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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. I really hope codex en tomes get squatted. At least for the army rules part. Just make them narrative books for the faction with some battleplans and path to glory and other fun stuff. But keep the rules out of it. They get invalidated before they hit the shelves anyway. Just make army rules and warscrolls a free pdf. I think this will only result in more sales of minis without the tome tax.
  2. They should have doubled up on the caveman theme with both Spiderfang and Bonesplitterz and put them in the same tome. But i guess that wont be happening anymore.
  3. Yes thats is true, but they did get replaced by one of the biggest army refreshes GW has done so far. So im wondering what BoC and BS get replaced by or made room for. Silent people? Frazzlegitz? Something weird?
  4. Nobody wondering why all these things are getting squatted? Do we expect something to happen that causes this change/removal of armies? Some kind of mid season narrative campaign? Just give me a renewed BoC and reimagined/ integrated BS please.
  5. I agree. Warcry fixed a lot of issues i had with 3rd edition and also made me enjoy my old models again that got shoved into legends too. It is really easy to proxy models by just looking at the weapon profiles. I am also in the process of building a Warcry board. It is actually doable because the board is really small and i dont have to build a complete 60x44 size board.
  6. Think ill get some brush on primer. 👍 Edit: what would be a good brand?
  7. I am looking into Infinity at the moment. I like the xcom style gameplay and that an army has like a maximum of 15 model, perfect for a side project imho. I know some of u play or have played multiple games and i value your opinions above some random sponsored youtuber. I have painted a total of 3 metal minis in my life and i know the basics. Clean, varnish and more varnish. But thats about it, so i have some questions. 1. Do i need to use a file or can i get away with the back of a knife? 2. Is there some type of super glue thats good/best for metal minis? I know there are many types of super glue and dont want to mess up new minis. 3. Do i need a thick coat of primer or does it need a similar coat compared to plastic? 4. Varnish after primer before painting or not? 5. I am reading a bunch of different opinions about N4 and CodeOne and where a beginner should start. As someone who is familiar with Warhammer, what do u recommend? 6. How hard of a game is N4 really? Imho it seems like a lot of rules but not really much bookkeeping while playing. I feel like most rules and actions do what u expect them to do. 6. Nvm 7. Any good european webstores that sell infinity related stuff like terrain and tokens etc? I love all the warsenal stuff but it has €50 shipping costs. 8. Anything else i need to be aware of?
  8. I hope they do a huge daemons release with 40k and update them all in one go. Dont know if it even possiblem
  9. The Treelord kit is also from end times right? I think that one is staying for a while too.
  10. Did u already remove Bonesplitterz from Orruk Warclans? Its quite interesting that Orruk Warclans a 100% AoS army after removal of BS. The other thing i noticed are most of the daemons kits are still from whfb. The rumoured update of the chaos daemons would make sense for armies that need updating. Also noticed Order is by far the most updated Grand Alliance.
  11. Yes this. Thanks for saving me some time :). This bit can easily be used to discribe a Bonesplitterz Orruk. Just in an earlier state of fully becoming one. They also represent this on the models by making them lose a bunch of armour. Edit: looked it up anyway XD. Got this from the store: This multipart plastic kit builds three Weirdbrute Wrekkaz – berserker orruks infused with magical madness. These fearless fighters race into battle without the heavy breastplates worn by most Ironjawz, wielding deadly chain-smasha flails. Each Wrekka wears a terrifying Weirdbrute mask of iron and bone – the kit includes six different masks for your orruks, allowing you to customise your maniacal mob. This bit is from warcom: Sometimes, the storm of Waaagh! energy that swirls around an orruk battle can send some boyz off the deep end, and they end up in a unit of Weirdbrute Wrekkaz. The only thing they’re good for is bolting on an iron mask and swinging a heavy ball-and-chain, which is a task their fellow Ironjawz are only too happy to set them to. (random excuse for artwork) Bonesplitterz: Bonesplitterz are a type of wild bands of Orruks driven mad by the thrumming power of Gorkamorka. Guided by mysterious shamans that are believed to speak directly to Gorkamorka, they hunt the great beasts of the Mortal Realms so they can slay them and absorb the spiritual might of their god, which they believe is bound within the creatures bones. These savage orruks are unpredictable and difficult to best in combat, not only because of their lack of organisation and tactics but also in toughness and sheer single-mindedness. The orruks of these wild bands are possessed by the power of the Waaagh!, unable to fully revert to what is considered normal.
  12. The Brute Wrekkaz are basicly already just Bonesplitterz, it already happened before. Some say the same about the KB warband.
  13. Yes they would be perfect for some formation style boxes. Same with Gitmob, Spiderfang. Maybe even do a multifaction Bonesplitterz unit for IJ and KB just to keep their spirit alive.
  14. We doing Aqshy again right? Lets just go with a whole new firebellies subfaction in the realm of fire.
  15. I agree, yes the rules have been really good so far. But to me rules are really not that important. At the end i am still collecting miniatures first. But ok, lets not dwell on this for too long. I do like IJ and KB to potentially get their own tomes. Bonesplitterz were the faction that let Orruk Warclans make sense. Without them i dont see the need to keep them together. GW could also get nuts and push the rules to fit the theme of the army because they dont have to balance with the other orruk factions. I would really like for IJ to get some ranged options back though and maybe KB can finally get the cavalry they always wanted.
  16. I am sorry. I have been defending Bonesplitterz for years and GW just smashed that belief with a chainsword.
  17. This is why im seriously looking to start playing infinity. (and i love xcom)
  18. Seems like things aregetting worse. I hope they wont destroy GSG too.
  19. Couldnt agree more. Era of the beast actually didnt do anything. Could have also said Era of the rainbow unicorns and it would have had the same impact. Im not bashing Dawnbringers, its great fun. But it 100% feels like we are missing a few things between Broken Realms and Dawnbringers, i think even Bonesplitterz could/should have played a more prominent role. I always felt like the Beast part was a reference to BoC rather than Kragnos, Gordrakk or even king Brodd.
  20. Rats on flying ships are just pidgeons XD.
  21. My problem is actually that my hobby time is very limited. Mental challanges and busy family life makes it hard to find any time at all. This also means building an army takes a very long time. Is that GWs problem? I guess not, but it is something that can be expected as many if us arent living the student life. I have been busy gathering orruks for a Big Waaagg army and i already know it will be invalidated by the time ill finish building and painting it all. I will finish it because i already spend precious money and time on it, but it does really dampen my motivation.
  22. My guess it that its based on the roadmap. GW could have talked about it on the last reveal stream. I watched it without audio last time so i am not sure about that. Thats said, i can see Warcry moving to another setting along with 4th edition. I understand why people would think that.
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