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Everything posted by Mephideus

  1. I am sorry for reviving an old thread, but there is one thing that this brought up that I am uncertain how to handle. I do agree that coalition units with the relevant God keyword do not get the faction specific keyword. So more specificly, a coalition unit in a Hedonites army, will have the Slaanesh Keyword, but not the "Hedonite" keyword. However: The"Hosts of chaos" faction rules in the Hedonite Battletome, clearly states: "When you choose a hedonites of Slaanesh army, you can give it a Host of Slaanesh keyword (...). All Slaanesh units in your army gain that keyword, and you can use the allegiance abilities listed for that host of Slaanesh." So even if my Chaos Lord of Slaanesh (a coalition unit) is not a Hedonite, he will still be an "Invader", "Godseeker" or "Pretender". Which means he does not get the hedonite speciific rules such as exploding sixes to hit, but he does get whatever rules apply to the host of chaos that he belongs to, such as +1" charge distance for the godseekers. But can I use him as a vortex to summon daemons? "Feast of depravities" is a "Hedonite" specific rule, and considering that he is Slaanesh, but not a hedonite, then I assume that "Feast of depravities" should not apply to him? But the really confusing thing about that is that the wording for the the summoning rules specifies that the vortex for the summoning has to be a "Slaanesh hero". They could have written "Hedonite hero" but it specifically says "Slaanesh hero," So I am kinda confused
  2. I like your way of thinking. As has already been brought up your system puts emphasis on shooting and magic because an AoS game of 6 rounds gives your army 12 combat phases in which to fight (because you can also fight in your opponents phases), but only 6 hero phases, movement phases, charge phases and shooting phases. In your system, your army would only get 6 combat phases in which to fight. Also, just running the combat phase twice in succession or doubling attacks for all units would not solve the problem, because much of the game mechanics revolve around phases lasting only one turn, with only so much damage being dealt, and even more importantly: with re-positioning of units (i.e. a movement phase for one of the players) in between them. I am not saying this (below) would work, but at least it puts the right emphasis on close combat, and might give you something to work with: 1. Priority phase 2. Hero phase (for both players) 3. Movement phase (Player with priority chooses which army gets to move) 4. Combat Phase (for both players, player with priority gets to activate first unit) 5. Movement phase (The player who didn't move in phase 3, moves now) 6. Combat phase (for both players, player with priority gets to activate first unit) 7. Shooting phase (Player with priority activates first unit, then activates alternate between players until all shooting is done.) 8. Battleshock phase. Placing shooting after combat might cause some trouble, and it was a tradeoff, Because placing it before movement would ruin some well known game mechanics (like units not being able to shoot if they have run etc..)
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