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Posts posted by Feorag

  1. 5 hours ago, Enoby said:

    I'd hate to see "The Slaanesh twins, brought to you by the person who wrote the Slaangor warscroll"

    Please don't joke..... I keep trying slaangors in game and just can't get them to do anything that most things don't do better in both BoC and HoS. I have about 6 games with them now so they're at the back of my painting queue.

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  2. 22 minutes ago, PraetorDragoon said:

    As somebody who played WHFB. It does not.

    Mandatory Core/Troops/Battlelines have not, in any edition of a GW game ever, managed to stop obscene armies or balance them. Either your Core is good and you happily take them, or they're bad and you'll only take the bare minimum.

    What would work however is a special/elite/rare category that limits particular strong units.

    Yeah well the limit would go across other and behemoths/warmachines. 

    It would stop a lot of stupid lists like Archaon and kairos and katakros Arkhan and liege, also the old hedonites style of 1700 points of heros 3 units of hellstriders. 

    It's not a perfect fix by any stretch of the imagination but it may help! 

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  3. I'd love to see % caps on things like in whfb 8th.

    0-50% characters

    25%+ battleline

    Stops the obscene armies that are majority characters and the 3 cheapest battleline units. 

    I'll miss book batallions though as a BoC player they are very much needed, and I'll miss using the seeker Cavalcade for my hedonites! 

    I'd like to see no shooting into combat unless you're part of it.

    But other than those two changes I quite enjoyed aos 2.0.





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