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Posts posted by Asbestress

  1. Inspired by coming to the realisation after working with Steelhelms that the Gloomspite Stabbas/Shootas are pretty not good (mainly in sprue layout and ease of assembly). I'd much rather assemble a 100 Steelhelms than a 100 grots.

    By now, I think AoS has become quite well established in terms of unique miniatures, with some notable exceptions in the form of the most basic of units for several factions. These include:

    • Daughters of Khaine (Witch Aelves/Sisters of Slaughter)
    • Sylvaneth (Dryads)
    • Skaven (Clanrats)
    • S2D (Marauders)
    • GSG (Grots)

    And honorable mentions (due to having been updated recently) for:

    • Seraphon (Skinks)
    • FEC (Ghouls)

    And factions which used to rely on "outdated" basic infantry:

    • Cities of Sigmar (Freeguild Guard)
    • Soulblight Gravelords (Skeletons/Zombies)
    • Ironjawz ('Ardboyz)

    And we of course have Bonesplitterz, Ogors, Spiderfang and Beasts with little to no new minis.

    Now for what I'm thinking; will we see updates for these basic infantry for factions who have already had big refreshes?
    Based on Ironjaws, and hopefully S2D with new marauders, there seems to be some hope, although I still think skinks and ghouls should have been updated (more for assembly/modelling practicality than design maybe).

    So what do we think? New high(er) resolution Clanrats for Skaven? Actually non-static posed grots for Gitz? Or will we be relying on these kits for a while longer?

  2. Apart from my current Cities force, I'm mainly planning;

    • A return to my Gitz, hoping to start off with another arduous batch painting session for 20 Skull Pass Shootas (and finally figure out a custom paint scheme that's not just the basic all-black one)
    • A yellow-black Tau force I've been putting off for a long time with some Votann Demiurg auxiliaries

    Not going off of points, so my goal for these is just being happy with them.

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  3. 15 hours ago, TheMawr said:

    There are blanche concepts around for the gloomspite gitz. And the Spider elements are more in line with the rest of the range, spidersquigs/squigspiders instead of normal spiders, this actually goes back to their roots as thats what they used to be ( also lots of scutlings  style goblin/spider crossovers. ) 

    Concepts being in the open likely equally means they are not coming in that form. But you'd never know.


    Bit disappointed that we didn't get some of those wackier/overtly mushroomy concepts. Great conversion inspiration though.

    In terms of Spiderfang imho they either get straight booted or redone in a more Moonclan style, maybe keeping some regular spider imagery alongside spider-squigs and scuttlings. I could see merging with Bonesplitterz, but not really likely.

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  4. 6 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    I am here to share a rumour/ leaked info that I saw moving on a few of my WhatsApp groups. Don't kill the messenger (I am rewording/ translating, not a copy-pasted message):

    My thoughts:

    This seems to match with the rumours that I heard previously about the project changing drastically midway, and also fits with the fact that we started seeing Kislev content and that Bretonnia has more stuff than Khemri + that O&G has less new material than Khemri.

    What do you think?


    Yeah, as others have already said, we started seeing Tomb King memes and non-human faction symbols on the map at the very beginning, and the TK Dragon would have probably already been in at least the concept phase. 4 person team would be bonkers, and pretty unrealistic for even a relatively small/mid-sized project.

    Here are the people who have gotten mentioned on WarCom articles as working on TOW (at least 10 currently active?):

    • "Rob" (Project Lead)
    • "Giorgio" (Miniature Designer)
    • "Alastair" (Miniature Designer?)
    • "Jonathan" (Graphic Design?)
    • Holly Goodwin (Graphic Design)
    • "Rowan" ('Eavy Metal)
    • "Dan" (Lore Writer?)
    • "Other Dan" (Miniature Designer?)
    • "Kieran" ('Eavy Metal)
    • Owen Barnes (BL Writer, Lore Writer? Mentioned in Cathay article)

    This is without rules writers (who afaik haven't been mentioned by name), and without Stephen May (sculptor of the TK Dragon) and Louise Sugden (made a start on the big world map) who have left GW, and Andy Hoare (former project lead) who has seemingly been replaced by "Rob".

    Most of them aren't "100% just TOW team", but I think the Specialist Games team would have a fair bit of overlap with people working on multiple things.

    I'm still hoping that we might see Kislev and/or Cathay content in the next 2-5 years, like with an "Armies of The East" supplement with Kislev, Cathay, Norsca and maybe some Ogre expansions to Orcs and Goblins and more daemons for WoC or something. Norsca only really needs the old FW stuff rereleased, and a brand new faction (maybe with 2-5 plastic kits and a lot of resin) could be in the release plans as a sorta mid edition sales booster.
    Main hope for this is the separate sections for them in the Core Book and the "yeah Cathay is 100% definitely coming to the tabletop" mention in their WarCom article.

    • Like 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Beliman said:

    Waiting for this dudes...

    Maybe we could get some unreleased Warhammer Forge minis down the line?

    Dwarf airship would be incredible. And maybe the Fimir Matriarch/Dirach for WoC? Hope the files/masters still exist.





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  6. 11 minutes ago, Bosskelot said:

    Not very encouraging when my GW preorder is still listed as Processing on their site.

    Not sure if it's different for direct orders, but a LFGS posted today that GW is having some serious stock problems right now and actually just straight up disabled the option to order a lot of stuff that they currently don't have physically in the store, and for everything Warhammer, since they just don't know when shipments will finally start coming in to the regional distributor.

    So seems like at least the continental European supply situation is real bad even past the immediately vanished TOW launch.

  7. 43 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:


    Oh ya your right!! After more looking the sword is most likely a different kroot unit? Looks like he top indent for both cav are the same, but bottom is different lol

    The tail is most likely for the shadow tease we got a while back. Makes me wonder if we are getting the kroot T-rex back?


    IIRC they said this is just "half" of the kroot stuff.




    And the River Temple stuff would be a great start to my Cities Lumineth allies contingent. And the Solar Auxilia are incredible! And the kroot would fit well with my hypothetical T'au project I've been planning for like 4 years... Oh no.

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  8. 4 hours ago, Kronos said:

    I know I posted something similar the other day, but somebody posted this on a Facebook page. If even a percentage of these came back I’d be over the moon (and then whine that the other percent wasn’t out yet 😅). 

    Anyone know what GW’s CEO’s favourite wine or flowers? 










    Would love a lot of the Empire stuff to come back, but jeez, that demigryph Theodore Bruckner is riding is legit terrifying.





    I mean, it's like weirdly unsettling to me. Really glad they went with more "lion" instead of bird for the plastic kit. I still like it, and certain features would look great on the knights (sharper beak/claws), but somehow the FW one just looks "wrong", like it's more a creature of Chaos than a noble beast. Still like it though.




  9. 40 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    Wait, wait, wait, wait, waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait

    Khalida is not on the Tomb Kings Arcane Journal?????????????????????


    Btw, this is making the rounds on reddit, i dunno whether its fake or not


    Ah, the famous Games Workshop Ltd. living room TV roadmap, a classic!

    • Haha 3
  10. 4 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    The underworlds warband is pretty much confirmed to be soulblight iirc. Rest of it checks out(apart from flagellants) but I'd like to see the warcry nighthaunt too

    Agreed on the flagellants (🥲), but IIRC we only know that the warband's name is "Sondaras Grabräuber", which could still be quite a lot of different things.
    Not to mention that their cat teased a week ago doesn't seem to be too dead.

  11. Maybe we have another case of "RE revealed the same week as it appeared" syndrome for Water Temple?
    Anyway, saw some people doing guesses for Friday reveals, so...



    • Ork character
    • Custodes character
    • Kroot teaser?

    Kill Team

    • Dark Eldar Mandrakes (Monday teaser)


    • Solar Auxilia


    • Morghast hero
    • Callis and Toll
    • Flagellants with Callis and Toll in Dawnbringer box (I want to believe!)
    • First mini for book 5 (mounted Darkoath?)


    • Lumineth Water Temple


    • Cities Tomb Robbers (no Cities bias here)
  12. 24 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    The unreleased Bretonnian Lord on Foot mentioned in an older article is coming to MTO, along with some other stuff.



    They also implied some other models - like the below Games Day Exalted Champion - may be coming back too.


    We'll also be finding out what the next returning army is this weekend.


    If I read the article correctly, this is (probably) not a MTO mini, but a permanent addition to the Bretonnia range. Could work as an alternate Marshal with Relic-Envoy or Arch-Knight, and, uhh, Mascot-Gargoylian? (he even has the same paper seals as Cities!)

    And seems like I'll soon know what new/old Dispossessed/Gits I will be able to add to my Cities/Gloomspite collection...

    • Like 1
  13. 9 minutes ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

    Could it be possible the Morai-heg model is for 40k instead? She's the progenitor of both the Howling Banshees (unlikely, it's a pretty new kit) and the Croneswords the Ynnari are trying to collect. 

    Pretty sure only Ynnead, Cegorach and Khaine (in shard form) are still "alive" from the aeldari pantheon.

    And we've had this DoK inner conflict between Morathi and some crone prophets setup already.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 7 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    I was thinking about the only army that cares aka Lumineth and about the new temple and then I realized that battle traits in lumineth are tied to the temple keyword and with no update on the book, that poor river temple warband will come with no rules at all.


    So maybe, MAYBE, is not just one warband, is the complete river temple with a supplement giving them new rules like ironjawz.

    Considering that the warband will likely include River Temple guys on different levels (e.g.: Alarith Stoneguard, Stonemage equivalents) and probably some small water elementals, maybe it could be split up into several different units for the main game, like "River Temple Warriors" unit, "River Temple Mage/High Warrior" leader, and "River Elemental Mini-horde" special unit?

  15. 3 hours ago, DD-Lord said:

    I would legit love it if Kurnothis, more similar to Skeath's wild hunt, joined the roster of the Sylvaneth.

    Also, a random thought I had yesterday: with the Chaos Dwarves coming back (although the exact time is unknown), what will happen to the Dispossessed Dwarves? Currently, AoS probably holds the record for the largest number of non-traditional dwarves in any fantasy setting.


    Fire and magma-themed warrior-based culture dwarves (to the point that they neglect traditional activities like mining and crafting) that see going mercenary and getting paid as a religious duty because gold has slivers of their dead god.

    -Kharadrons Secularist high-tech steampunk (actually aether-punk) dwarves that live in flying cities and constantly go to expendions to find more of the substance that keeps their cities flying and even complete with one another about it.

    -Chaos Dwarves We don't know how they'll look or how close they can potentially be to their prior incarnation, but we can probably be sure they will be rather unique-looking no matter what happens.

    There's also some others who are just mentioned in the lore, like the Rootkings (tree-hugger dwarves what an abominable concept!). and the Shadow Dwarves.

    And then we have the Dispossessed, who are just... Normie Dwarves who mine and craft stuff. Since they have been featured in the lore since the start of the game and have not been sidelined since, it clearly seems to indicate that GeeDubs is not interested in shelving them, plus Grungni, their god, is also a major character, so suddenly leaving him with no worshippers would feel really odd. So a revamp seems desperately needed, but how can the designers manage to make them stand out in a setting with so many unique Dwarves?

    What are your thoughts?

    On the subject of how to make them stand out, being just "normal" dwarves could actually work.

    Lumineth-ify them a bit (some unique Khazalid Empire history, wacky Realm-crafting shenanigans, ancestor-spirit-walker things, war machines that are also mining equipment, 4-6 kinds of blacksmith/forger/runesmith heroes ala Scinari), and now you have some "traditional" duardin to go with the "berserker honorable mercenaries" of the Fyreslayers and "capitalist innovator sky pirates" of the Kharadron.

    And make a huge Grungni center-piece mini of him posing stoically on some elite demi-god ancestor shieldbearers.

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  16. 4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Imo with chorfs coming and dwarfs joining TOW dispossessed would be removed from CoS either on the free index like PDF we would receive at the beginning of the edition or with the next CoS battletome release. Would they be replaced with new duardin units? I don't think so as we are still waiting a have 2 for humans. If they get replacements it would take several years for them to get back.

    Counterpoint: why remove Wanderers/remaining High Elves from Cities, but leave Dispossessed and the Steam Tank/Gyros (all of which will be able to be bought and used in TOW) alongside Dark Elves (who will not be available for TOW)?

    It'd be easier to just rip the bandaid off and wipe it all out now (or a few months ago 😛) and go with "they are still in the Cities, but the tabletop range mainly focuses on the Crusades, which are mainly human" or something.

    I think if we get a second wave for Cities it'll mainly be Ironweld and Devoted focused, as the Battletome still commonly mentions advanced steam vehicles (which would be nice to have AoS specific minis for), and of course we are yet to explore what the other Cults Unberogen on the transfer sheet are. And maybe we would finally get the long yearned for duardin artillery crew member :D

    • Like 4
  17. 2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    I've been thinking about the pic of the Cat. What if those Tomb Seekers that got leaked are a CoS themed warband based on the concept of archaeologist/ relics hunter similar to Indiana Jones? The Cat would be next to the main character. Some sort of elitist noble that is the one collecting stuff.

    Ohhhh, that could work!

    So far I thought the cat was undead, but looking through the Soulblight range, nothing has red eyes (apart from full actual vampires), and the cat does seem to be a pretty average looking (and very much alive) sphinx cat otherwise.

    IIRC the original German name for the warband was "sondaras grabräuber", so probably something like "Sondara's Graverobbers" in English, and thinking about it now, why would vampires be robbing their own (or their undead servants') graves? Not to mention that Sondara doesn't really sound like a regal/unregal vampire name.

    Blue gem on the collar reminds me of Stormcast, but the brown boot and walking cane don't really make sense for that.

    Going off of the theory that they are Cities, they could actually be a fit for these two REs:




    Maybe a flagellant looking guy who joined the "not Indiana Jones noble guy" to cleanse the graves from Nagash's taint?

  18. image.png.b631bc24bba273d19270ba275003e7f4.pngLegions of Hashut? (Most likely name maybe)

    Since the unthinkable army release seems to maybe actually be happening, I thought a thread collecting all our current info on Chorfs would be a good point to begin the long hype-daemon train to, 2025? 2026? Somewhere there.

    I'd like to clarify that the only books I have mentioning them are the 3.0 Corebook and the little booklet that came with Dominion, so I will mainly be relying on Lexicanum for this one.


    Let's start with Hobgrots.

    • A race between orruks and grots, but still kinda outsiders to them, trading with Chorfs
    • Their equipment is made by Chorfs, although it's the "lowest of the low" in terms of quality
    • More independent mercenaries than slaves

    image.png.b631bc24bba273d19270ba275003e7f4.pngHorns of Hashut

    Next up, Horns of Hashut, who give us some of the more "concrete" info on AoS Chorfs

    • Peoples who "willingly" joined the Chorf empire (when given the choice of that or brutal subjugation into slavery)
    • Live at the heartlands/together with Chorfs, sharing their mentality and worship of Hashut
    • Rising in the ranks earns them better equipment
    • Hashutaar helmets signify rank (bigger hat = higher rank)
    • "Cleanse" areas before Chorfs arrive (destroy forests/rivers, clear ground, set up basic infrastructure)
    • Chorfs described as "producing daemon-engines and weapons of mass destruction" and using "foundries and smoke-belching forges" and "infernal industries"


    And finally, the rest!

    • Forge Anathema: Chorf stronghold in the Salamander's Spine in Aqshy (homeland of the Fyreslayers, now seemingly mostly Chorf holds) (Soulbound)
    • Zharr Vyxa: soul-oil rig in Shyish (NOT Ulgu) protected by black armoured gargants and hundreds of duardian artillerymen (2.0, 3.0 Core Book, BT: SoB)

    Based on these I feel like at least some things from Fantasy Chorfs will stay largely similar (Mesopotamian-ish aesthetics, big industry, daemon-machines), while some have some clues (Hashut is never 100% confirmed to be a god (some in-universe "theories" include being an actual Chaos god, a great "almost Chaos god" daemonic deity (maybe like 40k Vashtorr?), and a Daemon Prince)), while we still have quite a lot up in the air.

    Fair to say, I think this release should hopefully prove really interesting!

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  19. Just now, CommissarRotke said:

    exactly :) they seem like they could be really good narrative foils for "the development of industry" where COS aren't exactly spotless but they do try purifying the lands around cities while chorfs run a slaver empire hellbent on corrupting the lands.

    I swear if we get more diversity in Chorfs than Cities...

    Anyway, back to big hats! Both the hobgrot squad leader and Ruinator Alpha have (maybe arguably) big hats. Hobgrot less so, but they don't deserve it anyway 😛






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  20. 1 minute ago, KingBrodd said:

    It definately will be. Theyll want to put their mark on the Faction and make sure its own identity is known.

    The real question is what will be the name of the faction?

    Current Chaos faction full names are:

    • Slaves to Darkness
    • Beasts of Chaos
    • Skaven
    • Blades of Khorne
    • Disciples of Tzeentch
    • Maggotkin of Nurgle
    • Hedonites of Slaanesh

    So my tips would be:

    • Beards to Lava
    • Duardin of Chaos
    • Chorfs (official full name)
    • Axes of Hashut
    • Acolytes of Hashut
    • Bull Centaurkin of Hashut
    • Industrialites of Hashut
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  21. 5 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Chamon = good cause Tzeentch stuff for sure😇

    Ulgu = good cause coolest realm!


    I'll be happy with either, both realms are interesting. I think Chamon would make sense for Chaos Duardin and Ulgu obviously for Malerion. Skaven could be either, really. I figure Eshin screams Ulgu but they seem pretty universal all in all. I do hope we get cool scenery as well... I hope my scenery will turn out dark/desolate enough cause I kinda decided my Tzeentchian cult is from Ulgu. 

    Whitefang did drop the "This" on a post partly mentioning the Ulgu Chorf magic-oil-rig.

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