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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. Its been a while since i have done this. But. Its a symbol for the underground. And what is under ground? Edit: A hint. It ends with People. Edit: its got nothing to do with
  2. With the level of efficiency of knot making im going greenskinz with this one. Either Bonesplitterz or Gitmob.
  3. This is not really a character but it kinda is. Does anyone know whats up with the Crown of Sorcery? I love the bits with Azhag the Slaughterer and while i dont think we will be seeing him could we be seeing someone else wearing this thing. I like what a Necromancer in other factions that are not known for that kind of magic like the orruks could bring us. I also noticed quite a few important AoS characters have worn the crown. Last thing i remember reading is that it was stored in a vault? Please correct me if im wrong.
  4. Are we sure they wont be doing a online stream event?
  5. I think it would be fun if we get a small snotling sized warboss. Complete with overcompensation issues
  6. Orions essence is contained in his spear/weapon that Alarielle uses right? I see every chance of him coming back somehow when Alarielle wants to.
  7. I havent played whfb that much so im not that deep into the lore. I know about Throgg but i think we wont be seeing him back with the new Troggoth king we recently got. I dont feel any need to see any of the old O&G characters back. I like Gordrakk, Gobsprakk and Skragrott. Dont like Kragnos but i guess i dont need to like all Destruction characters. I hope we get to see some good new Gitmob, Spiderfang and Bonesplitterz characters 4th edition. I know its the undead thing to be uhm... undead but i would like to see some more new characters enter the main stage and battle Nagash for the throne.
  8. I think this could use its own fun discussion.
  9. What characters would you like to see reused in AoS, or dont want to make a comeback at all? Or do you think AoS should create its own unique characters? Normally i go first, but i have to think about this one for a bit.
  10. I dont see the need to bring Grom back he kinda went mia with end times i believe. I rather see a new Gitmob lord. I think we will see him back in ToW.
  11. Arent we waiting for the Nighthaunt vs Lumineth box? Or do you mean the separate warbands releases?
  12. Imho, never buy minis for the rules. They change, a lot.
  13. It could give us some insights into where the narrative is moving and what models/armies we could expect and this is the rumour thread.
  14. I can see at least Bonesplitterz, Firebellies or Frazzlegitz happening in Aqshy. Would not complain about any of those.
  15. I would be sad if they go the Kragnos route with the Horned Rat. I like the gods to have an air of mystery and godlyness to them. Not become the next Primarchs.
  16. Bonesplitterz need a lot more than just some point adjustments. Just give me that index please.
  17. I like how with 3rd edition they sometimes doubled the point cost of bigger units and made a few of my armies smaller. Makes for less units and quicker games. Might also be because of the scale seems to be getting bigger and bigger. Lost my toughts XD...
  18. Got another list with some of the point drops. LEADERS Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider (130) - General Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider (240) Webspinner Shaman (70) BATTLELINE Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty (200) Spider Riders (90) Spider Riders (90) Spider Riders (90) Spider Riders (90) TOTAL POINTS: 1000/1000 I could lose the Shaman on foot or a unit of Spider Riders and upgrade the Aracharok with Warparty to an Arachnarok with Flinger for utility. But i think the counts as 10 from the Warparty could be a better addition in smaller points.
  19. I think it kind of depends on the kind of placeholder armies/tomes. LoN, CoS and the greenskins armies have lost quite a few units or got a complete overhaul. I wonder plans GW has for the armies that still need their updates though.
  20. Because Skaven will be getting lots of love very soon is my guess. Stormvermins could be the next best thing XD.
  21. I feel like the dropped a lot of points at the end of the edition to make people feel good. Except for KO players i guess.
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