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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. Combo this with Zenestra. Krethusa looking like a Raven priestess and the Lethis event mini makes me think there is going to be more to this Morrda/ Morai Heg story. I could also be seeing things, again XD. Hope this is a segway to CoS aelves. (excuse to post awesome minis)
  2. I have only ever had problems with paint chipping off in my metal nasty skulkers. Never had any paint chip on any of my plastic models so far.
  3. At first this was my least fav model but the lore makes it so much better. I feel like it has some vibes similar to the Black Coach as well.
  4. I do own some matt medium, does it do the same trick as a matt varnish or do i really have to mix it with paint? I am asking because i dont like the glossy parts when using washes.
  5. Do you use varnish? I have been wondering about this. I have never used it but i am thinking about it. I also want to ask the people that use varnish what brand they use and why. Also what type of varnish (matt or another type) and why. I recently learned that gw paints have a satin finish and that paint with a matt finish have a different look to them. Never really put much thought behind this to be honest. Does using a matt varnish over satin paint give it a different look?
  6. Yeah whats up with that XD, very relatable. I picked up O&G because i always liked the vibe they had going on with orks, goblins, trolls and the different animals included in the army. It all really spoke to me at the time. Im also a bit of a clumsy big ork myself so i guess that also kinda connected with me somehow. I somehow also prefer to pick the bad guys over the good guys because most of the time i just think they look more tough/ dangerous. First warhammer game i tried was with the battle for skull pass and i played the gobbos using my friends models. It was all just meant to be haha. Besides my love for Destruction armies i do own some Sylvaneth and Nighthaunt. Thats actually just because i let my wife pick them for my birthday. I do think she choose well and i went from there. I always had a sweetspot for 40k Orks, i just cant picture 40k without them, same goes for my Eldar Wraith army. Much nostalgia from playing the dawn of war games too. Also tried Space Wolves at some point but then Primaris happened and those just didnt click with me so they are kinda just gathering dust at this point. Im a sucker for fantasy and i expect to own a whole lot more armies in the future. Also buy more individual models i just like to paint some day.
  7. I havent had the chance to do anything mini related at all. Hope i can find some time at some point XD.
  8. Thanks for clearing that up. My Duardin Fu is not that strong. I still think the overall look but less KO could happen for CoS.
  9. Didnt think much of it at the time but im starting to believe the cursed city heroes are the future looks of CoS. So showing us the duardin and aelf factions. If CoS and Dawnbringers was really that much delayed it could be true. We got the necromancer style heroes, the ogor, the witch hunter style models. Is this telling us we are going to see Qulathis style kind of the stag wanderers back and these steampunkish duardin with a less metal look. Edit: also love how grimdark CoS became with some of the models.
  10. Yeah i kinda forgot we got the vampire lieutenant for a bit XD.
  11. Thanks. Didnt know i could speak french, good to know XD.
  12. Random question because rumours are slow today. When do we expect to see the new wh+ models?
  13. Ties in with the Death antagonist rumour we had a while back? We all fighting undead Skaven soon? Could the new RE be a Skaven Necromancer staff?
  14. I would love to learn more about Chamon, seems like a nice contrast to the Ghur/beast theme we had going on this edition. I think we will be seeing an Ulgu/ Hysh combo with a Malerion/ Tyrion. I think it might be the next "dawnbringers" story leading up to 5th edition. Just dont think its likely to get new Skaven, chorfs and malerion in the same edition.
  15. Also seems to follow the Aqshy rumour. Solid guess. Edit: funny thing is that SCE seem like they cant return.
  16. Its been a while since i have done this. But. Its a symbol for the underground. And what is under ground? Edit: A hint. It ends with People. Edit: its got nothing to do with
  17. With the level of efficiency of knot making im going greenskinz with this one. Either Bonesplitterz or Gitmob.
  18. This is not really a character but it kinda is. Does anyone know whats up with the Crown of Sorcery? I love the bits with Azhag the Slaughterer and while i dont think we will be seeing him could we be seeing someone else wearing this thing. I like what a Necromancer in other factions that are not known for that kind of magic like the orruks could bring us. I also noticed quite a few important AoS characters have worn the crown. Last thing i remember reading is that it was stored in a vault? Please correct me if im wrong.
  19. Are we sure they wont be doing a online stream event?
  20. I think it would be fun if we get a small snotling sized warboss. Complete with overcompensation issues
  21. Orions essence is contained in his spear/weapon that Alarielle uses right? I see every chance of him coming back somehow when Alarielle wants to.
  22. I havent played whfb that much so im not that deep into the lore. I know about Throgg but i think we wont be seeing him back with the new Troggoth king we recently got. I dont feel any need to see any of the old O&G characters back. I like Gordrakk, Gobsprakk and Skragrott. Dont like Kragnos but i guess i dont need to like all Destruction characters. I hope we get to see some good new Gitmob, Spiderfang and Bonesplitterz characters 4th edition. I know its the undead thing to be uhm... undead but i would like to see some more new characters enter the main stage and battle Nagash for the throne.
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