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Everything posted by LeonBox

  1. Good read, interesting to know what SoB are like (my meta is extremely limited and I'm unlikely to ever play against them). Twinsouls seem amazing against low-save enemies -- that was an insane number of wounds to go through from a unit of 5! Shame your unit of 10 didn't get to do anything, but as you said, that's what screens are for. Aside from Siggy for screening Chaos Warriors, is there anything else you'd change?
  2. Hopefully we'll get more of the LRL style of preview and less of the last Hedonites style. LRL got so many rules previews compared to our (IIRC) zero.
  3. I think a danger of these guys is that they further marginalise Keepers, who have already been relegated to the role of an extremely situational summon.
  4. Great catch! Left-handedness has long been associated with the devil and witchcraft too, right? I'm sure it's no coincidence that Synessa is the one with powerful spellcasting capabilties.
  5. The reveal article uses "they" to describe, uh, them, so it's safe to say they're non-gender-specific. If this wasn't obvious already from their androgynous forms.
  6. We for sure need a new Herald model. I can't even get a hold of the old one -- I'll probably have to make a footslogger one from the Start Collecting box.
  7. Wow. Hopefully we'll be getting another decent caster with the Voice of Slaanesh too! I'm a little shocked we're getting more new models so fast, but who's complaining?
  8. I think the consensus is that they were already mediocre before the points hike and are a very unattractive choice now. They're at least battleline again, but I'm not sure that makes them particularly viable over, say, 5-man Chaos Warrior blocks who have the virtue of being both cheap and tanky.
  9. Having just fully finished Glutos, something I'd suggest doing to make your model a little more dynamic: magnetise Priestess Dolece, Painbringer Kyazu and Lashmaster Vhyssk. It's super easy to do and it's pretty cool to be able to add/remove models according to the number of wounds allocated to Glutos.
  10. I foolishly charged Eltharion with Glutos last night, thinking I'd brute force my way through, but his unrendable armour plus halving all damage makes him a super tough nut to crack. Does he also halve MW damage?
  11. I gotta disagree with Locus being more potent. It requires a daemon hero to be in combat for it to work (no more 6" range) and only goes off on a 4+ (or 3+ on an expensive, fragile unit less and less worth taking). The LRL double activation requires no rolls and is faction-wide. It's extremely reliable and the LRL player can plan their combat phase around it. We can do no such thing with Locus, and if we actually need for it to go off in order to ensure a key victory in the combat phase, even taking the artifact that lets you re-roll it isn't anywhere near close to guaranteed. On an unrelated note, last night I rolled four ones in a row for the Rod of Misrule. This is pertinent to nothing, but I'm salty as hell about it.
  12. For sure, I think if our host options had stuff like "all friendly daemon heroes gain +1 to Locus of Diversion rolls" then it would at least make it less frustrating. As it stands, frequently playing LRL and IDK with their guaranteed re-rolls from buff heroes is extremely annoying given how frequently I fail Locus/Horrible Fascination rolls.
  13. I forget who mentioned it upthread and drew my attention to it, but it annoys me more and more that so many of our special abilities are contingent on dice rolls (or, at least, unfavourable dice rolls). Horrible Fascination, Locus, Glutos' ward save, the Shardspeaker's special ability, etc. etc. etc. I also despise with a passion spells that require, in addition to being successfully cast, a dice roll to do something. Lash of Slaanesh in particular, a spell that ought to be great for generating DPs, is just kind of a joke due to the hoops you need to jump through to accomplish anything with it.
  14. The Aegis isn't reliable enough in my opinion. If it were 5++ it would be worth it, but a 6++ is nothing to write home about at all (and certanily not worth taking over the Sinistrous Hand). Just measured him, he's about 13cm/5in at his tallest point.
  15. Had my first game with the new tome today with a THOROUGHLY unoptimised list using only stuff I had painted. I decided to paint Glutos first out of the new stuff and, well, he's taking a while. My list: Invaders Leaders 1 Keeper of Secrets, general, sinistrous hand, skin-taker, realm of beasts artefact (re-roll charges), Slothful Stupor The Masque, general Shalaxi Helbane, Paths of the Dark Prince Contorted Epitome, general, Rod of Misrule, Lash of Slaanesh Infernal Enrapturess Viceleader, Born of Damnation Battleline 3 x 5 Chaos Warriors, shields and hand weapons Other 2 x 5 seekers Battalions Supreme Sybarites I was facing Lumineth Realm Lords, also pretty unoptimised. His list, roughly: 1 x Stone Mage, some spell that wounds off your armour save; 1 x named Cow Mountain guy [Ally] 1 x caster Mathlann Eidolon dude (big guy with watery cape) 2 x 10 archers 1 x 10 pikemen 2 x 10 hammer guys 1 x 5 Auralan Knight dudes 1 x Spirit of Eltharion The scenario was focal points. This isn't great against LRL because it plays to their strengths, namely castling up and forcing you to go to them. Overall thoughts: The KoS and Shalaxi didn't perform amazingly but were useful as distraction carnifexes. The KoS ate up a lot of shooting from his archers/Eltharion/Cow Mountain and managed to kill 3-4 hammer dudes, which wasn't bad considering they ignore up to -2 rend (since when did elves become dwarfs?). Shalaxi put 6 wounds on Cow Mountain before fluffing on her second pile-in (Keeper command ability). Both then died on his turn. Seekers were great. My opponent always underestimates how fast they are, and they got into his backfield and tied his archers/knights up by turn 2. Enrapturess was fantastic at messing with LRL's extremely strong magic phase. Almost every spell they have is strong and Twinstones are obscenely strong. Consequently, my own magic wasn't great as he shut everything down (my opponent never seems to roll lower than an 8 on unbinds even without bonuses, and he had the re-rolls to dispel from the Mathlann guy). Did get off a clutch Paths of the Dark Prince on Shalaxi, though. Poor Eltharion took 6 wounds(!) off deadly terrain, rolling two ones in consecutive turns. Keeper finally killed him. DP generation was way better than I expected. I summoned 30 daemonettes turn 3 and had another 15 or so points when we called it (top of his turn 3). My opponent conceded after he realised he wasn't going to catch me on VPs. I had 14 to his 4-5, due to my capturing and holding the middle objective and then aggressively moving up against him. Had he continued he would have shifted me off the middle, but I had enough DPs for another nasty summon and his bodies were dwindling. Overall -- and despite no new models -- enjoyed the new rules more than I expected. I still strongly dislike that our key abilities (locus, mirror's horrible fascination) rely on dice rolls to go off, but new DP generation worked great. This will change once my opponent realises he should focus my units down instead of putting damage across multiple units, I'm sure.
  16. Quick question on Lurid Haze: do you still get the other benefits of being an Invaders Host (3 generals, DPs generated if in enemy territory) or do the Lurid Haze traits and abilities completely replace this?
  17. Seems to be a hell of a lot of fuss over the LRL release. Has anyone had a chance to look over the rumours, and if so, how's their costing looking compared to ours?
  18. So I've been working on assembling Glutos and ****** is he fiddly! I couldn't get his dais to sit flush with the base of the palanquin, and there's a sizeable gap between the two now which is driving me crazy. Did anybody else have trouble with him?
  19. I feel exactly the same way about this. The Old World was flavourful and had a tangible sense of place, history and culture. I really cannot engage with the whole floaty planes thing in AoS, and it makes it harder to engage with the lore on any level. That said, I love that they're actually advancing the metaplot (which never happened in Oldhammer). Morathi achieving godhood, Slaanesh's capture and birthing of an offspring... these are great developments that make the setting feel less static than the Old World.
  20. Edit: my page didn't update so I didn't see someone had already posted about the FAQ.
  21. The Mountain Cow is really really slow right? Better just to kite it than bother engaging it in combat.
  22. Absolutely this. The core rules flat-out state that a model with paired weapons gets some kind of benefit, either shown in the number of attacks or else in the rules text. Slaangors are explicitly stated to be armed with either a gilded weapon or a pair of claws. For some bizarre reason, however, they get no benefit at all from paired weapons, whether an extra attack or re-rolls.
  23. You make a good point actually. CP-hungry armies like FEC (assuming they don't have the "serfs immune to BS" court) lose a lot if they don't get access to their extra feeding frenzy attacks. I'm just so used to Invaders lists, where the CPs runneth over, that I use them like confetti and forget how sparse they otherwise are.
  24. Dreadful Visage actually isn't a bad idea for a minor buff to our terrible mortal bravery either, now that you mention it. Here's hoping they make more out of bravery in 3.0 -- we have all these tools to manipulate it, but a simple CP circumvents almost all of it!
  25. Absolutely, soulslice will be great in this list if it goes off. And I forgot about the CA-denying spells, great idea! One of my regular opponents is Idoneth and their one real "weakness" is their bravery scores. Soulslice going off on a -4 bravery turtle would be devastating.
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