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Everything posted by DeLewko

  1. They have released a painting guide for warhammer fantasy 😱 I hope that means big things for the Old World on Saturday 😄
  2. Everything will cap off on Saturday the 14th of October with the Warhammer Day Preview, which promises to reveal loads more glorious miniatures. Here’s to 40 more years of Warhammer Can’t wait 😀
  3. Do you guys think next week will be a new model ? I’m thinking it will be the new votan girl.
  4. Well there is a reason why 40k got roadmap including spring releases and we didn’t. If there isn’t a 5th book there might be a codex supplement like IJ got with a small release.
  5. I never understood why they didn’t call him vargulf and release as stand alone.
  6. Maybe we will get this wagon thing with a big ghoul beasty.
  7. The warcry warband might be an indication of how the ghoul society is devided . I think we will get new small ghouls- millita - confirmed by leaks. new bigger ghouls - a foot knight representation new ghoul nobels: baron with hounds, royal flay master, I could see 3/4 new kits here . I hope they are going to replace crypt horrors and give us new knights/Pegasus knights unit. I remember whitefang laughing emoji when someone mentioned Ushoran at the very beginning of FEC talk so I don’t know what to think about it. He would fit as a double build for him and Varghulf Although we are getting new centerpiece and Ushoran would fit the most. Terrorgheist will stay since they haven’t touched any other double kit monster from that era.
  8. Spring is packet with 40k releases, like 6 codexes ? I could see this as dry time for Aos. Imo FEC will be released in feb and book 4 in march for sure before addepticon. I hope we get a small release/range update there and it might be ogres. They already shown with IJ that we can get a supstential release without new battletome. What I hope is that with some rumors saying the narrative action might go to Andtor ,which is a frozen land in Ghur - new WHU season is also going there, we get a small update to BCR. That would include yethees, frost sabers and mournfang. Fingers crossed for a woolly rhino 🦏 😀. All that is whish listing but there is a reason why our roadmap ends at winter and 40k got spring. There is an army hidden there and I hope it’s ogres Fingers crossed for Whitefang react 🤪
  9. If I remember correctly they said these vs boxes won’t contain any terrain. Seems they changed it ? There seems to be less terrain then in last 3 boxes, I wonder what’s the price tag for this one.
  10. New story means book 3 will arrive within a month ? 🤔
  11. There is an old kit in every new army vanguard box so i also expect Hurriracum.
  12. When they talked about 12 factions getting support they meant rules or models? If rules Ko gets it with 2nd book. So that gives us 7 armies in total. Khorne and sylvaneth will probably get models with 3rd book and skaven might get ko treatment as there are narrative rumors they will also appear in the book. That would leave 2 spots. One of those should be tzeenth since he might be behind the fires in Calis and Toll story. With one spot left I hope we get something from Morathi since she just got a new city in Aqshi.
  13. Coming out after Vinces show, Imo FEC is going to be the same pattern as STD release if we get a launch box. If not they will release Jan/Feb. Book 4 is not coming before that but will be released before Addepticon, therefore late Feb early March release. Spring is packed with 40k codexes so i would assume nothing for AOS unless we get book 5 which is not out of the question. I like the idea about Morathi making moves and if she does that is book 4 leading to her getting slapped and calling for Malerions aid tho setting him up in the new edition. We also got hints about new Melusai that she is working on, which could be perfect new wave for the army. Something like new wave for IJ.
  14. If book 3 is indeed order focus I could see the rumored fyreslayers unit released alongside it plus harbingers hero. Then book 4 would be death focused with FEC. Lastly we might get book 5 in spring with nurgle hero + maybe a mortals unit ?
  15. So I the article they mentioned that kruleboyz are snatching eggs of exotic monster in Ghur, do you think is only mentioning the new warcry warband or it’s a setup for wave 2 ? 🤔
  16. I don’t think we are getting an ironjawz box with dawnbringers 2. It would be great but all new minis with a discount on release doesn’t sound like gw 🤪
  17. Yeah these rumors seems off, a battle force with all new not yet released space marines? Also new nids in a big box 3 months after release? I call bs on that. Most new armies had to wait till next xmass to get a battle force box like kruleboyz or stormcast from dominion. For Aos I believe the chaos one is correct and maybe seraphon. Apart from that I expect only older kits.
  18. With the leak of what seems to be core ghouls imo everything will get updated apart from terrorgheist cause it shares kit with zombie dragon. This seems to be a problem for gw with kits that are shared across two factions. The only way out of it is to update 1 sculpt and keep the other as the only option till they ditch it. So we have a big monster, 1 buff hero and a mage. IMO we will get 2 foot heroes ghoul beast master and a knight, core ghouls as shown in the leak, big ghoul knights- unit of 3, varghulf replacement, diorama centerpiece and a fast unit. I was thinking of bats at first but sbgl just got new ones so no idea what could it be. That would give us 8 new kits plus warcry warband. I could see the “diorama” prediction split in two for a more stationary buffing piece and a bigger ghoul hero kind of like radukar the beast.
  19. I feel like if we are going to Ulgu next edition with skaven being the main vilians, Malerion might pop up mid edition as a solution to the skaven Eshin killing everyone in the dark. Imagine him being like Bane in the Dark Knight with " I was born in the darkness, the shadows betray you, because they belong too me"
  20. Tbh i think epic was supposed to launch last week since we got the skaven warband out of nowhere and now another empty week. Let’s hope they will squize more stuff in the upcoming weeks so we can get dawnbringers 2 soon😃 During warhammer fest I think Eddy said they want to release all battletomes by the end of the year but seeing that cities launch is in November I think we will see Fec in February at earlier.
  21. There will probably reveal updated bikes, land speeders and assault marines soon
  22. Well it all depends how do you approach it. I have a huge collection of vc, fec and dark elves that I put in hundreds of hours assembling, painting and basing. Was I said when vc got replaced with sbgl? Not really I was hyped I will get new models for my favorite army. The old models will stay in the cabinet so I can look at them and feel nostalgic 😊 when the new fec will drop I will probably buy a lot and have fun addiing them to my collection. The old models only drop in value if you think about selling them but then you’re probably not very attached to them.
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