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Posts posted by Sorrow

  1. 1 hour ago, Enoby said:

    I think it was Lascillion - I think I was misremembering his exact abilities but that sounds right. And yeah, if they continue with the Lurid Haze, having more perfume like powers would be a really good idea. 

    It is very odd; I don't know if they just want to save up the hype until the release week so they don't bore people, but it does seem like we've been pushed to the side for new shinies. I have a feeling GW have really tried hard to push Lumineth with their two rule books, second release, and stories; I don't know how successful they've been but it feels like they have a lot banking on Lumineth. Unfortunately for us, it's left our release feeling a bit shafted even though it's a fantastic release. I've not seen really any negative sentiment towards our new models, compared to the mixed reactions Lumineth have gotten. I just hope that our release is successful and we get brought more into the spotlight. 

    For the record, I sincerely doubt that we will see any more new Hedonite models for years to come. This was our big release. Let us hope Emperor Children get a rich codex like the Death Guard got. Could be wrong and we get a second wave of Hedonites, but that would be truly unfair to other factions.

    They are really pushing Lumineth a lot, which leads me to suspect that initial wave was not as popular as they hoped it would be. Once again, I could be totally wrong. But yeah, I did expect rules preview by now. At least something.

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  2. 52 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    I am hoping that, in future releases, further senses and sins are explored; like you said, smell hasn't been touched on (except in a Malign Portents story*), and neither have most of the sins in Slaanesh's circles. Glutos was a really good start, and I hope they continue with these Lords of Sin in future releases. 

    I agree on books; Slaanesh can have some really interesting stories which don't devolve into "Chaos Lords goes to X and kills Y", but it seems like all of the Chaos Gods (bar Khorne maybe?) have been relegated to just being the bad guys in other books.

    I'm pretty concerned that we haven't really heard anything about the Slaanesh release at all. We had a Sigvald article late last year, and a weird metawatch article that will be out of date soon, but other than that the community sits has been pretty silent. I'm hoping they at least show us some rules previews soon, or at least a bit of new lore. 

    * I say a Malign Portents story but it may have actually been one of the first Realm Wars books where a lord is hunting Neferata

    Hmm, would that Chaos lord be Lascillion? He, if I remember right, basically uses his tongue to taste not scents but emotions. Nice but that is not really exploration of olfactory sense.  Check out the movie Perfume from 2006 for a better insight into this particular sense. Honestly, GW could easily create concept on use of perfume/fragrance and censers. The Lurid Haze are precisely that. Let us hope we get some models in the future and that they will be in our new battletome.

    I am getting concerned too, this absence of any proper news on Hedonites is weird. That Metawatch article was, at this point, truly meaningless. But we got that Hateful Stasis short story. But no announcement of any proper books devoted to Hedonites and Lumineth are getting them like hot cakes.

  3. 9 hours ago, Enoby said:

    I do wonder if, like Lumineth, we'll get another big release with a side book. After this I don't feel like we'd need it (certainly not compared to other factions), but at the same time it feels like narratively Slaanesh is the big bad of AoS's current arc and it'd feel a shame if this wasn't realised in a Soul Wars-like narrative event. Slaanesh's escape has been a major plot point since day 1, so it'd be a bit underwhelming if it didn't get a treatment the scope of Malign Portents. 

    At the same time, it would feel extremely odd if we got another release in a starter box. It's not that we couldn't have the room for more units, but we are far more well off than Fyreslayers for example. 

    On one hand, I'd like to see Slaanesh's escape  fully realised with an AoS 3 boxset, being the main villain of the edition (mostly because of how long has been leading up to this). On the other hand, it would be pretty unfair (though thematically on point) to get even more. 

    Greetings to all!

    As a fellow Hedonite player, I would truly love to see more releases for us. Of all Chaos Gods, Slaanesh is by far the most interesting one to properly explore.  For instance, the sense of smell has not been truly explored.  For Slaanesh,  a perfume/fragrance concept would be amazing. Snakes were once a major symbol of Slaanesh and though Lord of Gluttony has a snake as a architectural part of his palanquin, many were hoping to see that classic boob-snake model.  That being said, purple seahorses are magnificent.


    I am mildly worried by no announcements of new books for our faction. Sure, there are a few short stories about Slaaneshi in AoS but a proper book or two that explores Hedonite society would be amazing.


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