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Posts posted by Freypal

  1. Feel sad for the BoC and BS players, really horrible news. I actually own quite a few beastmen from WHFB days and I'd considered re-basing them onto rounds, glad I didn't now...

    As someone who got into Stormcast with the Soulwars box I'm pretty gutted about the Sacrosanct deletion. In any fantasy setting I've always been drawn to the Warrior/Mage hybrid / Paladin archetype. In any MMORPG I've played that's what I've been drawn to for example. The Sacrosanct models gave me a way of playing out that interest on the tabletop. I understand I can proxy my Sequitors as Liberators but to me that's not the point as I've lost the narrative/playstyle that interested me. I wouldn't have minded if they'd said they were slimming down the range of Sacrosanct and updating them to Thunderstrike. It's the fact that archetype is now completely gone from the tabletop. Sad times. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, madmac said:

    Now that I think about it, the hero thing is potentially really awful for armies that have very few heroes available, like BoC(I know I know, I don't care) or Bonesplitters. In a lot of cases you might end up not only having to buy heroes you don't particularly want, but even multiples of the same hero just to fill out regiments. Not to mention the inherent "Oh you want to run a spare cavalry unit? Better own this specific hero or pay the auxillary tax!" problems that could arise.

    I thought the reverse might also be true. Take Fyreslayers with loads of heros and only a few unit choices. Will each hero unlock a single unit type...?

    • Like 1
  3. Ah I didn't realise they were built from quarrellers too. I remember there being a bespoke kit in 6th for rangers. I think they were metal? I guess these won't be coming back then like the metal longbeards.

    Really looking forward to getting the arcane tome and diving into the lore for this period. I'm hoping it will delve into the different holds and what they're up to in this period. 

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  4. 4 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

    He would be very young if he was, and living fairly happily in or around Karaz-a-Karak not having taken the Slayer Oath.

    I've always liked the idea that his axe has had multiple bearers over the centauries, with Grimnir trying to create a new avatar each time, and somehow ending up back in the Chaos Wastes for the next unlucky dwarf to find. We could see it in TOW with a completely different wielder.

    Sounds like a fantastic idea for some more stories!

    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Mordeus said:

    We do not talk about dispossessed here anymore, they have been repossessed! Jokes aside I doubt they will have a classic dwarf army in AoS now if TOW becomes a thing and Dwarfs here get an update. Either way I am happy my stunties are back with up to date rules! Making lists in TOW is such a better experience than AoS. I've already written 5 completely different lists with what I have, when in AoS, as CoS, I pretty much had only one or two options. I could write a dozen without much effort just by playing around with the hero loadouts and composition. Fun times!

    I've been finding I'm accepting AoS more for what it is since diving into ToW. Dwarfs have always been my go to and they were my main fantasy army back when I played in 6th edition. I've been trying to find that same love for dwarfs in AoS since starting it but I just couldn't. I really like the fyreslayers but always craved the classic look and whilst the Dispossessed are cool, they've never been enough to standalone.

    Now I have my classic Dwarf army/fix back, I can enjoy what AoS "does" offer rather than focus on what it "doesn't" offer. 

    • Like 4
  6. Got a notification this morning that the books are due to be delivered today. Excited to dive into all the lore and start theory crafting! 

    Do we have any idea what time or in what format the next army announcement will be in? I'm guessing it will appear on warcom as an article at some point rather than a stream?

  7. 35 minutes ago, Sathrut said:

    It's safe to assume the remaining factions will receive a similar amount of attention that TK/Brets did.

    I think this is an interesting topic... Will they all get the same amount of love and new toys as the "launch factions" or are some going to be like a lot of AoS armies where they just get a single updated hero (as per dwarf rumour?)

    I guess we will find out soon!

  8. 1 hour ago, silverstu said:

    I think it's great - builds up relatively quickly and then allows them to add in new/fresh kits the following year. 

    I wonder if we are likely to see new things for Dwarfs/Orcs and Goblins since the lists are already set? The Arcane Journals for Tomb Kings and Brets seem to only add special characters and variant units for kit bashing. They could do something different with the future ones, maybe we will find out this weekend. Have there been rumours for what might be coming? A dwarf juggernaught was a potential, or a king with shieldbearers , possibly Rangers? Not sure what might come for O&GS.

    I kinda hope the O&G and Dwarf release is staggered as I played both of these back in the day and still have my old collections. I don't want to (or my wallet doesn't want to) buy two large boxes at the same time / in quick succession 😄

    Seems like a lot of the Dwarf range was fairly new so it will be interesting to see what gets updated or if it is just the rumoured shield-born lord. 

    O&G rumour was the wyvern and pump wagon wasn't it?

    • Like 1
  9. 44 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Warcry is moving in that direction though as I pointed out with the chameleon skinks and the gorgers. With Underworlds it's more difficult. Honestly the best way to use them is as alternative sculpts of existing characters like the recent plague priest. 

    Also why did Skaven make you hate Underworlds? All three of those warbands are fantastic. 

    I guess this is more what I meant with regards the underwold mobs, you're proxying them in for existing models or filling out specific small slots. I'm not familiar with the Ogor and Seraphon ranges but I did see the Flameseekers seemed better for FS. So maybe if this is the direction for Warcry to make them more cross compatible with AoS then it would work.

  10. 1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

    The plan is to cover this 9 factions during this edition. I don't understand the expectation that it is gonna be a tsunami of releases when they always talk like it is a long term project.

    6-12 months for adding new factions to the webstore is the most viable roadmap.

    I expect this to be the case too and fully understand why logistically it has to be so. It's just a bit of a shame though. For games like AoS and 40k it doesn't really matter if there is a staggered release as you can buy existing models and play with either an Index or the old Codex/Tome. I guess this is why people would prefer it to be a quicker drop for ToW.

    It's nice all the faction rules have dropped up front though

  11. 35 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

    Yeah, exactly. 

    The funny thing is I started AoS with Stormcasts (and Blades of Khorne). I was pretty damn proud of myslef when I painted the whole box and it took me some effort. Like a week later GW announced first expansion to Stormcasts. I already felt overwhelmed. Before I bought this extra units Stormcasts received their first dragon and a book supplement. To be honest I took into consideration resigning from the hobby. I couldn't keep up with this pace. And later those ranger/hunter Stormcast arrived. At that time I was already disliking SC. After Dominion I became Stormcast hater (little joking here).

    It just felt sooo unfair and unwise to pump these golden boys even more when Fyreslayers really had like 3 infantry units two of each were dual boxes. Several other armies in desperate need of new models. And then we get another wave of SC. Seriously?

    I am aware of this "they are easy to paint" argument why they are in every starter set but still think it's just bad. It would be perfectly ok for SCE not to get a single model in the whole 4th edition. Other armies need these model much, much more.

    Agree with this feeling... I got into Stormcast with the Soul Wars box and was pretty keen to build on the sacrosanct theme. Love a bit of the magic using tank / paladin theme. Then Dominion came and whilst I do genuinely prefer the slimcast models, it left me feeling like I couldn't really be bothered with them. I have a massive pile of unassembled Stormcast I've acquired through things like Stormbringer magazine and I just can't bring myself to even open them. I was recently thinking I might well pass on the 4e launch box which would be the first time I've done so on a launch box. 

    I really want to get into my Fyreslayers more. Just need a few more options for visual variety...

    • Like 1
  12. 47 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Do we know if this arena "battle" is the first time that it has happened? Looks like, right?

    Arena of Death Finals – Meet the Undisputed Champion of the 41st Millennium - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)

    I would love something similar with the AoS models.

    It's been done a few times to smaller degrees. They did it with Gotrek;

    Gotrek vs the Mortal Realms - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)

    They also did it with the new Avatar of Khaine for 40k

  13. 2 minutes ago, Someravella said:

    From The Honest Wargamer today's stream:

    - Snarlfang riders were intended for TOW  but ended up in AoS somehow.

    - BoC are very likely to be removed from AoS at some point.

    Wouldn't be shocked to see BoC removed. Struck me as odd that they were the only faction to be 100% compatible with both AoS and ToW rather than just on legacy ToW support. I wonder if a limited selection of units might get souped into other chaos AoS armies :(

    • Thanks 1
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