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Snorri Nelriksson

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Posts posted by Snorri Nelriksson

  1. 28 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    If that was true people wouldn’t keep asking for increased base sizes. 🤣


    Square size is different from what i meant, the new models can be put in a regiment and fits the old idea of mass ranked.

    Or at least for some armies(i can't say for soulblight tbh i never saw people trying,but chaos warriors at least i say yes).

    I don't get why some people want to die on this hill of "yes GW will double the production effort on the systems that combined still sells less than Space marines/40k" when they have already an easy solution to increase profit doing less (aka put some square bases in a box).

    The whole scale things is also misleading imho,8th edition fantasy was already increasing model size before eot.

    Let's agree to disagree and see what happens,the answer will probably come this late year.

    (I'm still optimistic they will manage Tow return in a good way considering Aos and 40k recent years tbh,so i'm not that worried).


  2. @Baron Klatzthe problem is that seraphon are not the only ones getting this treatment lately..chaos,gloomspites and some other legacy armies got new models and they already seems perfectly "square size fitting".It's not a coincidence Aos imho is revamping old armies,they need to help the TOW return with some new models to avoid having some armies left without new models to sell.

    Also hoping that the Bretonnia idea/rumor is plainly wrong...just creating upgrade old kits for Bretonnia it woul be incredibly bad saleswise...people are hungry for real new models,things from the past would be a bad choice.I can only see this for Tomb Kings 8th edition new models that were fairly recent.

  3. 1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Two different sets will sell more than one set people can just magnetize the base on.

    We’ll see how it pans out but with how much has to be redone and increased in size just to get Seraphon to work already sounds like more problems than a specialist game is worth.

    Two differenet lines of the same things occupy too much space in the logistics and could confuse newcomers.

    It does not makes sense business wise to have the same model done twice if they're functionally the same.

    They'll just change base size to help the dual game cross system.

    Saurus were already described in the lore as bigger than a human so i could see them with a new base size,gw already did that with many armies (even SM).

    They’ll just don't bring some things in tow, but legacy armies will just get square bases.

    See Gloomspites: new trolls are the same, so why they should make a "stone troll Tow version"?It would insane businesswise.

    • Like 2
  4. 21 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Well how I see it is that it’ll be a long time anyway before it will happen.

    First “Old World” which won’t touch the New World(and indeed at this point most of Lustria and Ulthuan are just myths to the Empire who even question if elves are real) so they’ll only have compendiums ready for old Lizard armies.

    They can’t use the new ones and stay to their “you can use your old armies” promise since they’re all much bigger to where the “new Cold Ones” are monstrous cavalry size. That’s like trying to pretend a demigryph is a regular horse.

    So I think they’ll stay with the old lizard armies with “Made to Orders” to spice up the nostalgia factor and a TOW lizard army will only happen in the future if the game proves profitable and can expand to the New World. 

    Indeed and agreed. :) 

    Another factor is trying to convince TWW players to get into it when so many iconic characters won’t be in it.

    Empire has the biggest player base and figures like Franz and Gelt won’t even be born yet so that’s already a huge chunk of players not likely to pick it up.

    The empire is gonna have Magnus that is one of the most beloved character in the background though...dwarves and elves will mostly have similar if not the same characters.

    I don't think that Tww player who likes the setting hate this too much,it would be stoopid imho.

    Also i don't get why GW should make 2 lines for the same army...they'll just add the new aos units to lizardmen and perhaps remake the old cold ones (upscaled probably?) and temple guard(or just leave the aggradons out remaking cold ones for Tow only?).

    They said old armies will get back so i think it's a given(high elves are already mentioned in the map and i doubt they'll leave the dark elves out).


    • Like 3
  5. 4 minutes ago, Freemeta said:

    so Dawnbringer Crusades will be a separate book from Cities of sigmar ? 

    No....the Dawnbringer crusade are composed of armies from the cities and other order alliance polities but "the crusades" are not a differentfaction.

    • Like 2
  6. My two cents:
    -Seraphon are perfect....i can't see any complaint.Also love GW gave us BOTH version of our beloved Kroxigor (crocodile headed and classic styled).
    -The death heroes seems bad: the ossiarch one is just a boneshaper with some tweaks and the soulblught ones being a special character is even less "useful"(tbh not bad model in their own right,but they seems just an afterthought considering what the armies needs).
    -Underworld warbands are nice, though i prefer the stormcasts sculpt (Tzeentch is not bad either).
    -Cities are promising.The paintjob seems a bit off quality wise(sadly) still the idea seems solid, they makes me think of the Discworld watch also XD.
    Still i like they are more archaic than empire state troops but seems enough Baroque and grim....can't wait to see the rest.

    On the 40k side:
    -Lion is perfect, 4 type of heads, charisma and a really good sculpt.
    -The kill team are good, hoping to see that Jump Pack for Leagues becoming an unit in their own right (loving the knuckleduster guy also), beastmen are beautiful and i hope "if" they'll make again the lost and the damned army they'll get some beastmen as well...sadly no cross-system kit like the Tzaantgor.
    -The Terminator are spot on, perfect upgrade of the old sculpt....the trailer also seems to indicate some other niches things for Tyranids (the screamer killer!!!!).

    Overall a very beautiful preview.....i'd hope the Fest will ramp up this hype with some more cities goodness! XD


    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    Teclis does something interesting to help progress the lore through defeating Nagash.

    Malerion thinking about getting off his stupid throne:

    Considering how Teclis (or Tyrion?) tried to talk to Grungni about the realm mending i could see a plan to use Nagash defeat as a mean to save Valaya....
    Still Malerion making a move seems only natural.

    • Like 4
  8. A lil' thought about the Ogor rumor engine.
    Considering the Ogor in Ulfenkarn that seems more like the pre-6th ogre kingdoms ogres, could it be that the "order" ogors will be more like the classic ones while the not-mongol horde will stay the destruction ones?
    I'm the only one thinking aos is tacking back many old concepts before the 6th edition "aesthetic" of whfb?(see the Kruleboyz...they are Kev adams orcs remade).

  9. 7 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    @Snorri Nelriksson You're right, too many armies would over saturate the setting even more than it already is. My hopes for Araby are just so that I could kitbash an army based on Medieval Islamic Egypt mixed with Mummies. I think Cathay and Kislev are a definite "down the line" faction, especially since Kislev was the first faction introduced with the Announcement of TOW. I'm also curious as to how chorfs will be brought back: Will they look more like the Legion of Azgorh, or like their fifth edition selves reborn? Only time will tell....

    Imho they will fuse the aesthetics....Azgorh legion was a specific subset of Daw Zharr empire.
    In Total war they seems to have mantained both...if Aos will not change much the new chaos dwarves i could see them mixing again the two ideas (Legion of Azgorh still has top hats and mesopotamian elements so i don't think they'll change it too much).

    • Like 1
  10. I'd rather prefer them doing the old active armies than expand too much the human nations tbh.
    Dogs of war would be the ideal approach to give non-main human nations focus and also don't saturate the number of armies,they already have to bring back TK\Bretonnia\Kislev and Chaos dwarves "at least"(i'm not sure about Cathay but i think they're down the line).....adding other nations would seems too much.
    Tilea and Estalia really needs only some conversion kits for empire unit imho and Dogs of war represents them in a nice way at least.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

    Wait, I don't pay a huge amount of attention to Dwarf lore.... Is Valaya alive? I had thought Nagash ate her in the ETs?

    She's "dead" but somehow she is still worshiped in the realms.

    There's even mention that one  of the Grungni's plan could be about bringing her back in some way.

    Gazul is dead (esten by Nagash during his conquest of Shyish) also but he still has worshippers in the Gazulzagaz people with runechanters that can bring back dwarf spirits to battle.

    • Like 2
  12. 4 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Rootking would be more in place with Sylvaneth imo. They use the plants of Ghyran instead of metal and have a long relationship with Alarielle. 

    It would be interesting to see cross species units tbh.

    Valay ambassadors or mages helping idoneth or Rootkings and ghyran Knights helping alarielle's children.


    @Baron Klatzcyclops and giants  allied to the fyreslayers would be interesting as they are all associated with weaponsmithing and fire in the classical mythology.Grungni teached even to Ogors who wanted to learn so i can see these possibility.

    • Like 6
  13. 5 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    That’s fair, I guess I should’ve compared them to Scylla(woman on top, tentacles & monster mouths on bottom) instead or Greek’s other weirder sea monsters rather than the kraken.


    It’s a longshot either way but I like to include the Valay on Valaya’s lists when I can.


    The problem i see with them is mostly "how they'll fight on land?",aethersea solution is for Idoneth so idk how the Valay could fight other armies.

    Iirc they mention Valay lives in the deep sea also.

    Fyreslayers could get some more classical inspirations though.

  14. While i agree with your analysis @Baron Klatz i doubt we'll get Valay from the sea...valikraz and classical norse dwarf inspirations make more senses for a duardin factions that double down on the old ideas aosifying it,maybe as a "Khazalid empire" thing with dispossessed reclaiming things and a new "type of duardin" made by Valaya (and Grungni maybe).

    Valkyries and krakens are too norse for a possible greek inspiration.

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Freeguild are very likely on that tract to At Least get Germanic-Franco-Roman vibes if not more exotic stuff + Realm influences.

    Like if Spain conquistadors are there you can bet they’re gonna throw something wacky into the mix like Greek, Norse and Byzantine stuff too.

    The Burgundian man at arms seems a century before the "old empire look"(based on 16th century HRE),still i could see some more epic mix mash like some classical antiquity vibes or something like that.
    Conquistadors are more in line with the old empire than these Burgundians(i'd hope a look even older like 14th\13th century with some high fantasy elements).

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, EntMan said:

    In just over a week Valrak is going to either be hailed as the greatest rumour leaker, or have a reputational crash and burn.

    But if he's right about this Killteam, and about the Cities box, I'll be a happy Entman.

    TBH Valrak got many wrongs in the past also,i don't think it will affect him getting a dud for the cities boxes.
    Still hyped to know that "at least seems" new previews for the cities are in the near future in some way.

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