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Snorri Nelriksson

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Posts posted by Snorri Nelriksson

  1. 29 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    This poses an interesting dilemma as they claimed folks would be able to use their old WHFB armies in the new game but I guess that won't apply to named characters? 

    Maybe they'll create some sort of legend warscrolls for old special character but i think they'll go on making new mostly.
    Some of them could be even back in a yonger form like the elves or dwarves (the current high king in the timeline should be Thorgrim's uncle iirc and probably we'll see a younger version of Thorgrim himself),Lizards,vampires  and TK should not be even affected by this.
    Orcs and Goblins probably will have Gorbad Ironclaw back and some others.
    Empire and Bretonnia will have ll new characters, probably prepping up to expand the story leading to the great chaos invasion of Asavar Kul(and maybe finally doing a Magnus the pious model).

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  2. 6 hours ago, MitGas said:

    I can‘t imagine them not getting that right honestly, it‘s such a big part of the universe/lore that pretty much everyone is bad to some extent (and heroic in their own way), it would be a total failure on their part. Not gonna happen. I‘ll at least give them that. 

    Surely we will get some glorification of Imperials but they‘ll definitely look behind the curtain, it would be a missed opportunity else… :)

    They will do something like every heroic imperial characters in the books "one of the few sane man in the house trying to fight to bring a spark of hope"(Gaunt's ghosts,Gulliman and some other people for example).
    They make a great contrast trying to "make you feel" how the galaxy is fudged putting symphatetic characters trying to live on in the worst situation, and every faction is not "good" and has many downsides(hoping to see some xenos at least though).
    Still they should nail the gothic asphyxiating feeling of the grimdarkness of the setting with all the bad thing going on.
    My biggest worry is about how the'll portray chaotic characters....i would hate if they'll minimixe the big 4 aspects to just some basic things like some saturday morning cartoon villains ,Chaos is the heart of the setting and has many layers that if not epxplored fully could bring some narrative issues imho.

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  3. Next edition realm focus will be imho obviously a mix of Ghur and mostly Ulgu as "probably" we'll see the rightful Phoenix king coming back.
    But i dread we'll get another empty year...a single full release like cities can't full the drought of last year :P .
    I always hope for more duardin but i know we will not see anything for a long time sadly (unless chorfs comes out at least).

    • Confused 1
  4. What if the "Dawnbringer crusades" allegiance is a mean to take other order armies troops like KO or Dok?
    Considering the lore in those crusades participates also other order forces like DOK and Fyreslayers as they are a joint effort to reclaim the realms.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Captaniser said:



    For the sake of everything sacred to the big 4 please be something like this if not Chaos ogres(that would make a nice warband)....
    They already renewed Chameleon skinks, Centigors coming back in plastic would be a blessing (and i don't even play beasts)...and also it would confirm that warcry will become something like kill team: a game where we could se updates for old units.

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  6. 9 minutes ago, Asbestress said:


    Might be just baseless speculation, but that lone Summer Battletome looks mighty suspicious...
    Perhaps a quick release just before (June)/a bit after 40k 10th edition (August)?

    Probably we'll get more battletomes in summer but pointing it out the order first seems also to me it will be cities.

    • Like 2
  7. While the Gitz and Wolf riders are beautiful releases (hoping that some of those gloomspite will become new units for the army like the squig fling) i'd say i'm a pretty disappointed.

    Beasts get a single hero (not even that good imho) and a battletome like many others while they needed more, so "much" for the era of beasts.

    I hope wolf riders are in Gloomspite waiting for a proper Gitmob(and maybe Grotbags) battletome in the future tbh,Gloomspite already have Spiderfang,adding other "subfactions" could be a problem.

    And the roadmap seems pretty bad because i can't see much other than battletome+hero package.
    Summer battletome probably is cities, the spring ones that maybe will get something other than the hero is order (lizardmen) and Death (Fec) considering the rumor engines.
    Also i hope the other death battletome incoming is Soulblight because it would means Bonereapers will get just an hero (that they don't need).

    And i think with the 10th edition of 40k incoming it will only worsen (unless they'll do like Aos 3rd edition begin with months dedicated for the starter armies).....or maybe i'm too pessimistic.

    • Like 2
  8. 59 minutes ago, Saiken said:

    Although, the lack of Beastmen related preview is quite disturbing :S

    Considering the warhammer tv countdown image maybe we'll also get some beasts?
    I don't think Aos will be just some info about a new kit, the preview is about the "narrative" so "MAYBE" we'll get more than just 1 announcement.
    A road map would be great.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    Is it weird that I absolutely adore the idea of 40k Beasts?

    Like I would throw down for them 100 percent.

    Although I am starting to realize that if AOS and Old World are truly model compatible that I am almost 100 percent going to run Beasts in that system.

    Considering black fortress they'll probably come with the Lost and the damned army for 40k chaos.

    About the silhouettes:
    1)I'd say specialist but i really don't recognize anything from Necromunda.
    2)If Gitmob it would be hugeeee.....maybe heralding the "next Destruction faction"?(Gitmob+Grotbag?)
    3)Ark of omens daemon mechycharacter
    4)Gloomspite warband for underworld
    5)World eaters.

  10. IIRC most of those things were not even said in the same post...the "whole year leak" that came before was completely wrong also.
    Battletomes prediction are "easy" considering what armies got a WD article,with some "guesses"(or i'd say jokes) like Silent people.
    I hope we'll get something akin to the 40k huge leak for the next year but seems all the peoples who can "know" won't do anything because they're too engaged in 40k itself...

  11. 16 minutes ago, novakai said:

    I believe he did know about the Realmlords and Sons release beforehand but never said anything about it, he might know some stuff but choices not to mention it. The AoS battle boxes where conveniently left out of his video but he did say what they where in the comment.

    I mean he was very salty when AoS third edition was announce and took a whole Saturday preview slot and bashed on the game during that livestream.

    Ah nice,another of these "type of people"...

    Still sad to see that he knows something but he will not disclose, it will surely boost his videos saying something for the other systems i think.

    • Like 2
  12. 54 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    They could make a book with grotbag & gitmob. Gitmob basically worship the sun which is about as far from moonclan as you can get. Then they can throw little waaagh!!! in the book too.

    Gitmob worships the Evil Sun, a staple symbol from old O&G and greenskins even in 40k...it would be a nice "contrast" on the gloomspite\bad moon iconography(maybe even using a similar rule as the Bad Moon influence).
    The term "Wing boyz" seems TOO SPECIFIC imho to be a coincidence.....

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  13. 25 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

    Arkanaut's Oath had whole chapters with them, describing their appearance, what weapons they use, their different sky ships, and a variety of personal flying devices. I feel like Games Workshop doesn't give author's that much room without a miniature line to back it. 

    Sorry to bother you but they describes something more "specific"?

    Like something that could be units?

    Imho the RE could be them..

  14. 1 minute ago, EntMan said:

    Are they the Ironkin equivalent?

    Considering the naming i thought it so...but Gholemkind were mentioned before Ironkins so maybe they are a sign for the things to come?
    It would makes sense as the Ironkins are a 40k version of golems that fantasy link most of the time with dwarves.

    • Like 1
  15. IMHO we could get an hint about what armies will probably get some waves considering the ones that just got a WD update(other than possible new armies like i think Destruction will get at least one before the end of the ediition).
    I really hope so cause it will mean some Kharadron goodness :) (and ironically enough 40k have already some rumors about the 2nd wave of Votann units containing a flying infantry and a new flying vehicle).

    The only downside imho is that aos never got some big leaks like 40k got....i know leaks sometimes spoils the fun but some rumor\hints could at least give the idea where GW is going with the narrative and the game.

    • Like 1
  16. @Mungruni was talking about entities,the latest editions saw the eye of terror expanding with cadia destruction, Necron as for now can"t even repair the pylons destroyed so probably the plan is lost.

    Also pariah gene is rare,they can't give that for every living entity in tthe galaxy with a soul.

    The plan is similar to what emperor tried (not using warp anymore thanks to the "human webway project") but heresy happened....

    For now Chaos gods are the most powerful entites of the setting.

    Still is interesting how necron and nagash plans are similar.

    • Like 1
  17. 9 minutes ago, Mungrun said:

    Let me get this straight, these void monsters are anathema to Chaos, right? (also to all other races obviously) Do you think the Ruinous Powers are afraid of them?

    They inhabit the void and the Slaan apparently know them.

    Could they be the Old Ones? We know that the Old Ones created the worlds, could they have seeded them with life to "harvest" them in the future? Are the Seraphon their servants without us knowing it, that's why they never ally definitively with the forces of order and that's why they fled to the void during the destruction of the World-that-Was knowing that they would be safe there with their masters? 

    Could they be the C'tan? 

    Could they be Hive Minds?

    C'tan,Old Ones and Hive minds are nowhere like Chaos gods, the only one that actually scared them (at least 40k wise) was the Emperor because he played "by the warp"(and is a "god",he's the only one that got the name "anathema" by them).

  18. 1 hour ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    Jokes aside that makes me super excited, love me some cosmic horror. I assume that if someone "broke" the Realmspheres we'd see the Realms becoming lunch for whatever evil that lurks the Aetheric Void?

    Technically the cosmic horrors are the chaos gods themselves....and they destroyed "the old world dimension" in a similar way you said.
    It would be interesting though to see an "outer space" faction (like tyranids that comes from another galaxy in 40k) but perhaps not as an endless hive full of monsters (Skaven already fills that niche sort of).

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