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Snorri Nelriksson

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Posts posted by Snorri Nelriksson

  1. 27 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    Ooh, Chaos Duardin are seeming ever more likely! Between them and dragons they are making my resolve to not bother with this edition waver! I thought the hobgrot lore was encouraging, but had figured regular dwarfs more likely. Its crazy that we've had rumours of United Duardin, Chaos Duardin, and 40k squats all within a few months. I don't think it'll all happen, but if it does it would be about time for us dwaf players to get our time in the sun again!

    After the times of the elves it's natural to have a proper dwarf expansion.

    I'm really excited both for "order" and chaos duardin and i hope their lore will be expanded considerably.

    Grungni hinted to some trouble in the dwarvish pantheon so maybe the hashut servants are linked to that.

    I can't wait finally to see chaos dwarves finally in plastic.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Magnusaur said:

    Not watched any videos yet, but have any new Stormcast units been revealed? There was an WarCom article some time ago that suggested we still had a few surprises in store... were they just talking about rules?

    IIRC was said before the reveal of dragons so they hinted at them.

  3. 4 hours ago, Kadeton said:

    Skaven are Chaos right now, because of their lore, just like Beastmen. But yes, I agree with you - there is nothing in the Skaven model line to stop GW from rewriting the Skaven lore so that they are no longer aligned to Chaos. They could do this any time they wanted: just put out a new book with the new lore, Skaven aren't a Chaos faction any more, job done.

    Nobody stops gw from doing but considering that Aos is still tied to whfb canon they will have many problems to justify that.
    I get that people want to diversify aos from whfb (and it makes sense, imho they are too reusing old characters) but both are part of the same setting.
    Also GW knows that "drastically change" the lore is a financial risk, because people are not always ok with that, more so when that change is not needed (nobody needs to change skaven and BoC GA right now).
    And you're right that stills gw did drastic changes in the past so who knows...but i really hope(and in the Boc\Skav case also think) not.

    @DolomedesConsidering Ghorros model, the similarities are that they both are centaur and heavily inspired by mythological centaurs (the party and smash part).
    I'm more convinced they were planning something with him like a new army or having a different styled model and then changed for some reason.


  4. 2 hours ago, Kadeton said:

    The name, and all the existing lore, is just words. GW can cast all that aside with the mere flick of a pen. It would be so easy to reflavour the Beastmen as the last surviving remnants of Kragnos' people, for instance - lost to Chaos for aeons while Kragnos was trapped, now flocking back to his banner.

    So instead, look to the models themselves. If they're so intrinsically and inseparably linked to Chaos, there should be a ton of Chaos iconography on their models, right? And there just... isn't. The Dragon Ogre Shaggoth has an eight-pointed star, and that's about all. (Obviously stuff like the Tzaangor and Slaangor belong to the Disciples and Hedonites in this scenario.)

    GW could choose to align the Beastmen with Kragnos more or less immediately, if they decided it would suit their design and marketing goals better. All it would take is a lore rewrite - they wouldn't even have to change the (vast majority of the) model kits. I think it's right to expect that they won't do that, but the path is definitely open to them.

    Lore is more than just words, and that's one of the most important points of the hobby for many.

    The problem is Kragnos  not having something similar to fit not the Boc, and even in  that case, Kragnos has'nt a "beast of chaos" design (he's not gor headed for example and centigors were really different).

    Tbh i could see more a return of Dogrukh and some " new worshipper race" (still standard Dogrukh" are different to Kragnos as they are more humanoid judging by the artworks while Kragnos got mutated by the ghur realmstones) than just souping BoC in destruction.

  5. Beasts of chaos are the true children of chaos...changing that does'nt make much sense(same skaven).

    I still don't get why most people want to lump everything into destruction also...i get that people does'nt like that the GA is just O&G,Ogre and Gargants but at least is coherent (imho they could just expand the Greenskins and ogres species also) but is better having new ideas than lumping other armies in and calling a day.


    About the rumored/implied souping of beasts into slaves...i don't like too much the idea because BoC needs the options of being separated.

    More so in Aos that expanded chaos to a whole grand alliance.

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  6. 5 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    Part of me is actually wondering if the reason their has been such an emphasis on Dawnbringer's is not simply for a rebranding of cities but a new unified identity within order. Namely I am wondering if Dawnbringer's will be reflected in the rumoured combined Duardin book as an aspect of the Dispossessed new identity. Less a focus on isolationist miners and more on craftsfolk helping build settlements in the mortal realms. 

    Then we could have some Dawnbringer flavour in Duardin, Cities of Sigmar and Stormcast armies which would explain why there was such a huge emphasis on it in the Core rules. I know that Seraphon are terraforming parts of the mortal realms and that Morathi is kind of making big plays at spreading her cult so it could also thematically go beyond the armies I listed. 

    I am not a big fan of the Crusade/Manifest Destiny plot but it does have some potential as a narrative theme for the edition that will hopefully result in the Chaos Gods realizing that they need to hold the lines and then wrecking some of the major cities leading into 4.0 with the armies of order more scattered than before. 

    I'd prefer more Gorkamorka finally smashing through the realms responding to the order push.

    Maybe with Gordrakk finally kickstarting a "colossal waagh" like the age of myth.

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  7. TBH i'm glad they'll putting out first the tomes..rules and changes are pivotal for the shopping list to some extent.
    Considering i'm probably making a mix of Kruleboyz and Ironjawz i want to see if it's feasible without being forced to play only some units and without much interaction.

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  8. 1 hour ago, cyrus said:

    Yes probably 2nd wave for 40k orks. Next week new black templars  ,and the week after stormcast/orruks battletomes along with 1st wave of miniatures.

    Imho black templars battlebox preorder will go out during the aos waves or with other specialists game things.
    A battlebox alone seems strange, on top of that after orks codex.

  9. The lil' grot chainer fellow is very adorable...i hope the full warband will be revealed soon.

    About the RE:i don't want to think it may be squats because when it will be revealed being another thing it will hurt a lot XD. 

  10. 1 hour ago, novakai said:

    Not a strong rumor and may have been mention already but Warhammer weekly think there a Khorne expansion coming soon

    The rumors talked about world eaters for 40k though.

    I think that aos will get some khorngors perhaps like Tzaangors given to thousands sons.

    Maybe the chaos october incoming book will be the blades of Khorne one.

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  11. 46 minutes ago, FFJump said:


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    Also I guess Squats confirmed. At last, time for my sinister plan to use the Squats as Kharadon Overlords in AoS, and then the Kharadon Overlords as Squats in 40K.

    Delightfully devilish!

    I really hope it's true cuz Space dwarves are sorely needed in 40k.

    Still sadly this rumor did'nt talked about aos at all though.

    • Like 1
  12. 19 hours ago, Ogregut said:

    I'm looking forward to it as well, I love the look of the kruleboyz and ironjawz together and as always, models and how they look come first. Rules come and go and change, awesome looking models will always be awesome looking models!! 

    Considering model first it's still sad to see ironjawz and Bonesplitterz left without new models though.

    Imagine siege equipped brutes or new morboys what could have been.

    Still kruleboyz are nice.

    • Like 1
  13. 36 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    Kind of a side-note but for everyone else who was wondering about the weirdness of the Slaves to Darkness SC box having new chaos warriors/knights that have not been released as an independent kit, it's looking like the same approach is being taken with the new 40k orks combat patrol box.

    There are new semi-monopose ork boys in this kit (along with helicopters and a warboss) that don't appear to replace the current ork boys, which appear alongside the new ones in some army shots and are in fact being used as a special premium gift thing for the Hachette 40k magazine. Similar situation to the AoS chaos stuff, the older minis are kept around and resculpts are 'locked' into a larger army box.

    It's weird and does suggest that this is all an intentional release model, not some quirk of the schedules. No guarantee there won't be new chaos warriors/knights at some point in the future (look at the CSM in the old Shadowspear box) but probably best not to get your hopes up.

    But a new ork boys kit was already announced for 40k orks in a warcom article so it's not only monopose the battlebox kit i think.

    The sister battlebox  also had a monopose kit and then they made a multikit after.

  14. 2 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    Undivided demons would be super cool. Seems unlikely though given the lore. Unless it's something like Be’lakor gets to make his own.

    Undivided daemons existed in whfb with the furies and horus heresy got the ruinstorm daemons that are undivided also so it's not impossible.

    About those 40k rumors:they are in line with what  Valrak said about BT.

    The other bits seems a bit strange in some parts,i don't think we'll get a full DKoK line but a catachan revamp would be expected in the future.

    Really hopeful about those squat "not only kill team" rumor. I'd love if GW will take some cues from kharadron if they want to revitalize the squat concept.

    If they are making some beastmen i really hope they'll give the khorne and Nurgle gors in the blades and maggotkin waves.

  15. I really hope bonereapers will get a second wave like Lumineth and Slaanesh did...

    Honestly i'm worried they'll just revamp the rules and call it a day.

    The archer unit is mostly expected thanks to the underworld warband but some other infantry,cavalry or warmachine could be added (or some bone construct).

    • Like 1
  16. 51 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    I still don't know why any "reliable" leaker would come out on 4chan. I trust absolutely nothing that comes from that cesspool of children, bigots, and trolls. If a leaker wanted to be trusted, they should do it on a less infamous platform. Anonymity is still possible elsewhere.

    Tbh some rumors were reliable,iirc the primaris was one of them.

    Still like every other rumor site, only a tiny fraction of them will be true.

  17. 6 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    Everything is so frustratingly vague in that thread. Chaos Dwarves 2022, but no hint at what they look like or how they play? Tau and Eldar are getting new models, but what are they? A large number of the posts just seem to be defending Games Workshop against fan backlash and the boycott, making me suspect this is either a fanboy or a PR move, but either way we are not getting anything substantial in terms of reveals. 😔

    Is just wild guessing considering the source..

    They are all old rumors rehashed and mixed with something vague, i really doubt it's a pr move.

    For example the titanicus part does'nt make sense.

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  18. 10 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    I think it is not a weapon but a hand throttle on a vehicle like a motor bike but at a very strange angle:

    Not saying its Squats but I sure do hope it is!

    Or maybe is like the bike-handle-sword of devil may cry 5.


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