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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. Kurnothi and Silent People rumours. A wrapped box of Warcry Gorgers under the tree. Skaven next year. Making fun of Lumineth (and duardin). Vampires are the new lieutenants. What a great time to be enjoying the hobby. Thank u all.
  2. Been waiting for Spiderfang, Gitmob and Bonesplitterz too but at least this one is kinda happening XD.
  3. Me 3 years ago: Kurnothi ! ! ! ! Me now: Kurnothi ! ! ! !
  4. Yes. But we are playing a miniatures game and i would like to be able to clearly see what a model is from a short distance. Some easy to model female features could help to differentiate them from each other. I would like to see the difference from a long haired dude and a female warrior.
  5. I agree with the part that a headswap doesnt make something female. Fully commit to female designs or dont imho.
  6. Maybe a slain stormcast on the base of the lady of ruin?
  7. Yeah i know about the production issues and the weird add-ons(edit: no extra models). I thought it still sold well and the made to order run also did well. Could just be my perception because i know a few people who bought Cursed City.
  8. Good call. Its about time for another one of those. Cursed city sold out almost instantly. Maybe another for AoS?
  9. I hate lootboxes and skins with a passion. It has destroyed everything that was good about gaming. Glad im into this hobby now. Hope RoR will do better over time.
  10. I think these 2 images are connected for sure. Maybe even the nurgle books RE too. Seems like we are looking at a few specific models this advent.
  11. I prefer this one over all the other Vyrkos vampires.
  12. I think this is a solid comparison. Would also like to see a new black dragon.
  13. This vampire is what i wanted new DoK models to look like. Great looking model.
  14. Im in camp Qulathis style kurnothi so this doesnt look promising for me. Really want some AoSified Glade Guard and Wardancers. I did like the Kurnoth Hunter bug boss as it fits the rest of the army quite nicely. Edit: what if they are mini kragnos (Drogrukh) legs?
  15. It does seem like nighthaunt. I also get some the changeling vibes from this one.
  16. This. I think its great that this system gets some refreshed rules and support again. I could try it with my old army if i want to. But i wont buy into ancient models at a premium price. Edit: dont get me wrong, im happy for those who have been searching for these models for ages, but i think a large portion of the players dont fall under this category.
  17. Dont think we will be seeing more CoS anytime soon. It just released and already have warband for both underworlds and warcry. Edit: i actually think the old empire was pretty much "AoS" already with the steamtanks, demigryphs and gryphon. I almost feel like they actually toned it down a bit and made it more grimdark.
  18. I could see Gitmob using bombs ! ! ! We need something new since KB stole the spear chukka.
  19. Ok hear me out. We got a small looking blade with leather straps. We got some wooden construction. We got "lightning" looking things. Could we be looking at Gitmob here?
  20. 2x 10 seems like a lot for SCE compared to Dominion.
  21. Might just buy the single orruk with the horn. Great model, nice stance, very orruk looking horn. Think i found the warchanter proxy i was looking for. Edit: i dismissed this warband way to soon because i really wanted it to be Bonesplitterz, Ogors or even Spiderfang.
  22. Fun idea, im joining. Things i finished this year: AoS: 32 dryads, 3 kurnoth hunters + weapon options. In the process of painting Awlrach and a unit of Bladegheists. Finished building the Warsong revenant. 40k: MANz unit with all weapon options, Deffkoptas and a unit of Boyz with shootas. Things i received: Hunter and Hunted Warcry box, Hedkrakkas Madmob, the Bladegheists and Awlrach. Out: 9 units In: 5 units Overall i would say i did good this year. I also painted and build a lot of terrain for my games. I did cheat a bit and bought my first gunpla kit (MG Ginn) with more on their way for Xmas. I definitely need more shelves. Now some pictures.
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