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Everything posted by DeLewko

  1. I feel like 3 different people designed SBG 1 did the remake of old sculptures 2nd did all the vyrkos and 3rd did the centerpiece. To me they don't seem like a cohesive army, unless we will get more stuff in 9 months which think we will it's too scattered. Also i think there is a big missed opportunity here. When they shown the first part of the army and blood dragon logo i thought the new vamps will be about the only death resource which is not used by any other death army and that is blood. Something like The Yncarne, Avatar of Ynnead but with blood instead of magic. I would be fine with vampiretaur in that army, along with some other nightmare creatures, Castlevania style. First thing that comes to mind is a vamp/spider hybrid like Cydea from Diablo. With what we got i feel like there is a part 2 of the army waiting i mean the fact that Vyrkos didn't get a unit is quite bizzare. We got so many new heroes but not even 1 new unit that is not a resulpt. To the people that think any cursed city expansions were scrapped and put into Gravelords. Think about how much time it takes to make any major decisions like that in any other company and there you have your answer. It would take more then a year to do an adjustment like that do no. Neither of the SBG miniatures were planned as CC expansion. Not every vampire belongs in the city of Ulfenkarn.
  2. Oh yeah i imagine he will go nuts =D Last time w got so many big models was the End Times.... so are we going back to Old World ? ^^
  3. Preorders will return in May, do you think we will get something on the first of May? It's Saturday afteral
  4. I agree, we will get a preview in may with hints of 3rd ed and full soulblight reveal.
  5. I was banking on a preview next weekend which should give some tips on what's coming. If not next weekend maybe in 2? I thought we will have 1 more preview of SoB with new units and a moth after a release since it would be weird if they just did an update with nothing new. I'm still hoping for a new center piece!
  6. Leaks were true but now we don't know what's coming next
  7. Rumor was Be'Lakor will go on preorder on 17th of April. This one also included dates for Lumineth and Cursed City and was spot on so far.
  8. They have confirmed on instagram there will be more stuff for gravelords!
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