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Everything posted by Ferban

  1. I agree with some of the above in that I think faction specific core battalions (and Grand Strategies and Battle Tactics) aren't a great idea. It's too easy to fall into the trap of creating BTs that are essentially "auto-complete" and battalions that will be overpowered. And because they aren't available to all armies, the ones with the good battalions/GSs/BTs will have that much of an advantage. (Although, to be perfectly fair, some armies have way easier grand strategies than others due to how they are set up - Tzeentch is basically guaranteed to do Prized Sorcery moreso than many other armies will be with any of the other GSs) That said, I would actually like faction-specific stuff if they were highly situational and focused on flavor. That way, they would be unlikely to have a significant impact on competitive play, while also providing additional "fun" tools for either narrative or casual play. I think the SoB faction specific stuff has already shown that they aren't following this design philosophy, but I don't hate the idea intrinsically. Just as applied.
  2. I have the app on Android on my Samsung S20. It works fine at first. But if I return to the app after a few hours, it will not open and crashes. I've had to uninstall and reinstall twice now (losing my army lists). That is super annoying and needs to be fixed as it isn't currently functional. Assuming that gets addressed, though, I think the app is fine. I've found some little issues here and there, but hopefully it will smooth out over time. And since I already subscribed to W+ (my son and I are big fans of the animations), it's no extra cost for me. A couple of main improvements I'd like to see: (1) Ability to re-order your army lists and units within a single list; (2) Ability to re-name lists; (3) ability to change sub-factions (like Stormhosts) without having to create an entirely new army; (4) when selecting a special item (general, artefact, spell, prayer, etc.) for a unit, it would be nice if that info was then written on the unit's entry in your army list so that you could see it all at one glance rather than having to click into each unit.
  3. This came up in a recent game. Do the Venom Encrusted Weapons (unmodified 6 on a hit does mortal wounds equal to the damage) apply to the stab grot that accompanies the Killaboss on foot? The card that comes with Dominion says that all Kruleboyz Orruks get the Venom Encrusted Weapons, but that it doesn't apply to a mount. The stab-grot is listed on the Killaboss's card as a "Companion." But it doesn't include the usual language that a companion "is treated in the same way as a mount." In fact, it says the stab grot and Killaboss are treated as "one model" which, presumably, means that they together have the Kruleboyze Orruks keywords and, therefore, the stab grot's weapons should get the benefit. My guess is that the upcoming battletome will address that. But given just what comes in Dominion, anybody have thoughts one way or the other? We played it that the stab grot did get the benefit. Which made for a better overall narrative. But wondering what others think.
  4. You can still use mystic shield and/or all out defense. But the final number can't be better than +1. For example, if your hero had a 4+ up save, you could give the artifact and mystic shield, but the end result would be (effectively) a 3+ save. However, if the attacker had one rend, your 2 bonuses and his one negative would still result in a (effectively) 3+ save. In other words, all modifiers apply, but the final total can't be more than +1 to save.
  5. Thanks, all! Warhammer Community also posted up a note about the new queue system. So we'll see how it goes.
  6. I've never Pre-ordered anything from GW before, but I'm pretty excited for Dominion. I know the preorder starts on Saturday, but does anyone know what time? Is it 10am UK time or 10am in each time zone? (I'm Pacific) Also, any quirks about their system I should know about? Thanks!
  7. Just to report back. I ended up getting a Kroak. No assembly instructions, which was annoying. But I was able to piece him all together. There was no major bubbling and only slight warping that I fixed. Kroak was out of stock online for a short while, but looks like he's back now. So far, no finecast horror stories for me, but plastic is by far my preference.
  8. So I'm building up a Seraphon army. I got some Kroxigors and found out they were finecast. Eh. I prefer plastic, of course, but didn't experience any of the horror stories that I've seen online. I'm probably going to pick up Lord Kroak in the near future and I've read that he's finecast as well. Any special concerns with that particular model? Would love to hear from those who have built and painted him.
  9. Thanks so much! I'm glad I'm not the only one.
  10. Hello all! I have an issue with the Azyr app and I can't tell if it's just me or if this is a universal issue. I've been creating a new list for Daughters of Khaine. All the new units and points from the battletome are in there, so that's been updated. However, when I go to add a warscroll battalion, it has only the old ones. None o f the new battalions or point costs are there. The interesting thing is that if I just go to the main page that lets you search for any unit or battalion, the new battalions are listed. It's only when I'm actually in the army builder (y'know, the part you have to pay for) that the battalions don't seem to be available to be selected. Is this happening to anyone else or is this just me? Thanks!
  11. Hello! I'm brand new and tried to search for this info but came up empty. I've been building a Slaanesh army and came to a descepancy. In GHB 2020, Hellstriders are 110. But on Azyr and Warscroll Builder, they are 100. I tried checking g the FAQ to see if the points had been updated, but as far as I can tell they haven't. Is there some source I should look to for the most up to date points? Thanks so much!
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