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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. What about daemons like pink horrors or the coloured gods? GW wants to move away from that too? We are talking about marines etc but isnt this the same problem? I think it would be great to not have daemons locked into a scheme. I know it isnt a rule, but ive never seen anyone move away from the GW scheme.
  2. Must be like why i actually bought bladeguards once. (And sold them again because i didnt want to go on the primaris train after all)
  3. I just had the most happy idea. What if we had another end times event within AoS where Gorkamorkas followers actually manage to destoy everything that has been build within the mortal realms. If Chaos gets their win why cant we get one too. (Or let nagash not feel like mojojojo)
  4. Im not bashing one or the other. Just think they have a similar design. These might draw in some 40k people because these stormcast feel familiar.
  5. Agreed, i wonder how they look on round bases.
  6. Yeah im not talking rules actually. I could be wrong but it feels like they release half of the models at the end of the edition with the narrative campaign. Could have just been the slow start of 3rd edition.
  7. If only they could not release those products within a few months away from the next edition.
  8. This is great! I dont really know whats out there besides the weird colorshift paints some of my friends use. This has been helpfull. I quite like the AK products, might look into their paints too, didnt know they had those.
  9. Seems like this was wishlisting based on the events of the Dawnbringer books? I havent read them myself but it seems like thats the case.
  10. What brand of paint do u use and why? I use citadel paints, just because that is whats available almost every where. I read recently that vallejo paints have a more matt finish than citadel paints and i am wanting to try those. But i keep seeing these "model" or "game" color ranges. Does anyone know the difference and whats best for painting minis?
  11. All this talk about Stormcast proves how little i know about them. Didnt know half these models even existed. I do like these new ones. I guess its the Death side of things that pulls me in.
  12. Maw Krusha = Huge Wyvern Gore Grunta = Big Pigs cav unit Maw Grunta = Huge Pig If GW wants to go full circle with their naming we need the last one. Gore Krusha = Big Wyverns cav unit???
  13. Weird things. Weird Brutes.. Weird Nobz... Weird Boars??? Weird Wyverns??? (Please give me Gore Krushas) Plenty of Waaagh energy is a challenge to logic! Give me a Bonesplitterz refresh/ replacement ! ! !
  14. Soul Calibur! (Astaroth main). (They should make a Blazblue game in the style of SF4)
  15. I think this is a decent way to solve this problem. Allowing or even supporting mixed lists in CoS by simply using kits from other armies. Everyone can be creative and kitbash their own city models that way. It would be hard to balance I would love to see a Scourge Privateers wave though.
  16. Life in the mortal realms are sad if your favourite factions are Spiderfang, Bonesplitterz, Gitmob and Wanderers. At least Ironjawz are here to stay.
  17. GW actually announced recently that they are removing the Bonesplitterz model range in 2025 from AoS. I think pure Ironjawz lists will be perfectly fine next edition. Both Ironjawz and Kruleboyz are new models and will be supported for sure. That said, rule of cool is the most important. Rules change a lot and its always best to buy models u really like. And Greenskinz are just the best. Totally non biased.
  18. Dont really understand the fyreslayers link. If i follow this logic it would make sense for BoC to be removed because chorf needs the bull endless spell back and everything else with horns.
  19. I think the first designs of SCE were not well received overall or sold as well as they would have liked. This resulted in the Thunderstrike redesign that seems like its doing better.
  20. After putting some thought into this im going with a Tzeentch Daemons update along the line of the warband. Its also called Wyrd... and looks weird. I also think some of the RE fit into this theory. Edit: didnt someone say Blue Scribes to say "last chance to buy"?
  21. Yeah this scares me a bit. Like dropping Idoneth or Fyreslayers.
  22. I dont think u are being reasonable here. Having ones army removed after 3 editions of full support is a weird move by GW. Simply removing is completely different from replacing them with something new. Like whats been happening with Soulblight, CoS or SCE.
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