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Everything posted by Asbestress

  1. I assume the bandage starts a bit above the wrist and gets wrapped around the fingers from behind and ends in (and hanging out of) the palm. And I don't know if it's the black-ish metal but now that this is in colour it feels even more Cities to me for some reason
  2. Better picture. Arm seems to be injured (hence the bandage). Just noticed the implement is hollow. Maybe it's like a primitive Flagellant aspergillum (things priests use to splash holy water) and it's chained to a container of Aqua Ghyranis? Or maybe it's a bell ringer chained to the bell (hence the nail for hitting the bell).
  3. Hobgrots have big black nails, so probably not Chorfs sadly.
  4. This combined with the weird wood thing (guy in stocks with mace chained to stocks?) = Flagellants to go with Callis and Toll? Maybe these two also go with the burning skeleton?
  5. Definitely Bladeguard Powersword aesthetics. So, Cities Arch-Knight squad?
  6. It's obviously a Cities death mage's censer that isn't exactly the same as the priest in the command squad. Probably something for Inquisition or Lumineth (tassels).
  7. Oh no, how do I make this be about Cities? Uhhhh, Ironweld Engineer with logistics clockwork machine-writer being operated by a Freeguild halfling pulling on the wire off-screen!
  8. It's (imho) definitely not Kruleboyz. Apart from the squared hole for the chain looking similar to Hobgrot grenade pins (which are slightly more rounded), this looks too refined for Kruleboyz (rough woodwork spliced with rotted driftwood, rough nail patches, and beaten, rusted metal). This really does feel like Cities to me (although that might just be favourite faction bias again), especially because I've just finished putting together my first Great Cannon and Fusil-Major whose woodwork is incredibly similar to this (sensibly placed nails, jointed wood pieces, similar rope/wire as cannon crew fire-rod), but I admit the stylized lightning could maybe fit Skaven or Stormcast (although SC don't really use wood). The only thing bugging me is the weird round metal thing behind the woodwork, which for the life of me I can't figure out what it might be. So overall, for today's "Asbestress explains why the Advent Engine is definitely Cities", my guess would be a Steam Tank replacement/Cogfort/Ironweld machine mechanism.
  9. Bit unorthodox, but I went with Freeguild Fusiliers. An incredible infantry kit all around that perfectly captures Cities as a faction imho.
  10. Still hoping for Cities, expecting Krieg. Warcry warband of Ironweld fanatical weirdos? Would fit the pipe. Or engineer with burning standard helper guy?
  11. Probably most likely some shared Krieg purity seal design across their new range, but... CITIES MINI WAVE 2 COPIUM
  12. Didn't see that, thanks! Looking through the BT again, at least some of the Cavalier details and the Fusilier helper's banner is also blowing the left. Consider my wind-based opinion nullified 😅
  13. Only one where the wind is blowing to the left I can think of is Doralia ven Denst, although I think she was only sculpted that way so that she looks good paired up with Galen.
  14. Something I realised; unless this is the backside of a mini, this can't be Cities, since all their minis have the wind blowing to the right, but the paper here is being blown to the left.
  15. Don't think it's mainline 40k. Cross shaped seal would only make sense for Inquisition or Templars, and neither of them are rumoured to be getting anything. The forked paper could fit Templars, but they use metal seals instead of wax. The cross shape could fit Cities (surprise flagellants to go along Callis and Toll? Devoted Cities vs Morai-Heg DoK battlebox based on day 1?), although we have only seen 2 shapes so far (fabric square with a nail through it and an "S" shaped wax seal on Galen), but maybe this for some fancy flaming Flagellant standard bearer? Forked paper also fits all other Cities seals. Remember, I have absolutely no Cities or AoS bias. Only other thing that could maybe fit would be Cawdor for Necromunda, but their design is pretty consistent (square paper with nail through it, doesn't look like the RE). Only thing having me thinking this is the metal pipe through which the skeleton is skewered. So overall, I'd say this is for the next Necromunda starter set of (Insert faction) vs Cawdor Rereredemptionists.
  16. Ogors the size of the Warhulk would be incredible! And regarding Cities, I'm a firm believer that we will get at least a smallish wave next edition (3-5 kits, like Sylvaneth/Nighthaunt) with some proper Devoted and Ironweld support to go along the 1 kit each subfaction got this year.
  17. Stormcast: Thunderstrike Cities: Range Refresh Lumineth: Scinari Enlightener Sylvaneth: Mini wave, new Kurnothi character Seraphon: Range Refresh Kharadron: Codewright DoK: Gladiatrix Fyreslayers: Priest + Warband Idoneth: Thrallmaster S2D: Range Refresh BoC: Beastlord Skaven: Deathmaster Khorne: Ritualist Tzeentch: Curseling Nurgle: Harbringer Slaanesh: Mr. Hubris Soulblight: Ivya Volga Nighthaunt: Mini wave Ossiarch: Ossifector FEC: Range Refresh Warclans: Kruleboyz + IJ Refresh SoB: King Brodd Ogors: Hunter + Gorgers GSG: Squigboss + Rabble Rouser + Trogg
  18. A 2nd wave like that would be incredible, although having a Devoted, Collegiate, and 2x Ironweld medium/big centerpiece kits out of a total of 7 would be a bit overkill. I also think we may have a long term Collegiate thing going on, with us maybe getting 7 more realm/lore based mages over who knows how long.
  19. Main page hasn't been updated with the Red Gobbo articles yet, so there's still probably a chance for a Dawnbringers short.
  20. Even though I don't see the Steam Tank surviving for long (at least until we get an Ironweld Grandtankfortwalkerthingdestroyer) and already being in the process of painting the army box, a Vanguard with a Steam Tank, 2x Steelhelms and a Marshal and something else relatively cheap (Alchemite?) would be pretty tempting. And a Great Cannon or Fusil-Major just wouldn't carry the centerpiece factor a ST would. Not to mention we still haven't seen this Steam Tank which was painted for the new BT in full (I will never let this go 🙃).
  21. According to various sources (off the top of my head), they are based on: Kragnos (especially the Murknob banner with Kragnos on top, orruks below and grots at the bottom)/the orruk holding the shield (eyepatch boy has eyepatch shield)/various spooky stuff (swamp creatures, etc.) to scare victims. No official info sadly, although since both the S2D and Seraphon army sets' contents where different from the Vanguard I'd think the same for Cities and FEC. Castelite formation might be a cool idea (Great Cannon, 2x Steelhelms/1 Steelhelms + 1 Fusiliers and Fusil-Major/Alchemite/Marshal), although I don't know if they would include a full on rules legal battalion in a Vanguard box.
  22. Oh, these seem interesting! Even if the joints don't look the best when just glued with no paint on, I think these will serve as really nice bases for some great paintjobs (probably mostly useful for drybrushing/extreme edge highlighting/maybe contrast to tint the blue plastic?). Really interested in seeing if these actually look decent in person/in some reviewer's hands.
  23. What a reveal to wake up to! Absolutely love the Dark Angels kits, might even get me to finish my half-done Kill Team. FEC are finally what the lore has laid them out to be (armour! actual weapons!) and Ushoran is an absolute beast of a model, but I'm a bit surprised the regular Ghoul and Horror kits are staying. And the lore behind them has me wanting to kitbash some of those "delusional what-ifs" into actual Cities of Sigmar models (Command Corps Judge for more established settlements?). Kruleboyz warband is fine. The whole range has been surprisingly good overall (apart from imo the new Warcry team), so these may find their way into the "allies" section of my Gitz. Tomb Kings dragon is not something I would have expected, but I'm really glad it's more of a construct than a reanimated corpse. The Tomb King's face is a bit weird (like the resin foot one), but the High Priest is surprisingly decent. And mummy cat is not something I knew I wanted.
  24. More Flesh-Eater Courts teases? I'd also say ogors (the only other faction known for cravings), but FEC seems just a tiny little bit more likely.
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