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Snorri Nelriksson

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Posts posted by Snorri Nelriksson

  1. 1 hour ago, OkayestDM said:

    Ironjawz Da Choppas warclan uses a blue and white checker pattern. I doubt it's them though, I can't imagine Ironjawz favoring a wooden mallet if they could make a metal one. Then again, could be an Underworlds Warband? It would be unusual to make one that wasn't Ironsunz.

    Checkered patterns were always linked to greenskins, in both system also.

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  2. 8 hours ago, silverstu said:

    I'm hoping for at some point seeing what they do for the AoS version of Classic dwarfs [and an expansion of KO as well].Chorfs aren't my thing but each tot heir own. 

    I do wonder if the return of Squats took up the dwarf design space for the last while and thats why we haven't seen much in the way of new dwarfs for AoS. I know the teams are separate but I think the team that did the AoS dwarfs, especially KO and Gotrek, would be the ones you'd trust to reinvent and return the squats. Hopefully we will see some new dwarfs soon.

    To be honest,my post did'nt mentioned classic dwarves because with the Old World they'll be back.

    Still an Aos take on the classic dwarves with Grungni comeback definitely would be welcomed and loved(as would be chaos dwarves).

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    While it's certainly disappointing to not see Malerion's faction yet, it doesn't mean it's not coming. GW has at least a 10 year plan for AoS and Pete Foley the boss of boxed games said they weren't going to stop introducing new factions. I think chaos Duardin, Malerion, Kurnothi and maybe even grotbag scuttlers are coming, just not in a timeframe that we would like. 

    After decades of waiting the Squats we're prepared for the last bastion of Dwarfdom to be brought back.

    Hoping still with tall Hats and bovine features.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, Double Misfire said:

    Some Skaven are born from ten foot long obese breeders, some are born from 'eggs', others are delivered by a Blanchitsu stork. Infinite Realms baby 🤷‍♂️

    Tbh introducing the eggs idea could not even change what broodmothers are (like bee and ants).

    I can see the other point though...and also gw quietly putting away that stuff as most "hardcore" reference in the game (like they did with beastmen and Fimir) but tbh i'd prefer having still "female skaven" in a new different way and not Broodmothers(but still with sexism socially speaking )than suddenly saying that rats can produce eggs XD.

  5. 11 hours ago, Garrac said:

    Btw if they're going to retcon the breeders to be substitued by eggs, I'm totally in


    That's a part of the old lore that we don't really need in 2022

    It fits very well Skaven as they embodies the worst sides of civilization/urbanizations/society.

    Also it appeared already in some aos novels so i really doubt they'll retcon it.

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  6. It would be nice if those are a Moulder experiment with the fabric of the realm (Ulgu) like some sort of skaven that could become shadow or "ghosts" when needed.
    Maybe a joint effort between them and Eshin(like the previous Moulder\Skryre Stormfiends).

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  7. 2 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Oh that is interesting... out of that entire list, Khorne seems least likely because the design feels limiting. If this is true it'll be intriguing to see where the team went with Khorne.

    Hoping for some dog-faced Khorngors.

    TBH pretty excited to see some Malerion disciples (while i don't care much about elven armies i can see some interesting new takes on the Dark elves "descendants").
    Let's see...

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  8. 1 hour ago, EntMan said:

    Slightly off topic but seems the best place to ask without making an account on Bolter and Chainsword:

    Do we know how long ago in universe the Squats got eaten up by the Tyrannids? So how long they've had to do whatever they were doing while Squatted?

    No because it was said in an interview by Jervis Johnson...iirc was never said in any book (or there was some strange mentions about Squat  "gone" but not "eaten by Tyranids") .
    Tyranids arrived not too long ago (not even a millennia) in the galaxy so i think they'll never acknowledge the whole tyranid apocalypse.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    I could definitely buy into (and buy!) a "woodland creatures expansion" to Sylvaneth bwith centuars and faun/satyr type things and suchlike. It'd maybe look like beastmen, but'd be something totally different lore wise.


    Kurnothi are pretty much that concept.

    @novakaiin the old world Gorgers were ogre children born without a paunch abandoned in huge caverns were they become savage,so the scrawny look should be "from the infancy"...they could jump back to that idea instead of the "Empty belly curse" of Aos.
    But who knows....

    TBH these little guys seems something death also.

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  10. 26 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    Don't say that Snorri, you must keep on believing 😭😭😭

    Chorfs are just around the corner, yes just around the corner...

    *rocks back and forth*

    TBH after the returns of the Squats i'm more hopeful about plastic Chorfs in some form in Aos....
    Then after them we'll just need the chaos squats back and we'll be even. XD

    About those little funny creatures: what if they are ogor gorger's children (obvously re-imagined for the AOs setting with more mutations)????

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  11. 16 hours ago, Gothmaug said:

    Oh, also along a similar thread, if 40K Squat's are coming back, can we still say an army has been "Squatted" when GW retires it? 

    Considering The old World is coming back and Bretonnians are getting B-retconned into existence i would say the new term should be Chorfed :( .

  12. Just now, EntMan said:

    Reading that article it seems GW have not yet decided (or decided not to tell us yet) if Demiurg are Squats or not.

    If Demiurg will be just "squats" it will be a retcon because Demiurgs are a Xeno species in the lore of BFG and 40k...i hope they'll not retcon that.
    But maybe they are just teasing us misleading theories XD.
    Maybe they could even link Demiurgs and Squats in a new way like "Demiurgs are similar to squats because they were an allied species during the past and were helped greatly with technology and whatnot" or something like that.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Ratboy genius said:

    anthropomorphic female skaven incoming

    The rumors mentioned the controversial aspect about the Sylvaneth release though...so skaven in Sylvaneth should definitivly be controversial? XD

    • Haha 1
  14. 1 minute ago, KingBrodd said:


    Fingers crossed it's more than just a Hero. Even the Nighthaunt treatment of a new Hero, Character and Unit would be much appreciated.

    Seeing as the Rumours that AOS wont get much this year had absolutely Zero mention of Seasons of War Thondia and the Krondspine Incarnate there is still hope that Skaven get a substantial release. And that rumour only stems from once source as of now.

    Of all Chaos Factions and indeed AOS as a whole they deserve it most. 

    I'm a bit hopeful also for Sylvaneth...as someone pointed out the rumors talks about "a controversial release" so i think it would not ben a single hero.
    IMHO we could expect after those 2 another medium or big sized release at the end of the year (not Malerion but i could see something for destruction).

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  15. 16 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    The zeppelin was called the Overlord, if you needed more ties between Squats and Kharadron.

    It's not far fetched the idea that Kharadron probably were a keypoint\testing ground for the squat return.
    They are a well received aos range so perhaps they will mix some "thunder" from them in the Squats (a jumppack unit perhaps mirroring the ballons?), and i could even see the other way around like giving Kharadron a sort of "exoarmor" powered by aethergold.
    Still i hope the "iconic" old units will returns "re-designed" but with a nod to the past.

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  16. 4 hours ago, silverstu said:

    I do wonder about vehicles - thinking they might be airborne like the KO with flying warships rather than crawlers, possibly with AI construct walkers in support..I saw squat ship conversion made from an upside-down Ironclad with anti-grav suspensors attached and it looked very cool!

    To be honest i hope Squats will stand firmly in the old "land vehicle" niche that they always had.
    They had the land train, the Colossus,the Termite, bikes and trikes.
    The only airborne units were the Overlord airship and Gyrocopters(in Epic)...that could take some design ideas from KO nonetheless.

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  17. 31 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

    Hopefully they don' t do another 'technologically advanced shooty race without psykers'. Would like T'au to remain their own thing, gameplay wise. 

    But just judging from the look I really like these guys! And yes, Odin is Wotan in German/Germanic, and the W in German is pronounced like the V in English.

    Squat had psykers though(living ancestors)...so i think they'll bring them back also.

    I'm very happy about this announcement, i like that design-wise the armor seems similar to some extent to the Kharadron ones (light voidsuit and armor on top)....
    I can't wait to see them! :D

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  18. As a lover of all dwarfy things i must say...i don't know what to believe.
    The trailer seems well made and perhaps was even made for something different( space hulk new game?Battlefleet gothic?some other thing?) and the squat part seems a sort of afterthought.
    But the most credible rumor for 40k,that got  a whole year of releases said something about "Squats down the pipe....".
    Also making a joke about Squats today seems off....because nobody would ever think they'll be back(so the joke would be about being real?)
    Maybe just a killteam (sadly?)...but maybeeeeee they're really coming back in  40k with some units for Imperial guard or other thing.
    Or maybe a full fledged army..?
    I'm already bored about the "Grungni return" that (as for now) did'nt change anything for the whole dwarfkind in terms of releases, so i can't think that for once GW did something like bringing the squat back.


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  19. I never liked using special characters...BUT many armies do they need them at least one or two to make more memorable.

    Aos uses too much old WHFB characters without developing their own nor expanding them too much(unless they're big players like Katakros).

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  20. 13 minutes ago, silverstu said:

    well at least it gets them out of the way so we can usher in the Age of the Duardin with endless dwarf faction releases....😇

    Looking forward to seeing what comes out of adepticon - looks like Uglu elves are likely and I'm wondering what the new Sylvaneth will look like too. 

    I'm more worried about the other 3 GA...death and Destruction needs some juicy waves asap imho.

    Chaos at least seems will have a Skaven update.

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  21. 4 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    Isn’t the ‘More Lumineth’ talking about in underworlds? That’s what the original comment was about and season is what underworlds releases are referred to as. 

    Considering he's talking about Tyrion Lumineth side i would assume the aos wave will be after shortly...i guess?

  22. Mmm...seems strange a Lumineth 3rd wave so soon...till now mostly new armies that got some *beef* are order i would expect something for death (if skaven are a big release) before Malerion and Tyrion.

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