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Everything posted by Acrozatarim

  1. I think Goonhammer are just a bit confused, and there will very likely be a 6th book. The narratives in Dawnbringers haven't come to a close yet - among other things, the 'one will fall' thing hasn't happened. Obviously some plot stuff will remain open once the series ends but 5 feels like it would be a very odd point to draw the curtains across the stage and go 'we've finished this series now'.
  2. I like the rather Gigeresque skeleton/insect carapace aesthetic fusion in the Silent People art.
  3. Yeah, if I were a betting man this is what I'd place my wager on. Tyrion has to turn up at some point and he's thoroughly associated with sun imagery now, so I imagine they want to bring back phoenix-related stuff via his followers. To be fair, AoS-ified Phoenix Guard type models would potentially be awesome.
  4. Weird glowy-eyed cat and cane makes me think Rogue Trader or Inquisitor first, rather than anything Age of Sigmar, but I'd be delighted to be wrong.
  5. Yeah, the Dark Angel stuff doesn't feel like that big a reveal to be termed 'huge', although maybe I'm just a little jaded about 40k releases at the moment
  6. I'd definitely like to see more regular units for quite a few factions, yeah. Also very much on the generic heroes train for most factions - there's a few that could maybe do with one or two more named *minor* characters, as opposed to more demigod/god tier types, but generally I'd love to see the range get fleshed out better for the 'your guys' side of army building.
  7. Great model that's just not for me - really glad to see a non-Vyrkos vampire special character too. Also great that it's someone entirely new foe AoS even if the design does have those Lahmia call-backs, and I think that's some fantastic lore around the serpent's origin and nature.
  8. Yeah, with the shape of that hand/claw and the Nurgle mark, that's gotta be Clan Pestilens.
  9. I'm not excited about the lack of the colours of the Winds of Magic, unfortunately. It may just be my reading comprehension failing, but I didn't see anything about a limit on how many spells a wizard can cast, so can a wizard just cast every spell they know each turn?
  10. Looks very AoS'y, unless the new Kroot (re)sculpts are going really crazy on the feathers department. Last time we had an advent calendar, in 2021, it was all focused on one specific box (Eldritch Omens). I wonder if we're getting the same for an AoS box this time, or if it'll be just a general pick'n'mix of rumour images.
  11. If it's a rat ogre then the extensive amount of tactical rock makes me think either Clan Moulder special character or a mount/bodyguard for a character.
  12. I don't know about including Cities of Sigmar on that list - they haven't had new models brought in via Dawnbringers as they had all their stuff in their new battletome already, iirc.
  13. Stormcast would work really well with the Dark Souls style of resurrection mechanic in an AoS Soulsborne game, that's for sure.
  14. I'm a little sad that the varghulf has lost some of the angular, lupine elements of the old model. Those seem to have been transferred over to the Vargskyr instead.
  15. They mention Dawnbringers 4 will have rules for all of the Death factions. I'm assuming we won't get releases for all four, so presumably Armies of Renown again. I'd guess at new releases for Soulblight (as the Aqshy army runs into the Vengorians) and Ossiarchs (that Morghast wing RE at last?).
  16. Honestly I prefer the way this guy's actually wearing a ruff, too, to the gorewarden's bone-ring thingy.
  17. It reads more to me like the flesh of his limbs was transmuted into hot quicksilver, hence why they're cooling pools beneath him rather than anything more solid or functional.
  18. Given the unfortunate associations of the particular model range, I wouldn't be surprised if GW drop Savage Orcs from the refined Old World WHFB line-up and drop Bonesplittaz from AoS.
  19. I'd be genuinely surprised if we don't see Ushoran released in some shape or form with the new FEC book.
  20. We've already got, what, 24 factions in the game? How many more factions can AoS functionally support, when we're already on a situation where some factions go for multiple editions without the model and rules support they need?
  21. Lovely to see the idea of the satyr/centaur Kurnothi aelves being reinforced rather than quietly dropped.
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