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Everything posted by EJC

  1. When I look at Har Kuron in general the two strongest benefits is the incitement to murder prayer and the possibility to bring Morathi in a non DoK army. What the DoK often lacks is proper spellcasting and shooting - the very thing the Dark Elves CoS units are best at. My ideal list would be something like this: The Shadow Queen Morathi Khaine - Vitrolic Spray Hag Queen Sorceress - General, Withering, Muderous zeal Dreadlord on Black Dragon - sword and shield Assassin - Traitors banner 10 Black Guard 10 Black Guard 10 Dreadspears 20 Darkshards 20 Darkshards 1 Drakespawn Chariot 2000/2000 The main army is the darkshards in the back, black guards in the front to screen, (Two of the best units for the prayer) and a hagqueen/sorc in the middle with 12" prayer. We have this symmetrical blob x2 and can split up in two directions if the objective calls for it. The Dreadspears are again there for screen and sorc fodder and the Chariot can grap a third remote objective. I like it as the Drakespawn version where its a little more sturdy and we should have more than enough shooting. Shadow Queen and the dreadlord don't need much support and should be able to charge in and wreak havoc. The Assassin is always a bit of a joker. I like that he can pop in with the banner where it is needed, but you can easily take another Chariot instead of him - alternatively you can cut him for another Sorc and replace one black guard unit with executioners so the points fit. Any thoughts are welcome 🙂
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