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Posts posted by Asbestress

  1. 8 hours ago, Shankelton said:

    Looking for some conformation if the Snarlfang Aesthetic has more too it atm. IE; a few more kits for the gloomspite tome. Ultimately I do feel like they need to add more, as the wolf riders really stick out like sore thumbs atm, but that could be on the scale of years. I don't know if I want to wait in limbo for THAT long before getting into the army.

    Looking at you Malerion Elves and Chorfs. I love you, but that is not a waiting train I want tickets too atm xD.

    I mean, at least Chorfs have some more concrete hints at coming than "Malerion is sitting on his lazy boy in Ulgu".

    More concrete as in being stated to be rapidly approaching Thondia. Imo Chorfs will be the Ossiarchs of 3rd edition, with hints at their coming beginning at the, well, beginning of the edition (can't really remember anything for Ossiarchs, but Hobgrots + their descriptions for Chorfs), and hints continuing through the edition (e.g.: Horns of Hashut, with their masters marching towards the Gnarlwood/Thondia). And they already have a leader unit named in the Orruk Warclans BT in the form of a Hellsmith.

    Might be just them setting up for future potential expansion, but I'm willing to bet Chorfs will be the big thing after we get all remaining 2.0 BTs updated by next Fall (apart from River/Zenith Temple for Lumineth...).

    Also, that Squigboss is amazing!

    • Like 3
  2. 15 minutes ago, Sigmarusvult said:

     I have just found this on the eBay page of an independent hobby store based in the UK 

    I can't tell you how excited I am for a new BoK book ! 👹


    Maybe that list a few days has guessed somethings right about BT release order...

    • Like 1
  3. 32 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

    So with the updated rumors we got a clearer picture of what is staying and what is going:

    Being cut:

    • Wanderer- 6 units
    • Shadow Warriors
    • Darkling Coven basic Infantry- 3 units
    • All Freeguild- 9 units
    • Pirates and Order Serpentis Chariots- 2 units
    • Helblaster Volley Gun & Helstorm Rocket Battery- 2 units
    • Collegiate Arcane- 6 units


    • Most of Ironweld Arsenal- 5 units
    • Assassin and Dark Riders combined with around half of Darling Coven- 6 units
    • Dispossessed- 6 units
    • Phoneix Temple- 6 units
    • Remaining Order Serpenits combined with remaining Pirates- 6 units

    So wow them combining and cutting gave us 4 non human races with 6 units in each.

    Also very proxy/kit bash friendly with only the Chariots and Mage Cart being the units I don't see having a good replacement?

    I'm honestly expecting a bit more Dark Elf stuff to be cut, and no matter how much I love the Steam Tank, I still roll around in bed, sleepless at night, fearing it's inevitable retirement...

    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Draznak said:

    This is the word (God knows if I still wish this list was true).

    According to the AoS 2023 roadmap, there is only one BT (Order) for the summer. But that makes two. In principle, I would tend to trust an official communication channel more...

    As unlikely as this list is, I think we could see more than 1 BT in the Summer. GW isn't famous for exhaustive roadmaps...

  5. 3 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

    That feels like a lot of stuff to squeeze out in half a year, particularly for Seraphon that seems like wishlisting, but as far as rumours go I could believe most of that list being plausible, sure.

    Apart from that looking suspect, it would surprise me to get even a single duardin for Cities :(

  6. 3 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    It's literally an existing axe bit on the Hearthkyn kit.


    Between this and the already existing Votann shotgun RE I think they've just given up at this point.

    Maybe a similar situation to the Mega-Gargant RE that had already been released by the time the image got put up, and this is for a new Votann Kill Team/Hearthkyn with upgrade sprue?

    • Like 1
  7. Also, any ideas what the remaining REs might be?




    Probably Slaanesh or 40k Sisters of Silence (although Hedonite mortals have hooved boots, so maybe a fancy CoS human general?)




    Seraphon spear. Probably not tied to a gargant/ogor/Chaos warrior as a trophy




    Kharadron/Cities book-launcher



    New DoK/CoS Dark Elf warband for February



    Grass. Seraphon? Idoneth? Grassikin Rootlords?







    Flesh-eater Courts most likely







    Sigmar, let these be a Cities mace cigar, mace, and mini-Cogfort turret hatch












    More Seraphon looking stuff.





    Gits? Gallet Incarante?

    • Like 2
  8. RumourEngine Dec13 Content

    New RE

    100% Votann, same pattern on the handle and same attachment point for the blade to it.

    My sweet Dispossessed look to remain untouched for the Cities refresh, which I suppose is better than getting chopped...


    Edit: Votann shovel for context




    • Like 2

    18 hours ago, RyantheFett said:

    I have been convinced by the Sigmar community that Cities was never a real faction and that GW was keeping it part of the game until they released Old World and/or the human faction they really wanted. Will be paranoid about this until I see those warscrolls lol.

    The leaks from both people have overall been a mixed bag. Seems like Cities will remain the muti race faction with at least some Dwarfs, Elves, and Ogres so that is great! On the other hand, the non human units being trash and the hint that the Start Collecting boxes saved most of them is sort of ominous....

    I feel they knew what they wanted to do with what would become CoS pre-2019. Give all the Battletome-less factions books in one swoop, and setup a place for the new "Imperial Guard" to the Stormcasts' 'Space Marines' (I'm really glad SC have really moved away from just being fantasy SM both in lore, and more recently in models).

    Regardless of what they are planning for Old World, units were going to be trashed no matter what happened, as imo there was a bit too much repetition (especially with the 4-5 flavours of basic infantry), and getting rid of Wanderers, and probably a fair amount of Order Serpentis, Darklings and Privateers, while not the best move in regards of respecting existing collections, had to be done at some point.

    Whetever CoS will stay cosmopolitan depends on what we'll see in the upcoming release(s), although the rumour of City Ogors makes me think we won't be seeing a duardin/aelf-less CoS in the future.

    Also, basing what remains on Start Collecting boxes probably serves to make people who started CoS with the first Battletome more likely to have armies that don't get invalidated, as they are more likely to have bought them.

    • Like 2
  10. 27 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    We usually get news the Christmas Day:

    2021: Eldar vs CSM
    2020: Sisters vs Dark Eldars and Mortal Slaanesh
    2019: Tzeentch vs KO and Dark Angels

    Forgets the one who said the same a few hours ago...
    Anyhow, that'd probably be the place for the last few things for the Winter to be revealed.

  11. 22 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:
      Hide contents

    Cawdor riders
    Corpse Harvesting Party (Forgeworld)

    Age of Sigmar
    Slaves to Darkness Full Release
    Beast of Chaos - Battletome, Hero, Cards, Dices
    Gloomspite Gitz - Battletome, Snarlfangs, Cards, Dices
    Spring Order Battletome
    Spring Chaos Battletome
    Spring Chaos Battletome
    Spring Death Battletome
    Spring Death Battletome
    Summer Order Battletome

    Nightmare's Quest

    Second warband + rival's deck

    Horus Heresy
    Ultramarines Heads + Pauldrons (Forgeworld)
    Thousand Sons + Pauldrons (Forgeworld)
    Horus Ascendant
    Salamander heads + Pauldrons (Forgeworld)

    Warhammer 40k
    Astra Militarum Full Release
    World Eaters Full Release
    Arks of Omen: Abaddon
    Arks of Omen: Angron
    Arks of Omen: Vashtorr + Vashtorr
    Arks of Omen: Unknown

    Blood Bowl


    So, seems like we know pretty much everything up until February?

    Based on roadmaps we've gotten, Imperial Guard and StD in January, World Eaters and Gloomspite Gitz in February with Arks of Omen 2, with poor BoC squeezed in somewhere in Winter, and that mystery DoK/CoS Dark Aelf Underworlds warband.

    All that's left for something like LVO in terms of reveals is maybe some surprise Gloomspite or BoC, and a lot of 40k characters for Arks of Omen, so maybe we could be seeing something for the Spring Order Battletome in late January there. Fingers crossed for CoS 😛 (or, us just getting them either as the Spring or (probably very early) Summer BT. Cities would be quite fitting for a large Warhammer Fest AoS reveal before a 10th edition 40k finale in May, if we don't get them during Spring)

  12. 30 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    We've had no advent REs this year ☹️ Does this mean we'll not be getting a Christmas Day reveal? 

    And if we are getting one, any clues what it might be? 

    "This is the last major preview event of the year and there are some surprises in store. That said, there may also be a few festive treats under our digital tree when the end of the year rolls around…"

    From when they announced November's preview.

    Probably something like Azrael or Dante (or both) for 40k.
    Or maybe something for 40k and something for AoS (like last year where we got new Eldar and CSM for 40k, and then that Idoneth vs FS box got teased in the same article and was shown on the monday after Christmas day)



    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  13. 22 minutes ago, FireAbend said:

    Today any previews or 2022 done?

    If you are referring to the Sunday preview, I think we'll just get Arks of Omen: Abaddon, alongside those Void War terrain kits, and probably some leftover FW stuff announced for next week's pre-orders to close off the year. And maybe some more Necromunda or Bloodbowl stuff on Monday. The next "not a single FW mini" reveal will most likely be on the 25th.

    • Thanks 2
  14. All I hope for is CoS coming out in Spring or Summer.
    They can't stretch out these render previews until Fall. Even Sisters of Battle (didn't shorten to avoid confusion with a certain factions of gargants), who I do actually believe were in active development for at least the first few articles, only got a few with just renders (the initial reveal, an update a few months later, and then at the beginning of the "Battle Sister Bulletin" series they did)
    before they showed us a full mini.

    And if I were to look at World Eaters reveals (who first got a CoS style article a day after the refresh was announced), they are releasing in the Jan-Feb-March time, so maybe we could see the range refresh (if we do get it Spring) after them?

    And if the Spring Order BT isn't CoS, then I don't think we'll be seeing the refresh until late Fall/early 2024 (prime army release times have been early-mid Spring (Soulblight, Lumineth Wave 2), early Winter (Gloomspite Gitz, and now StD) and mid Fall (Lumineth Wave 1))

     Or who knows, maybe we'll have enough renders by Spring to put together half the army 😛

    • Like 3
  15. Anyone got an opinion here when the first preview event is gonna be next year?
    I would say first week of January, but since last year we didn't have a New Year open and just got a teaser video, I'd guess it'd be the LVO.

    Any speculation for early 2023 reveals?

  16. image.png.c76a94f434eefe0e7a282dfabdc86080.png

    Quick update

    12 hours ago, Chikout said:

    That’s an interesting list but pretty pessimistic when it comes to new kits. I’m expecting a demigryph knights equivalent, especially as the recently revealed armour looks to be from a mounted knight. I’m also expecting a general equivalent, at least one warmachine and a new griffon equivalent. That would be 11 kits, the same as the Leagues of Votann release and three fewer kits than the Gloomspite got last time around. 

    Yeah, just wasn't really sure what to add. Also, the underlining for the Executioners and Freeguild General was accidentally swapped. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get a generic Witch Hunter kit, but then again, what is stopping GW from releasing more of them?
    The big centerpiece could either be "Hammerhal? Named Character on Griffon/with Katakros diorama", or maybe a new warmachine. Or something entirely different 😛 

    As for the armour pic


    AoS SigmarArmour Nov9 Image2

    I think that the torso could be for a new knight unit (with the arm on the torso being a "guide" for the shield, letting it slot into position easier), and the right bit of armour is a "groin flap" for it maybe, but I think the lone boot is for the new Greatsword equivalent because it doesn't have a stirrup (the slot for a leg on a saddle), and as I think the bits they are showing have all already been cut up and made into sprues (and are nicely sitting in Army Boxes in a warehouse in Nottingham with manufactured unit cards, dice, and Battletome), I don't think they'll be adding one to it.



    AoS SigmarArmour Nov9 Image3

    Also, I think these are definitely horse armour, because the Sigmar bit on the right one



    Fest2022 Humans May5 Image1

    Is the same as the one on the bottom left here, so it's a bit big to be a shoulder pad (expect if we are getting some City Ogors, which I highly doubt)

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  17. 12 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    I like the detail how the red line just crossed them out instead of underlining them. xD 

    i won’t be surprised if the tech stuff and Cogsmith go(as he now lacks artillery) if this wave is to replace humans & religious units with new Dawner soldiers out on the rugged frontiers holding down the settlements backed up by all the aelven warriors and monsters to fit Ghur’s theme.

    the tech might have to come back in follow-up waves. Could be cool if it’s treated like a game of Civilization with primitive settlers first, steampunk and tech advancement next and finally Wizard and magi-tech supremacy for late stage free city metropolises.


    Starting out with just more basic units (with maybe something more impressive as a centerpiece release) is how I was thinking they'd do it too. Fits with the theme I guess. Although I wonder what the timespan between the first and second waves will be (if we get a second). Could be Lumineth with just a few months, could be a few editions.

  18. image.png.4f4efcc6b70fb45b459c16f8bffc8788.png

    Based on the new rumours, these are my predictions for the current units.
    Green: High chance of staying
    Blue: High chance of staying + new kit
    Orange: Unsure (probably should have put some more Darkling and Order Draconis units here and the Cogsmith)
    Red: High chance of getting removed

    I really hope my dear Steam Tanks will stay. Apart from the whole "mortals in this wacky high fantasy place!" part, that unit did the most to convince me to start with CoS. At least my Freeguild and Disposessed stuff might stay in.

    • Like 1
  19. 21 minutes ago, Wraith said:

    Did the sharer of leaks state there will still be two seperate tomes? if so, when will a new CoS tome be released?

    I find it surprising that GW would drop miniatures from their range while still having war scrolls in a current tome. Possibly the Dawnbringers tome will include two build options, similar to how Stormcast can choose the deep strike version or the CoS integrated version.

    If I'm reading into this correctly, the main Battletome will be "Cities of Sigmar" (like BT Orruk Warclans), with subfactions like Disposessed, Phoenix Temple, whatever the new humans will be called/Dawnbringer Crusades (Dawnbringer maybe like the Big Waaagh, where you can include stuff from all other subfactions? Or probably just the name for the new humans?)

    • Like 2
  20. Wanderers leaving would be a surprise to be sure. Maybe if we think GW has some plans for the future we could be getting some Coalition rules for Kurnothi whenever they happen to pop up as an army. Although I don't have any Wanderers (damn Sylvaneth sympathisers...), if I did, I know I would be pretty damn bummed about suddenly not having (as far as we know) any support outside of Legends.

    Disposessed and Phoenix Temple staying I expected (although never in a million years would I have thought we'd be getting Phoenix Temple instead of Wanderers), so I'm pretty happy my predictions came true on that front. I'd be a bit "disposessed" about not having my dworf flamethrowers.

    Darklings and Scourge Privateers staying are unexpected but, logical, I guess? Privateers have Misthavn as a city, so they have the same reason to stay as Phoenix Temple (although the Living City will be left with just Sylvaneth without Wanderers as 'unique' stuff), and (kinda weird to type out) Darkling Covens actually have some pretty unique and interesting lore, with each city's Covens being controlled by a single Sorceress, and mostly secretly being loyal to Morathi (and/or perhaps Malekith in the future?), so I think they could be sorta analogous to Genestealer Cults I guess. And maybe whenever we get Malekith Aelves some Darkling units could be coalitioned into that army. Add to that the fact that the current old DE units are imo some of the better looking sculpts in Cities that wouldn't have anywhere to go (apart from being refugees in DoK I guess?). Also, could this be some evidence for these "Arenai" being Darklings or Privateers instead of another DoK warband (how many have we had anyhow)?

    Also, how many new kits do people think this CoS refresh probably have? Lumineth had 9-ish in their first wave I guess (Freeguild + Flagellants + Ironweld humans make up around 8-9 kits), and Soulblight had 11, so I'm thinking around those numbers, as it would give us a good human core, and allow for perhaps 1-2 more "esoteric" units (new "Azyrite human" battlemage? Phoenix Guard? Steam Machine?)

    Guess I was right in thinking this was going to be a spring release based on Lumineth and Soulblight. Changing my mind thinking it was summer is going in the grudge book, I suppose.

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