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Snorri Nelriksson

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Posts posted by Snorri Nelriksson

  1. 3 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    I followed the instructions they said in the article:

    "Sign up for our newsletter today, and we’ll send you an exclusive hint at the mysterious threat terrorising the swamps of Ghur."

    And I received the next image:



    It is clearly a Destruction army similar to the LOTR/The Hobbit Orcs and Goblins. The image resembles a lot with Peter Jackson's Gothmog or the Mordor's Uruk-Hai

    I'd say these icon are more similar to the whfb\GW greenskins classic ones.
    Still what does these mean though? They're sort of "tribute" to the evil sun, *idk* and Bad moon?

  2. I agree with @KriticalKhan, Fimir like most of the old "forgotten pieces" should not be left in the bin.
    Even as a little gorup of units like trolls or as support for some other forces.
    Also the bronze age vibe is still unexplored in the realms (partially Kragnos though) so there's room for them in some way.

  3. 1 minute ago, Vasshpit said:

    I like them much more than destruction centaurs. 

    Silly pony boy. Im still so very curious how Gordrakk reacts to him. 

    I hope Headbutting him very hard like the Old Grimgor against Archaon 😂😂.

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  4. I'd say at least a proper first or second wave for all the new 1st edition Aos armies left in shambles (Ironjawz,Fyreslayers and so on) and the legacy armies with too much finecast (like Skaven).
    If we're talking about brand new armies and or ideas going by GA:
    Order: Faithful of Sigmar reinforcement for Cities and\or Grungni-Valaya brand new classic-dwarves (perhaps absorbing old dispossessed).
    Death: Deadwalker own army, some meat monsters and zombie nobilty like in the lore.
    Chaos: Chaos duardin, is the only possible new angle still not explored in chaos forces (not counting FW models that got unfortunately canned).
    Destruction: Evil Sun worshipper or something like that mixing Grotbag  air Grots and Gitmob wolf-riding grots, the first updating the old "contraptions" of goblins in whfb.

  5. Fimir, like skaven and zoat, are ones of the "most original" Gw concepts of old though, if they want to get them back they could just cut off the bad lorepieces (that also beastmen had partially).
    Still i'd cast my lot with the new greenskin type.
    Ironically enough in whfb there were in some white dwarf armylists sea and swamp grots: the Troglagobs (goblin sea cousins) and Goblars/Boglars (swamp Gnoblars).

    • Like 1
  6. Good morning!
    I'm a long time lurker finally deciding to come on board XD.
    I own curently some cities( old whfb dwarf army mostly and some empire forces), Kharadron and bonereapers forces.
    I started with whfb dwarves and i really love them in any shapes we saw in whfb and Aos.
    Thanks everyone!

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