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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. Loving the axe and also the white accents. Also think wraith units are some of the best 40k models.
  2. This isnt really how that works. Those stores are located in populated areas. I get that the US is a big place but 150 stores are a lot of stores imho. Edit: Also understand that its no fun if its still a few hours away. The concept is weird to grasp for a european. I can go to the UK and back within the time some US people go to 1 store and back within the same state and i dont even live in the UK. Edit 2: dont actually know what this adds to the conversation, sorry XD
  3. Thats a lot of points for a few hero models in CoS imho.
  4. Agreed. I dont think they will stick with Aqshy though. This edition they moved on from Ghur pretty fast (Warcry stuck around gladly). They also scrapped 1 or more season of war books. I think GW doesnt want to focus on a single realm for too long anymore.
  5. I get what u are saying, we didnt get a new tome to add to the game. But the massive scope of some of the refreshes we got i wont say "breather" edition with Seraphon, CoS, FEC, S2D and Kruleboyz/Ironjawz for Orruk Warclans. Some of these updates feel like completely new armies. Kruleboyz are imho a new army, they share a tome but it has all the things new armies have like subfactions, traits, artifacts, etc.
  6. Seems like a bit too much wishlisting to me. Could see some connection with Bonesplitterz if Nagash is involved so that kinda makes sense.
  7. Thanks, now i need to cut off one wing.
  8. I am not talking about armies that didnt cross over from WHFB to AoS. I am talking about the factions that didnt survive AoS first edition :).
  9. Could the armies that got squatted early AoS signal future army refreshes? Grand Alliance Destruction contained regular grots and got removed 2nd edition. Start of 3rd we got Kruleboyz as their successors. Same story with Lumineth and high elves. So we have any other factions similar to this like Wanderers that might get future updates in 4th edition. And what other factions got removed after the grand alliance books?
  10. I think shadow aelves already are part of DoK. Dont really know where they should go with Malerion if it all. I see the Privateers as a swashbuckling pirate aelf subfaction and thats fun enough for me. The naval part of the CoS army.
  11. Seems like it isnt on anyones wishlist but i would love to see new Scourge Privateers. Dispossesed are great too. I cant wait to see what plans they have for CoS.
  12. All i know is that these REs are never what they seem. I think i never guessed right all these years. Time to try something different XD. It could also be Skaven or any other faction fighting duardin on a daily bases. Edit: Some loot on a new mancrusher gargant also an option.
  13. You all know this axe is some base decoration for a new grot hero right?
  14. It probably has some sort of ape skeleton if we could learn anything from past releases. Could be just the one leader with a unit of something else added. Sorry dont know much about OBR.
  15. Could put the raven on a small base as the envoy. I do think about getting the mashal and envoy some day. I really like the model. Other option would be to run him as an aelf maybe?
  16. OBR could still be part of the last Warcry box.
  17. Yeah really busy trying to find this mini. Think i will run this mini and Krethusa as a raven priest. Dont actually know the Rook could proxy in the CoS tome, dont really like the command corps much besides the surgeon. Dont really see any generic foot hero for CoS at the moment. Maybe a fleetmaster? I do like the fusiliers idea or maybe a second wildercorps hunters unit.
  18. Happy 5000 pages ! ! ! May u all have the best day!
  19. The actual completely new King Brodd mini? Too soon? XD
  20. Thanks, i am also wondering if the heads are bigger than the boingrot bounder helmets? Also want to ask if any of the lore fanatics know what units/races Lethis is known for, anything written about this?
  21. Pretty hyped that the spearhead boxes did not get a price increase. It is a good purchase with the added flgs discount.
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