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Boingrot Bouncer

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Posts posted by Boingrot Bouncer

  1. To be honest FOMO-boxea are only FOMO if you can't wait 6 months or so.

    The 6 month season on the other side is a bigger problem, with my busy year outside of playing I only managed a handful of games before needing to change all my army lists and the only upside to that is that last season was boring for me due to how the game was forming the game.

    • Like 1
  2. To be honest they could have pieces of the crashed space ship as the bigger terrain-pieces in a box. They have some small ruin-pieces in the box so should be no problem to make som bigger ones.

    After the first box i choose to not buy the next boxes since the terrain was so similar to the first box. So far I have likes the warbands enough that I would have bought the boxes if they would have some different terrain compared to the first box.

    Of course, by now the terrain is already produced so we will just have to wait and see how the terrain is in the 4th box.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Aelfric said:

    Of course, wasn't thinking.  Thanks for pointing that out.  Just so eager to see it had returned, Isuppose.  Oh well, back to Glowy Howzit and rolling ones again.  It is more durable now, so maybe less frustrating.  ( other artifacts are available ).

    It's much improved, you could have a good chance to keep it all game since it's only 1 dice and only if you have taken a wound that turn. But sure, you might lose it round 1 if you are unlucky.

  4. 11 hours ago, Aelfric said:

    I totally agree about the General Trogboss.  Make him as defensive as possible and take a free Mork's Mushroom ( I'll also take the Scuttletide and a Webspinner to cast it ).  I'm leaning towards the Gryph Feather Charm as I've been bitten by the Glowy Howzit once too often.  It's whether to take more Trogbosses or Troggoths that I am considering.  I have been using 2 Trogbosses before and have just painted up a 3rd hoping the Dankhold Troggoths would be worth taking over the Boss.  I feel like they are on first impression, but not completely sold at the moment.  I'll try them out in a game or two and see how they go.

    You can't sadly give Troggboss gryph feather charm since he is not Galletian Champion.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 2 hours ago, ArcLight said:

    I'm not sure if I've missed someone already posting this, but reviews are starting to pop up for the Beasts of Chaos and Gitz books for those that are interested.




    As a  mostly squig/troll player I am not disappointed of the new tome, will need to do some lists and try out in a couple of games but it seems like you could do some good lists.

    However it feels like a army you need to be careful with buff ranges etc. to make it work as good as many other armies work natively and if you play really good you might be quite competitive.

  6. 1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

    They could do something different with Gitmob though. Give the wyverns back to destruction, add all kinds of crazy creatures and warmachines. I wont mind another grot army. Many races have multiple armies. How many Aelves do we have now? Orruks have 3 in the same tome but Gitz has been only Moonclan/Spiderfang for a while now. And at least 2 others exist in the lore that we know of.

    I dont think there has been mention of what could potentially be a new destruction faction. It would have to come out of nowhere like Kragnos if they do. 

    It's true that there are a lot of aelves factions, so if they could make the Gitmob feels very different in lore/looks like the aelves are it could work.

    But with all the freedom of the mortals realm it would be possible to construct a new destruction force that have a total new feel to it and for me it would feel like a missed opportunity to not do something totally outside of the current design space.

    Perhaps make it a force of nature with different elementals, animalistic beasts (although not to similar the current beast faction) etc. Lumineth may have it's elemental temples but this would be the uncontrolled destructive hateful image of the same elements.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

    The temporary truce part also got me thinking. My guess is that they will be getting their own tome some day with more Gitmob and maybe even Grotbag. They arent loyal to Skragrott or da Bad Moon. The biggest clue here are the shields they carry with the evil sun logo and i think they called it Glareface Frazzlegit now. Might be the name for the new faction. Its kinda similar to Gloomspite Gitz too. I'm convinced that this is going to happen, might even be before the end of the edition. Also just saying that Grom is still missing.

    It could also be that they want to keep the door open for Gitmob and therefore test some different design and see what is liked. Might be a Warcry/underworld warband in the pipe. 

    The problem for me that don't have any sentimental memories of Gitmob is that if they release Gitmob separately it will be another orc/goblin-faction instead of a new take on what destruction could be which is a bit sad.

    • Like 2
  8. Yes, the underworld warband was a big "Meh". If it was the first it would be good, but there have already been two  DoK so it feels like they missed the chance to explore new design space. I hade the same feeling for the last DoK since Warcry already had done Khainte in a superb way.

    • Like 2
  9. To be honest we should wait until the reviews are out before being to doom and gloom about the bestest faction there is, but I agree that the problem is not that Gitz needed many new minis (except maybe refresh of some spiderfang units) but that the wolf riders seems so odd to add as a lonely unit.

    • Like 1
  10. To be honest for me, Kragnos feels very underwhelming both in the lore and in games so far. Yes, he is a new center piece hero, but is he so much better than Gordrakk? 

    Two weeks ago on Warhammer weekly Vince talked about that one of the big heroes/god's should die (for a couple of years at least) to bring the narrative forward and it feels like that could be needed. Let Morathi die doing something to enhance her power or have Belakor kill Archaon. You could still play them legally, but inte lore they would be dead, at least for an edition or two.


    For all that happened in broken realms pretty much stayed the same. How cities of signar/stormcast still can be on the same side as Morathi is a mystery to me after what she did and Kragnos became a big "meh" in the end. Sure Nagash is "dead" but that's happened a couple of times already in the stories...

    • Like 4
  11. The idea of battle tactics is in it self not a bad idea but the way it is right now many are non-interactive for the oponent (like having two units in your enemy territory) and coupled with the battle tome tactics most will be completing 4 or 5 without trouble which means that they will have little impact in deciding the winner except in very close games. 

    I would like to see a system where you draw 2 or 3 secondary missions (need to be playtested) at the start of the game which when completed gives you a certain amount of points. Some could be about destroying a unit or it could be about finding a treasure by being in control of a certain part of the map.

    That way both players can compete for the same missions and both will have a chance to be involved in the mission unlike "control one objective that have no opponent GV" or other auto complete tasks.

    • Like 6
  12. 13 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    They've done well, but kruleboyz were a miss, and this edition hates hordes since the rules were written during the 30 minutes where hordes were really good in aos 2.

    The moon should give some good army bonuses, but they need to work on making the different parts of the army play like they should too, and not be terrible at it.

    I have not been much of a horde Gitz player, but yes they should make each subfaction feel good and also not dependent on Kragnos. So for example Squigs should be fast and hit hard but be class cannon (the important thing is that it is a cannon and not towel like now), troggs low but hit lika brick and hard to remove etc. 

    And while we are wishing, how about a possibility to actually do a good mixed force with our supreme leader Skragrott as general?

    • Like 2
  13. 2 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    Is that all of the standalone terrain from the original starter available on it own now or is it trimmed down?

    It doesn't seem to have everything if you read the text and look at the picture, one bigger piece of terrain is missing and all the small pieces was in duplicates in the original box.

    • Thanks 1
  14. What gives me hope about new gitz is that GW have been good in making most new books make the armies play like you feel they should. 

    I would like it to be something similar to how Nurgle play with their disease points in that the army gets stronger and stronger the more the bad moon affect the battle (and let us keep it on the board the whole time thank you!). Enemies gets debuffed and Gitz gets buffed until everything is covered in mushroom.

    • Like 4
  15. To be honest I hope most/all factions will be updated after summer, that means a year where the playing field is as even as you can in 3d edition before the fourth edition. However a year of build up to the fourth edition is a bit long so it feels like some of the times on the road map might be a new faction (even if I dont want anything new, ok Chords can have their tome).

  16. 4 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    List of future Lumineth Temples:

    Too bad they will hold off on Tyrion until they have completed all the Nobel Gases which will have terrible synergies. 

    I am really interested in the radioactive temples, if you thought pink horrors where bad with their split and split again wait until you see the LRL radioactive decay.

    • Haha 2
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