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Everything posted by Acrozatarim

  1. Figured out what, apart from the skin tones, made the hobgrotz not work for me. It's their legs, their stumpy little legs. They're wildly too short for the length of their torso and arms. It's like someone stuck a goblin's legs on an orc's body.
  2. Ok, so, interesting notes about the rules they mentioned: - Command abilities to offer reactive stuff in every phase. Including against/during enemy shooting, then? Or was that hyperbole? - Monsters getting something new? Mentioned for stomping - general stomp attack/impact hit rules coming? - Something new re predatory spells, which I didn't really catch. Not sure what could be going on wrt predatory spells getting new options?
  3. I'm not a fan of the boss riding the troggoth, but I love the face on the troggoth's belly-plate.
  4. I do love chariots. Hope the Kruleboyz get one too.
  5. Accidentally muted themselves and honestly it just makes the stream better
  6. Heh, I'm the opposite - I'd be more jazzed for the Kruleboyz if all the Hobgrots looked like the new orruks too. Edit: That might be a paint job thing, though - hobgrotz might look better in my eyes in a different colour.
  7. Reactive command abilities in every phase of the game has some serious implications.
  8. Kinda feeling a bit sad there weren't regular wolf-riders in the box after all (or wolfrot-fangriders or whatever thing they'd end up mounted on in AoS).
  9. Yeah, not a fan of the hobgrots visually, although I like that they are basically saying, yeah, these guys trade with Chaos Dwar- sorry, 'darker masters'. Nice that they do have literal grenades though.
  10. Oooh I hadn't spotted the cool hand at the top of the staff, that's really nice.
  11. Swampcalla just wearing a gargant skull as his jacket there, all casual like.
  12. I *love* the larger kruleboyz. The hobgobs, I'm less sold on thus far.
  13. Some of these Stormcast models are really very lovely, and I honestly wasn't expecting much from them.
  14. I like the alt head options for the Stormcast heroes.
  15. Oh some of those new orruks look great. There's also some... weirder looking ones in there too. Need another look!
  16. I have to say, the presenters now going over it frame by frame is a bit much. It's like having someone explain why a joke is funny in painstaking detail. I did think various parts of the video were neat, but I don't think I will once these two have dissected it all just to drag things out for a few more minutes.
  17. ...I kinda expected it to be Stormcast Beat Everyone, rather than Stormcast Gets Stabbed Up
  18. Honestly, at this point, if the Krool/Cruel Boyz don't feature fimir as some sort of auxiliary unit, I've a mind to just write up some fimir allegiance rules for myself.
  19. Yeah, the way the info leaks in dribs and drabs doesn't help. People were upset by the BoC lord changes, but presumably the multiple new battle traits BoC are getting will go some way to balancing that out?
  20. Saw an image on twitter indicating Skaven are getting some new stuff. You can now hide weapons teams other than Warp Grinders in Clanrat and Stormvermin units, and there's a bunch of new 'mount trait' style abilities for Clan Moulder mutations for Hell Pit Abominations and Rat Ogres.
  21. Looks like that might be the new rumour engine of the branded mark on the beast's back leg there too.
  22. Might be someone's innards rather than a snake.
  23. Which rumours in particular? Scuttlers might be on the way eventually but they're definitely not the release faction for the new edition.
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