lot more with 4+ save or even worst, 5+ saves.

    Conclusion: doesn't matter if there are 3+ monsters (btw, Ironclad is not a monster), the point is that new monsters (SCE, Kruleboyz, Maggotkin...) are NOT 3+ as you said.


    Stormdrake Guard?

    • Like 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, Lavieth said:

    Is there a "salt rub thread" where posters can go and complain about incomplete rules shown by GW? The frequency of it in the rumor thread really is becoming exhausting at this point.

    Back to the partial rules reveal .... I think this could be the change that gets me on board to start a Fyrelayers army. I have found the Lofnir magmadroth artwork to be quite evocative in the previous Battletomes. Now that they can become battle line I am certainly tempted. The little snippet for their breath weapon seems pretty cool and on point for the purpose of clearing large units. Looking forward to what the rest of their attack profiles do. As a narrative driven gamer I am enjoying a lot of these 3rd Edition changes towards more thematic army builds in each faction.

    As a Fyreslayers player and overall a big AOS fan I gotta say we have to be able to discuss pros and cons and not just say everything is good or everything is trash.

    I think overall what we have seen makes it seem as though Fyreslayers will be weaker however we don't have all the details so that CAN change.

    I am excited to see what happens

    • Like 3
  10. Just now, Nezzhil said:

    I played two tournaments with Kragnos + Troggoths and the list works very well. I think that the best Kragnos list is the Gatebreaker's bro list but the list can compete with Troggs too. 

    My two points are that you should always keep in mind that the number of drops is crucial and you don't need to alpha strike your enemy in your first turn.

    Thanks I probably will try and get him and get him painted for next month or at least by summer. I'm trying to do more GTs with them.

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