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Snorri Nelriksson

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Posts posted by Snorri Nelriksson

  1. 4 minutes ago, Ar-Pharazôn said:

    Squats for an Imperial Guard release that'll have new kits for abhumans. Although this is mostly me just thinking that would be nice

    Considering the whole squat model line they never had weapons like that.

    What if it is a grungni's new duardin or dispossessed revamp model?

  2. Silent peoples chances are dwindled after beastgrave imho,i doubt we'll ever see them (and considering the first season we did'nt see anything for Katophranes either).

    Imho if we'll get a whole new army not already mentioned will be something still related to Gorkamorka.

    • Like 1
  3. 23 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

    Now that Daemons have been mentioned I could easily imagine a Be'lakor- centred Daemons of Chaos Battetome. Basically Legion of the first Prince turned tome. 

    Though it would be painfully ironic if the supposed Destruction-centred era started out with Kruleboyz just being an expansion of Warclans while Chaos got an 8th faction (albeit with very few new models).

    Idk...i could see them more adding the option to STD battletome than making a whole daemon battletome (while ot existed in other editions of Whfb iirc).

  4. Considering the 40k roadmap october will not have 40k codexes, but seems a killteam dual box.

    Maybe the battletome for chaos will have some kind of models?

    I doubt we'll get kicked out again for kill team so some sort of models should be out.

    Maybe skaven with some redone models like vampires?

    Or Nurgle with new units?(they don't need too many new kits).

  5. 8 minutes ago, SilentSentinel said:

    If they do get some some sort of cavalry I imagine it'll be on a creature that's adapted to moving through the swamp better than conventional cavalry so ambushes would still be possible, whether that be a smaller type of Gnashtoof or another kind of creature.

    Maybe some bog insectoid cavalry that has long legs to traverse swamps...

  6. 4 minutes ago, Ratboy genius said:

    how are Cavalry poorly suited to ambushing in the slightest?

    Swamp terrain is'nt good for cavalry technically.

    Still they could give them another infantry.

    I'm more baffled at the idea that ironjawz and Bonesplitterz are left with less units than the newcomers.

    • Like 2
  7. 33 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I'm surprised at how eagerly people have been devouring the "Dude Trust Me" rumours coming from Reddit and /tg/ recently, when even on TGA a few months back I'd have expected such """rumours""" to be handwaved as lying wishlisters. It seems after that one Grimdark Live leak was right about Kruelboyz a couple of weeks before they were revealed, people are a lot more trusting of- well, anything.

    The United Dawi, Chaos Dwarf and Dawnbringer Crusaders """rumours""" only started popping up around the same time the lore for those three things appeared. If we'd have heard anything prior to that I might have believed them, but it just seems like educated guesses based off lore that feels believable enough to happen eventually.

    Like how we've been getting Malerion """rumours""" since 1.0 because he's appeared in the lore, so it's reasonable to expect we'll get his faction eventually and fake-rumours get thrown out and people buy into it because, yeah, he's obviously going to show up at some point so it's not totally out there.

    Well that's how rumors usually works considering the internet (save for the reliable ones).
    I could say that 4-5 armies are getting a 2nd wave and maybe getting 1 out of 5 and still people would think i'm reliable when i was just making a wishlists, based on some guesses or logical point (for example: after the cursed city live it's  certain that CoS will get "something" in the future, still it could means a lot of different things or the whole Malerion incoming part).
    Also some rumors were mixed up with trolling....i remember some topics usually thrown in some board to stir the flames.
    Kruleboyz were an interesting part because many threw random guesses(goblins\hobgoblins on wolf cavalry and so on) and then changed tune when Grimdark talked about the whole "Lotr orcs" thing....

  8. 12 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    I heard that the CoS + Skaven release is like Blood of the Phoenix release (two heroes and two units).

    Mmm....i could see something like this but would be bad for both the armies...skaven need at least Eshin or Moulder full model wave without considering the resin leftovers for many old units.
    And skaven already had similar problem considering the FeC vs Skaven first dual box, seems strange having them in 3rd edition again being neglected.
    Also if that if Cities are coming "soon" so we'll get 4 battletomes without having something for death...and seems strange.
    Perhaps Nighthaunt BT will come first?

    @OverreadWhile i agree that the human side needs more love, some elves and dwarves needs to remain as the settings already established that point.I could see something about dark elves getting diminished when malerion get his army(as Lumineth were preceded by an HE model purge from Cos) but it would be really lame to eliminate the whole idea that cities are composed by those three species azyrite descendants.Probably if we'll see the "dwarf soup" tome or Malerion before Cos we'll get a better picture how GW want to handles the cities.Imho they should get a wave about faithful of Sigmars bringing back priests and many other cult members,fitting the theme of the dawnbringer crusades.

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I seriously doubt 'Darkoath' would be anything but updated Marauder sculpts for Slaves to Darkness. It's not out of the question when we're still waiting on multi-part Chaos Warriors and Knights.

    I thought the same...just a new keyword for thematic marauder new units.

  10. Timeframe doesn't match though.
    Even before the pandemic they talked at least about 3\4 years iirc and 2021 was too early even then.
    I also think that the chaos part will not only be daemons...i think they're thinking too much about Total War 3 without considering that TOW ,while overlaps to some extent, is a different project.
    But Kislev vs Chaos would make sense...

    • Like 1
  11. 51 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

    Right now I have to say that I don't really see any Chaos models coming in October if Kruleboyz and Stormcast won't get their simultaneous big releases before September...

    Let's all hope for the be(a)st!! 

    The problem is also that 40k is about to get the orks beast snaggas wave and perhaps black templars, the latter rumored in October...
    Imho the Chaos battletome will be one with few kits...too many things cramped together if we count also Orruks and Stormcasts.

    Still i'm a bit bummed that gw is putting too much time between Dominion and the new releases for those two armies...iirc also SM and necrons with Indomitus had similar timeframe.

    • Like 1
  12. 24 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Didn't Grimdark Live say their source confirmed Hobgrot cavalry back when they were discussing the Dominion reveal? Even if they're due a second wave at some point, seems odd to just have slapped a single Hobrot unit in the army that otherwise sticks out like a sore, not-green thumb.

    I don't remember them saying this though...

    Iirc they were maybe the only that when talked about dominion rimors did'nt mentioned cavalry nor in other interview.

  13. 30 minutes ago, silverstu said:

    I like the new dragons, they will be interesting to see in different colours. It will be interesting to see if dragons appear in other factions in this new form. [Thinking the new Blood dragons riding blue/black dragons..].

    Also that rumour engine photo is likely 40k Eldar Avatar of Khaine- thats his bloody hand I think.

    I know is 40k,but it would be rad to finally give craftworld eldar some love and Khaine Avatar is a really beautiful concept (imho they could make it usable by Dok in some way?even after Morathi became sort of Khaine).

    • Like 1
  14. 6 hours ago, PrimeElectrid said:

    It’s almost like Warhammer is produced by a commercial company with finite resources, and some factions are deliberately kept fresh as some kind of marketing, while others have niche appeal and so see less investment 🤔 

    In 40k they realized that giving ranges some models boost sales,dark eldar and Necron are prime examples,other than sisters.

    The DE for exanple got a whole new ranges after nearly a decade of neglect and was met with enthusiasm.

    Thinking that only armies that sells well need to be expanded is the problem that gw knows should not be the norm...(other than SM,because their range is really huge in sales).

    It's a vicious circle that ruined various games in the past so i think GW is not that naive to ignore completely the matter.

    Also some ranges that needs models are old time favorites like skaven so it's not a "sales matter" problem only...is obvious that if a ranges have nearly half of the models in resin or from 10 years before will not sells like ones that have new models every year,resin is bad for new players for example.

    • Like 2
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  15. I like the unit and concept, but to be honest the stormcasts seems a bit "stiff"unlike the infantries.
    These Draconith are miles away from the Dracoths imho and are really interesting.
    I'd like to see the dragons with other colour schemes also....

  16. 5 hours ago, PrimeElectrid said:

    You people who hate aelves need to get on board with this. It has all been telescoped in the fluff for years. There’s going to be another Lumineth wave. There’s going to be at least one malerion release. There will probably be kurnothi. We may well see another Idoneth release.

    The sooner you learn to be at peace with it the better. Nothing worse than seeing people moan about aelves each time they get something else when it’s been clear for so long that, yes, there’s more coming.

    I'd prefer Kurnothi 1st(mashed in Sylvaneth though) and Idoneth 2nd wave than another 2 waves of Lumineth....i think that's the problem here.
    But i don't even think elves should'nt get anything,just not too cramped in the releases (to be honest i heard many Lumineth player hating the "we gave you another book and many units not so long after you already bought the first part").
    I'd love an Idoneth 2nd wave as are one of the most interesting concept in aos, sadly looked upon by many "purists" from the old guard.
    On the other hand better be back to the rumors....i love the dragons and thankfully i did'nt split my dominion box.

  17. We don't need another Lumineth subfaction when we already have 2 temples left...

    Also tyrionic lumineth are not "a separate civilization" (like middenheim was not different culturally and militarly speaking from other imperial cities save for the ulfric cult,but many provinces and cities got some specialties),i could see some "specific religious units"(tyrionic warpriest or something like that)but i'd say is more probable just Tyrion (if it will be done...imho does'nt make sense giving another big centerpiece model and another god to an army that pretty much got so much).

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  18. 2 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    Important to note that while true, rumours talked about 2023/24 for CD (Although I don't think Grimdark live mentioned any dates). So, don't expect our evil stunty friends to come out soon - as much as I have been conducting unholy sacrifices to Dark Gods, even Dark Gods cower before GW Release Schedule!

    Considering that the rumors of the "Whole three years plan" was proved wrong maybe the evil dawis could come back before than expected.

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