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Everything posted by Udalriki

  1. These last days since the new edition were such an Decision making rollercoaster with these new infos coming out every day but I don't think they will release in the near future a Brand new Armie after the Release of the Big Starter Sets. In the Next Days we will get Infos how the Old Armies will transition to the AOS 3.0. So Gameplay wise we have an Idea what to expect from these and I hope we will also see the Rumoured new Models from the Armies in the Starting Boxes until the Preorder. So maybe the best Point to make a Final Decision is now. Because of this I have just decided to set myself an Ultimatum on the 18th June to which of the new armies in the starter set I will finally Pledge my alliance to. I can share your excitement about Grimdark beasts and thought maybe some kind of AOS version of these Biblical Primordial Creatures would be Amazing. The Leviathan and the Behemoth from the book of Hiob. In the Book I think they Represents more arachic forces of Nature which are a part of the World. I don't know the Full AOS Lore yet, but AOS Beasts kinda gave the same Vibe to me. They are maybe not really Evil more some kind of Primordial Forces which Destroy stuff because it is just part of there Nature.
  2. Dammit GW gives me a really hard time to Decide which Army I should collect first if they keep teasing such exciting Concepts. So I hope they make a Dawnbringer Crusade Faction with new Models as a propper Age of Sigmar equivalent to the Old Empire but I guess we will find out tomorrow what the Crusade is all about.
  3. I know I am a little bit late to the Party but I just wanted to say thanks to all becaus to be honest I havent really played a single warhammer game in my life i just collected and rubbishly painted some miniatures of the old fantasy edition when I was a KId, but I quite never lost the Interest in the Hobby (the Grim Warhammer Setting was always my Favourite.) and I always found the Community nice because of the Creativity and the Social Aspect of the Hobby so I am happy to get such a warm Welcome and now I have even found the Perfect Faction for me to Start. Which brings me to the Point that now you can me refer to me as one of the Kruelboyz. I love these guys. Okay I have properly hyped myself up until this Preview but these new Kruelboyz have blown me out of the Window I mean: an overhaul Creepy and Grim aesthethic with a mystical clerical caster ( as Clerical an Orruk can get, I am referring to the Swampcalla Shaman and his Religious Iconographie ) and then you have also some Medieval looking fantasy aesthetic nods in form of the Helmets of the Boltboyz which also bring Crossbows to the Table of things I love. And then you have the Gnashtoof and the Mirebrute Troggoth which bring in my opinion some of the best looking beasts in the Mix ( Beasts are every Time a good Idea ) and then all the flayed Skin, the detailled grotesque Faces and the beheading which is really Grim but they also have their Mini Me Grots by their side which feels like a "bring your Kid to Work day" kind of thing which I also Absolutely Love. So to come to a Conclusion before I Ramble even more I have found my Boyz and now I just have to get this Dominion Box and some brushes + Paint to Start properly in the Age of Kruelboyz.
  4. To pass the Time until the Preview (and to Hype myself even more) I Updated the Speculation Board a last Time and wanted to include every Breadcrumb which we got and some speculations from the Community and myself. I am eagerly waiting to see the new Boyz and wanted to say that the last weeks were a lot of fun for me to read the discussions and speculations. I am not a native english speaker and kinda busy because of my studies so I lurk more but I am really glad I found this Community. So I wish you all a Splendid Evening with the Dominion Preview.
  5. Yeah indeed, I am currently working on a new speculation board to connect the Rumours and I also wanted to Include the Idea that the new Faction are the Stick Figures around Kragnos. This new Picture from today ties nicely in this.
  6. Your Posts kinda reminded me of the Magic the Gathering Shadowmoor set which got a more twisted approach to the classic faerie and goblin aesthetic.
  7. Okay maybe I am going mad after all this speculation, but I posted the last two speculation boards on Reddit and yesterday night I got a notification on my tablet regarding something like a "bubbling cauldron" and "stirring" written in cursive the message was longer but because it was just a notification I couldn't see the rest (the beginning of the message reminded me of a Poem). At this point it was really late so I wanted to read the notification in the next morning. After I have seen the grimdark live video today I wanted to look after the message because it sounded interesting regarding the last rumours but when I watched on my tablet the notification was there for a moment and then quickly disappeared. I have looked in my inbox there is also nothing. So maybe it is a technical bug or the moderators deleted the message or the person which posted this message deleted it himself. Either way I am going to put my Tin Foil hat on and stay hyped.
  8. Excellent observation I am currently working on a speculation board 2.0 and if you don´t mind I would like to include this.
  9. Because of your post and the last Pages, I got a little bit Carried away and went down a Rabbit hole with ancient alphabets and historical depictions of Goats and horned men. Now it is almost 6 am and I should really go to sleep.
  10. Sry I don't see it but I have noticed in the last scene maybe something different. Not only the Red dots come near the fire there are some strange particles (in the red circles) which seem to fly with the red particles to the Campfire. I don't know if this means something or maybe i have just watched the teaser to much 😅 but I thought nonetheless its Interesting. (or it is just an animation error)
  11. You Guys are really fast with posting so I had to catch up with all the new posts First of all I like the new gritty Stormcasts and the mythological Ornaments on the Armors are the Cherry on the top for me so I might start with them or the new mysterious Destruction Army which got me even more hyped. So I would like to start a little tinfoil hat speculation about the mysterious teaser. the most people have described the particles in the teaser as eyes of some kind of creature but my first impression was that they float more freely like some kind of will o wisp you can see one in this shot. In the last shot of the teaser, I got the impression that the red particles are not between the tress but rather float above them because you can see no trace of movement in the plants on the ground or in the crown of the trees which a moving creature on the ground would normally make. ( Okay maybe this was just a design choice for the animation but nonetheless I got this impression ) and now if you look at this teaser picture which you get through the newsletter we have a face with floating res eyes so I would say in conclusion that maybe the red particles in the Teaser are the floating eyes from the left shield. An additional interesting point for me is that someone on Reddit pointed out that the monolog from the teaser is really similar to the Dialog from the tree witches of Macbeth. I think and hope the new Destruction Faction is a maybe a more mystical and Creepy approach on the Destruction thematic than we have seen before.
  12. this is what i am also hoping for not just the same Bretonia as before but more of a mix of the new Stormcast aesthetic with a more traditional Knightly touch. I realy want to start an Army with Knights and Clerics and so on but there is not really a new army with the aesthetic i am searching for ( Citys of sigmar is okay but the most models are to old for my taste and it´s not given that they wille get an larger update for the older units ) and if there is a green knight in between i wouldnt mind it at all 😅 This would be also perfect dont get me wrong the Stormcasts are nice but their Helmets dont look interestingly diverse enough for my taste at the moment. So an Knightly Update or an army with a similar Theme and a more traditonal grounded aesthetic would be nice.
  13. Good evening again I am realy hyped about Saturday and the speculation with the Bretonian Stormcast Chamber ( I would love to beginn with them in a starter Set as a first Army ) and if you think about the Bretonian Knights reforged as Stormcasts they do make a lot of Sense as a fitting Army to fight against some new Force of Destruction. Because the Bretonian Kingdom is totaly Lost and now there is a Enemy in form of Kragnos and maybe his new Force ( The speculated Hobgoblins ) which are the embodiment of the end of Empires. Also Bretonian Knighst were known for their Quests and slaying a Beast like Kragnos would be a epic Goal for a Quest🤔
  14. Good evening. As a long time Lurker in this Forum would I like to draw some conclusions between the new Silhouette and the cursed city information which we already knew. On the Official Website is the Map of the City with four Important figures for Ulfenkarn. First we got the Grave keeper, second we got the Head of the City Watch the third figure could represent in my Opinion some kind of Knight or Royalty and the Fourth Figure represents in my Opinion the Clergy. After the city's downfall each of this Important Figures got twisted, and I think it would be the perfect match for the "Bishop" of the City to be the Head Necromancer because he gave the Dying Townsfolk the last rites before the Dead he is now the One who reanimates the Bodies. Furthermore, is the Silhouette which I added at 3 the Perfect Match for the drawn Figure on the shield (Look at the Sword handle on the Silhouette and the drawn sword handle + the long side cut + the Pauldron) I Think He could be the Head of some kind of Order of Vampires (You can see in the Trailer another Vampire which looks kinda similar to him. ) . The Silhouette which we got today in the Preview looks in my Opinion very Crooked and Hunched Over and the drawn Figure at 4 has a walking stick which may be part of the final Model. To end my Conclusion I Think the two silhouettes we got shown today are the last drawn figures on the Map. What do you guys think about this speculation ?
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