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Posts posted by GenericEdgyName

  1. 4 minutes ago, Kronos said:

    Not sure of this artwork was posted yet. Those Saurus with Kroak have enough variations to make me think there’ll be a new unit at some point. Different shields and more ornate armour and necklaces.



    As a giant serphon fan I really hope so, but I think the same argument was brought when the battletome cover was shown and we got bothing then. Best to temper expectations and keep being happy and surprised witk new Kroak

    Edit: Also, where did You find the artwork and is it official?

  2. 1 minute ago, Vasshpit said:

    Why does everyone keep saying "indominus style" box? Was there something different or more to it that made it not just a "starter" kit for a new edition?

    Not poking fun, I'm just thrown off here.

    Indomitus was limited (later made 'made to order' for some time) and contained more models than current starter

    • Thanks 2

    As a seraphon enjoyer myself, I always loved the idea of slann and kroak, but the model just didn't do it for me. I'm definitely getting this and it took the first place on my list of many many models I want to get but can't afford now

  4. 4 hours ago, Chikout said:

    Cursed city is sold out in New Zealand and Australia. The Japanese version lasted just 30 minutes here, but I managed to get an English language version. If you are looking to buy in Europe or America it will probably go fast. 

    Honestly I was thinking about preordering because of the bonus key, but now I probably don't have to worry since both will get sold out so quickly. Well, now back to the grey minis I bough a year ago

  5. I have a quick question - back before 2nd edition's release, did the two starter set factions have any rumour engines? I just can't remember as I wasn't that much into AoS back then, and if yes, all the numerous rough looking weapons could be from one side of the starter (if they're not in fact a part of Gravelords, which is my main theory)

  6. One thing ya'll are missing about the silhouette - it has distinct moon shapes on it's shoulders.

    Now, armies that are known for their association with moon(s) are Lumineth and Gloomspite Gits. I think we can safely cross Lumineth out - they are already getting a lot rather soon, and thr figure looks more evil than what you'd expect from them. That would lead me to believe that it's gloompsite. If I were to guess, a singular hero for them, like Gardus and the new Nighthaunt guy. GGs are further suggested by the urregular, assymetrical look of the crown thingy. It looks rather similar to Skragrott's one. It could be Gravelords - moons are associated with night, and night is the time of vampires, but again, I'd expect a more regular, symmetrical crown.

    Thanks for coming to my TED talk

  7. Out of all the possible preorders, honestly this warband satisfies me the most. As a very enthusiastic seraphon enjoyer, I was excited about those ever since thry were announced, and seeing that UW warbands are not that expensive, I'll be able to order them right away

    • Like 2
  8. 16 minutes ago, Ratboy genius said:

    obviously the next model to come out is malerion riding on a sky grot ship piloted by clan eshin so he can attack the silent ones

    Ship is obviously crewed by chaos dwarves, tomb kings, brettonians and vampire pirates

    • Like 4
  9. 8 minutes ago, Random said:

    You mean Chamon? Because that's literally what Chamon is like. Correct me if I'm mistaken, but the only map we got of Chamon is the one of the Spiral Crux, which is one of Chamon's sub realms.

    And here I was, thinking I know my AoS lore. That's really intereseting and I'm surprised I'm only learning it now. Makes my breaking of realm theory less likely, still not impossible tho

  10. As to rumours, I had this thought a while ago.

    What if, during the events (most likely finale) of the broken realms, a realm literally gets broken?

    I mean, during some collosal battle or a magical ritual, one of the realms literally gets shattered into thousands of smaller realm-bits, travellable only by realmgates, or even isolated forever. I admit that this theory was more plausible back when some of the realms didn't have any mapped regions. The only realm without a map is Azyr, and while perhaps Gordrakks ram could maybe break it, it would perhaps be too big of an event.

    But still, if I remember correctly, the announcement article for BR literally said ,,Realms will be broken". What do you guys think? Is it a plausible idea and if so, which realm could it be?

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Enoby said:

    Looking at these new Warhammer animations, it's a shame that AoS doesn't have anywhere near the fan content behind it.

    AoS is obviously more popular than Fantasy and still increasing in popularity, but it's a shame that nearly all well received non-GW Warhammer material is 40k or Fantasy. It's like, despite Fantasy hardly having any players (or at least buyers) of the core game, the world itself remains popular in the cultural zeitgeist. Whereas AoS sells models, but hardly has a popular footprint outside of GW Warhammer fans. 

    I hope this changes soon. It feels like AoS has a lot of passionate fans about the models and battle reports, but you rarely see cosplays or full on larps, or good video games, or in depth lore discussions. Much of this is due to time, but 6 years is a substantial amount.

    I feel the same way, but they do mention two more yet unannounced series in the article, which gives me (probably false) hope. Also, the little media starter video thingy (I don't remember name) has a stormcast in it, so at some point they do plan on AoS series/media. They probably just want to check the ground qith something safer and more popular - 40k, and then if everything goes according to their plan, they can do AoS


    Edit: only just realised You meant fan content, which we do indeed lack even more, which is obviously a shame

    • Like 2
  12. I personally wouldn't like FEC and Gravelords combined. That's because FEC have really good lore which would be less significant if combined with normal vampires. I also feel like the esthetic of FEC ghouls is strong enough to stay independant faction and get ecpanded. Another thing is that, if Gravelords really do contain vamps, skeletons and zombies, the faction would almost feel too big and varied with ghouls added. Still, their endless spells disappearing (if that really is true) and zombie dragon kit giving options for both ghoul and vampire might be an indication

    • Like 8
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  13. I just hope my grey plastic tzeentch battleforce from christmas doesn't see the way I look at those shiny new models. I need to get everything besides Gardus (haven't read his book, so he's kinda neutral to me) a couple of lumineth (don't like the twins, caligrapher dude and the cloud rider) and orrukz. Besides them, at some point I'm getting all of those things. I was squealing like a little girl with every reveal. So, who wants to have some nice kidneys?

  14. 1 minute ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:


    Interestingly enough, it's an ogor head, meaning this spear (and probably it's wielder) are BIG. It also fits with several other REs, one being Gorslav's hook. Potential giant flesh monster serving everyone's favourite gravekeeper?

  15. 15 hours ago, Gothmaug said:

    The hanging skull is the spitting image of a real cat skull with extra large canines. So I assume it’s a frostsaber skull. 

    Hmm could be, but those large teeth would have to be broken from the skull if it was frostsabre's. To me it looks like mandibles. I'm not saying it's from a silent one, but it could be from a silent one

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