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Everything posted by RetconnedLegion

  1. But boy are they still moaning about it. On every GW social media post, AoS or otherwise.
  2. I understand how you feel, my first army ( and favourite) for Warhammer was Chaos Dwarfs. So I went from army book and models, to get you by Ravening Hordes pamphlet with nothing, to nothing at all, to super expensive Forgeworld, to nothing, to Legends and now nothing but percolating rumours. On top of that they were in and out of the background and had their place on the map given to Ogres. But until it happens, there’s always hope. This Whitefang fellow isn’t omniscient, and GW come up with new plans and concepts. So their future isn’t set in (herd)stone. If the worst happens just don’t burn your army on a door.
  3. ‘Beasts of Chaos’ might go but that doesn’t necessarily mean there will be no faction that are beasts of chaos, just we’d see a new range and new name for it. Even if they are dropped in their entirety, it doesn’t mean they won’t return. Personally I find their current fluff exceedingly underwhelming and dislike their whole “hate the chaos gods because they’re not Chaos undivided enough” thing, so I’d be fine with a complete rework.
  4. I feel like they over estimated demand for the measuring gauges.
  5. Sometimes. There was an old White Dwarf army list that expanded on the Kroot and their various adaptation. It also established that eating chaos and tyranids is a bad idea, leads to unpleasant future traits involving tentacles you don’t want.
  6. Kroot absorb DNA from what they eat which affects how their species evolves. The Kroot hounds (and Krootox, gnarlocs etc) are evolutionary dead ends, where a group evolved too far down the quadruped path. Shapers try to avoid this by directing what their Kroot kinbands should eat.
  7. For Destruction. If you look at each Grand Alliance, they all have their variant of “wild savage” - Sylvaneth, Flesh Eaters and Kruleboyz - and Beasts of Chaos are the Chaos equivalent. I would argue that the Kruleboyz weren’t the “replacement” for Beastmen, but Bonesplitterz.
  8. Except it’s a different situation with the Aelves. While the Wood and High Elf models have gone, their aesthetic and creative niche remain - in the form of Sylvaneth and Lumineth respectively. That’s why they are gone and Dark Elves remain. I’ve no doubt that should “Umbraneth” become a reality, Dark Elf Kits will go. Same with the cities Duardin and Steam tanks. When there’s a true standard dwarfs Duardin and cog-vehicles they’ll go. Beasts of Chaos haven’t had their niche filled by another. Aesthetically they’re the only wild, savage Chaos force. Until GW make “Creatures of Chaos” or something, there’s no real reason to assume their imminent squatting.
  9. GW also squat things when they have no creative direction to take them in. That was the reason why the Squats vanished in the first place. As second edition was coming around, they were moving away from “Fantasy in Space” and there just wasn’t a consistent vision on where to take the Squats. Compared to their Epic incarnation, where the scale allowed the focus on their feats of engineering and so they remained in the game longer, they were all over the place. Beastmen have maintained a consistent creative style in AoS, and have a creative niche. There’s no reason to remove them narratively or financially.
  10. Agreed. I would hate to see AoS go down the 40K route, where catering to the competitive scene has annihilated fun/narrative list building.
  11. It should have stayed unreleased. Not a fan of Bretonnian Lord Jesus on foot.
  12. I want a new set myself, mainly because the originals were cast in the horrendous plastic used for the early AoS and some 40K terrain, which was a nightmare to glue and paint.
  13. That would not go down well. Having your army squatted and merged into a previously unrelated one would annoy players of beasts.
  14. No link, beyond Chaos Duardin probably use some as slaves. And BoC have their stupid hating the Chaos gods lore so they wouldn’t worship Hashut.
  15. I think you’re right - at least in that we won’t see models made for AoS in official TOW marketing and publications - if only because a lot have parts that are very mush AoS specific. To use the Rockguts again as the example, they’ve got bits of Stormcast on them.
  16. Awful news https://www.instagram.com/the_ansells_attic?igsh=ZGNjOWZkYTE3MQ==
  17. It still happened and it’s why GW moved away from crediting specific creators. Matt ended up taking two years off of work because of the stress from the harassment. Over a game of toy soldiers.
  18. It’s to avoid another Matt Ward situation where an unpopular product leads to its designer receiving death threats.
  19. I’m thinking a differently named replacement for the Cairnwraith. The existing model will depart back to the Old World.
  20. This silhouette is the first thing to give me a twinge of excitement for 40K since 10th slammed on the brakes. I’ve got quite a substantial Kroot army, so new models are more than welcome even if it turned out to be a singular beast riding character.
  21. You must’ve have missed the wailing and gnashing of teeth that went on when the 2nd edition of Horus Heresy was announced with mk VI as the core kit. And that was for an existing, established design.
  22. I’ve been waiting since the year 2000, you get used to it.
  23. Some of the rumour pictures have taken a long time to materialise so it’s not outside the realms of possibility it’s from a new starter set.
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