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Everything posted by Deakz28

  1. We got a lot of hints from Whitefang over the past month or so about dragons coming, the almighty even pointed out one in the Kragnos cave painting and mentioned it’s forked tail specifically exciting times ahead!
  2. As far as we know it’ll be a new Warclans book instead
  3. Sorry for double post, I think the guy you were replying to just mean up scaled grey knights not primaris, kind of like how chaos Marines got upscaled, but I read it that way first too!
  4. A lot of rumours about the grey knights stuff just say that their half is new, but they’re redone kits, chapter approved hasn’t proven there is no new kits coming, I think the issue is they’re not like brand new ideas, however it’s besides the point since I don’t believe it’s going to happen! It’s one new character each side, I do think something like rise of the Phoenix could happen again though
  5. I’m just happy that if I finally see my shadowy patron god! Other than that I would love for some factions who have been left in the shadows (pun intended) to get the love they deserve! It’s also worth bearing in mind whoever said about battle boxes being split between the two, 40k had piety and pain and we also know the grey knights and t sons was meant to be out before Dominion, which was always a summer release as well, so it shows that they don’t split on a schedule! So there’s no reason to believe AOS wouldn’t also get two boxes within a six month period, but if anyone is hoping for one after another I agree that’s unrealistic as much as itd be awesome
  6. If the maggotkin rumour also holds to be true as whitefang might be suggesting, then the rumour attached with the other 3 battletomes and new armies (dawn ringer and umbraneth) might hold truth too
  7. I think it’s not the amount since it’s a similar number of copies to indomitus! I think it’s their anti scalper system has actually worked!
  8. This is so true across all the cod exes, except the decrease was still an increase from 8th just ironed out some of the more drastic increases! So while lumineth may get the more extreme end of the bat, when they get their next battletome it won’t seem so bad! (VOTE LUMINETH 2022, make battles times annual again!) same with any others we will learn to have large increases! Time will help mitigate the issue
  9. I’m guessing if it were true it couldn’t include the troll since we know of two to be revealed monsters (or at least given other leaks are extremely likely to be monster) that being the sludgeraker and then the winged monstrosity that warcom teased, I’d assume this person doesn’t actually know or has the units mixed up ahaha!
  10. Me too! Just hope they stick to the themes they learnt with indomitus and 40k so we still get the reveal, although at times I do think GW likes us most so I doubt they’d shaft us
  11. This is when they showed off the new tank, flayed ones and possibly silent king and stuff, so I think this is when we will see the ork centre piece and there will probably be a surprise or two! Oh and they did a mini teaser trailer which showed small parts of various models from different factions and showed one battle sister at the end, this included the now revealed beast snaggas ork, lelith and the skitarii marshal, so we will get a tease, but honestly it’s so vague, the only thing is it’s easy to tell what faction they’re from but that’s it hopefully shadow elves will be teased, even if super vague
  12. After indomitus came on release day they did a celebration stream where they revealed further out products, I could see this happening for us on the 3rd of July
  13. Ah no worries, I was wondering since I remember a lot of rumours felw around with info on new factions and battle tomes whilst naming stats! Thank you!
  14. Which rumour? Would like to know what came with said rumour
  15. This is a strong point, if we take a lot of what has happened in 40k we know matched play is going revolve heavily about objectives now, however if you’re not fussed about matches play (myself being not fussed too) I don’t think this is too much of an issue, we play for fun and enjoyment, we will get used to the changes, and with friends, even tweak the rules to better fit ourselves
  16. Make that 4 I bought one literally last week.. sorry for double post
  17. Remember when converting prices, you have to deduct some when going to Gbp, since we don’t pay import, I think big box is 125/130, rulebook 40, etc. So don’t worry, prices are basically the same as 40k release!
  18. Agreed, plus being naked is their own motif! The only option you’ll ever see is more naked dwarf with different weapons 😂 maybe a new mount! That’s not to say they don’t need a wave though! They need one
  19. I could see models like this get released alongside battletomes, much like what is happening with 40K with some armies getting lager updates similar to that of sisters of battle and Beast snagga orks, once we get stormcast and Kruelboys out (space marines and Necrons) I feel we will get a leader character for each book (much like skitarii marshal and lelith) and maybe a OBR wave 2 and possibly a new faction (or a new faction to combine) pissibly the rumoured dwarf soup, dark elf soup or lord know hahah! Regardless, good times are ahead for AOS, I can feel it, I feel we will get the last of the old factions this edition too so GW can make more progress to the AOS original sides of each faction are revitalise some older armies
  20. Can already see the eventual Umbraneth release with some giant shadow creature! The Necrosphinx, more Dragons! Some crazy ork beasts and sigmas knows what else!
  21. Agreed! And my Skalok I just purchased already heals 😂 loving these changes
  22. Unfortunately I think a dwarf vs dwarf box won’t happen, it’s so niche and only appeals to people who like dwarves, I’d love it myself, but GW wouldn’t take this route for the sake of not enough people who’d don’t like fwarves would buy it
  23. This is true, but I am on the bench where I think chaos dwarves won’t be an instant release, after all I don’t think nighthaunt and OBR released consecutively, and with these two armies being related also seems they won’t be that way, they could however be a summer release, and the new army in Q3/4 could be something different maybe more Elves or some other order, but then I’m think dwarves are chaos and a different faction so maybe they could be and a different army in summer next year... too much to hope for 😂😂😂
  24. I knew this new army would be a new level of Greenskin Kool, but this is just starting to hit my dream of malerion levels of cool! Well that me fully converted to destruction
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