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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. What is this store mini thing? How does it work? I like this FS model. Might be fun to build a diorama with some Greenskinz.
  2. I dont get around to playing much AoS or Warcry to begin with. But at least those have free core rules or completely free rules. I wont buy into this game if the entry cost is that high for maybe 1 or 2 games a year as a side project to AoS and Warcry. But this is the direction they choose to go with ToW and become its own full specialist game. That is fine but its not for me. Edit: Its not impossible to play AoS without buying any books. Just use the app for warscrolls and google your faction special rules and your ready to go. Warcry is already a free game.
  3. So its going to be 55+40+40 just for rules to play the game. Hard pass for me, ill just go play 8th if i feel the need to play with square bases.
  4. Happy New Year! I am going to be honest and say that i would be happy if i get around to painting at all. So my goal is to at least paint 1 model. I am going to be a father for the second time and got some serious house redesigning and cleaning up to do this month.
  5. These Whitefang likes means we are both right? I still hope we get to see the Spider Incarnate in the future, or even better as part of a Spiderfang wave. The Arachnarok is the first large model i ever painted and imho still holds up really well.
  6. God of Earthquakes Drogrukh ponies confirmed.
  7. Dont know if this is wrong or just hasnt been shown yet. The mystical Spider incarnate has yet to show its face. The RE from 2022-09-13 is now the longest unsolved rumour. I think there was supposed to be a Season of War Gallet at some point and they scrapped the idea. We did get Galletian rules too with a ghb i think it was. This is the one that still bothers me to this day, i love my Spiderfang and they need a new friend.
  8. Whitefang has been wrong a few times i believe (or unclear). But i doubt this rumour is wrong with only a few months to go. I am grateful for the life he/she breathes into tga.
  9. The artists who design great minis for AoS. The people who like AoS and dont care for 40k. People like me who are curious to see what the community of AoS thinks is the best AoS model. If its supposed to be a fun thing, why should it be another 40k show?
  10. What do you think is the best mini GW designed for AoS this year? I just love this mini. Evil looking gobbo, check. Batsquigs, check. Come at me bro stance, check.
  11. They will probably release Leman Russ and take first place.
  12. Sooooooo........ what would be the most likely scenario where we could be seeing Spiderfang ever again XD.
  13. I dont see how any of those are better than AoS models but i guess its a popularity contest and AoS will never show itself in the top 10.
  14. Just want to add to this conversation that the communication/new/updates now is much much much better than how it used to be in whfb times. It was radio silence most of the time. I wont say they cant do better now, but it used to be so much worse. We also get regular updates/faqs to keep book viable now. Havent seen many completely useless books for a while now.
  15. I got way to many plans for next year. - Paint more terrain pieces. - Build and paint more Sylvaneth. Treelord, Warsong Revenant and Alarielle left. - Finish up my Nighthaunt. Need to finish painting Awlrach and a unit of Bladegheists. - Build and paint Gorgers vs CoS. - Build a kitbashed 1k Ironjawz force with wolves instead of boars. - Buy more gobbos. Edit: - Build a Tzeentch warcry warband.
  16. Happy about all the new rumours. Looking forward to the new Nighthaunt warband. New Hexwraiths would be the best. Still a little sad about Kurnothi. So close this time....
  17. Merry christmas to you and merry christmas to everybody on this great community.
  18. Sorry its early in the morning XD yes i meant the scabbard.
  19. Does this mean that the sword RE is an AoS model?
  20. I rather get stuff like Dawnbringers or Season of War. That way i dont have to buy a bunch of tomes for a little lore section update of every army i own. I rather read about something actually happening in the mortal realms. Rules get invalidated/updated/faq in a few days anyway. I think this RE is some daemon for Tzeentch. Could be part of the next Dawnbringer book with the lady of ruin. Also fits the multiple arms and ghost clouds.
  21. 4 year cycle would be the dream. Dont think it will happen.
  22. More units for sure. Not those 3 or 5 model elite units but proper multipart 10 or 20 model kits with multiple weapon options like we had in later whfb edition. Those where really fun to put together (even with rank and file). Bigger units also change the look of the army a lot more.
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