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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. Never buy minis for rules, they change, a lot. I think most people know this but it cant hurt to mention. A lot of the CoS range still consist of older models, mostly the duardin and aelves. Expect them to get replaced/removed within a few years. Cant really go wrong with the Dawnbringer stuff.
  2. I would love an arrowboyz unit that looks like the warband arrowboy. Wereboar unit needs to happen too some day.
  3. I would say: Sons of Behemat Sylvaneth Slaves to Darkness Nighthaunt These imho have the most complete model range at the moment and would be best for an early tome after the index.
  4. I think 4th edition AoS will decide this battle. If its good, people will stick with AoS. If its terrible, people might move to the other game that uses the same minis, ToW or OPR. Thats said, i expect Skaven to out sell Kruleboyz a lot. They seem popular and in need of a refresh since AoS happened. I do hope to score half a starterbox for a good price. Might actually go for SCE. I really like them much more recently. GW really is trying to make them look different from marines.
  5. I was really hoping that Destruction would do something like this. The siege of Excelsis was fun but not that huge compared to some other events. We still have to see what happens with Kragnos i guess. I do start to like Gobsprakk, hes a good morruk character.
  6. This. Also not everyone has to be at war with everyone at all times. They can change things up a bit. Skaven are the perfect bad guys to start 4th edition.
  7. Im out of likes but i fully agree. Its to be expected they get some new shiny model. I hope really hope its a unit this time. I would love new stabbas or bat riders or another type of squig thats really different from the generic squig. Give me a stalagsquig cannon please now that i think about it.
  8. I think this halfling idea is too funny. Make the halfling lore so that they love to cultivate and cook before all else and like to feed the Ogors with endless hunger make for an unlikely alliance. Make them these crazy fanatic gatherers with chef hats and giant cutlery XD. Yes GW i said a subfaction with funny hats. I know i got your attention now!
  9. I just need bat squig riders tossing shrooms.
  10. Skragrott kinda declared war on the Skaven here. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/03/15/dawnbringer-chronicles-xxiv-rumbles-in-da-green/ What new models do we think could be added to GG to fight the Skaven? Updated Stabbas/Shootas? Something new?
  11. I like my soup a few different ways. LoN style? No ty. Sharing models with nighthaunt was a balance nightmare. Orruk Warclans style? Maybe. This is just 3 armies in a tome with a 4th soup option. I actually quite like this. Could work like this to put Gitmob into the GG tome. Like how they put KB into Warclans with their own subfactions, artifacts etc. GG style? I think it doesnt need another subfaction added to the keyword soup it already is. I think moonclan, squigs, troggoths and spiderfang are enough. But thats just me. I like the tome how it is now. Including Gitmob here saves me the money of buying another tome, thats a plus i guess.
  12. Agreed. The Snarlfang Riders also dont add much Spider Riders, Boingrot Bounders or Squig Hoppers cant offer. The Gitmob keyword also doesnt do anything at the moment. They are in a weird spot. They dont mix well with any of the existing subfactions. Its sad because i love the models. A hero model or some keyword bingo could fix that quite easily though. But instead of trying to make them fit GG i rather see them shine in their own tome of Evil Sun worshippers. Edit: I had a random thought about Beastclaw Raiders. Wouldnt it be awesome to make them ride walrus and sea elephants.
  13. Maybe for someone doesnt know AoS a regular beastmen would look to similar to Skaven? Could also be because Tzaangor are more mainstream choice because of the realms of ruin game or connection to a well known chaos god?
  14. Gitmob needs to leave Gloomspite Gitz asap. They just dont fit, even in the lore they arent the best of friend. They could use a completely different setting to dank caves and dark places. I also hope they can ally with Ogors, that would be awesome for a Destruction collector.
  15. Some ideas i had a while back. I also posted a paint thing somewhere, cant seem to find it. So many ways Gitmob or Frazzlegitz can be designed in areas that are still unexplored.
  16. This had been rumoured before, dont remember who said it. Edit: i dont think thats the case since we already had the Underworld Rippas Snarlfangs warband too that used a similar design.
  17. Dont care if its for ToW or AoS but i need a hero model for Gitmob that looks like this.
  18. Does that logic allow for smaller bases to fight in ranks?
  19. Any info on gw supporting 1k point games this time around?
  20. Voted no because i simply cant go to another country for a meetup, but i like the idea.
  21. Looking at these dryads makes me happy because they still look similar to the old ones. I wont have to paint up another 30 something more, if an update looks like these, they look similar enough for me.
  22. *Note to self* Add raven deathcast knights to Lethis army. This is going to be a fun army. Happy to see them embrace chocobo fandom.
  23. Spiderfang even get missed in the quoting.
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