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Posts posted by GenericEdgyName

  1. I really liked the preview, but my thoughts can't help but drift towards more scaly things... We know the next warcry box is coming and most likely containing Seraphon, but can anyone make an educated guess on when it's coming? We have a lot coming, but is there any chance it releases before Christmas?

  2. 2 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    Are Chameleon Skinks single entities or are they a unit? 

    You think this means we won't see updated Saurus here? ☹️

    They are in units of 5 afaik, but I think with average warcry warband having roughly 10, we still might see a few sauruses or even a kroxigor


    8 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Sundered Fate - Tzeentch is usually associated with fate and we had that one very Tzeentchian Rumour Engine which was presumed to be terrain. Other one will obviously be Lizardmen.

    Bloodhunt - Khorne vs Ogres seems the obvious fit, since the lore already talks about Meat-Hunters being in the Gnarlwood. Could also be Flesh-Eater Courts. Might also be GW releasing a third set of DoK Shadowstalkers, har har. Damn there's a lot of blood-related factions in AoS.

    Nightmare Quest - Nighthaunt vs Dawnbringers or Stormcast? Could also be Flesh-eater Courts if they're not in Bloodhunt as they're associated with quests a lot.

    If these are correct (and I think they are) I'm really happy I didn't buy the heart of ghur box, because now I'll be all over tzeentch vs seraphon box. It's like a dream come true

    • Thanks 1
  3. Just now, Vasshpit said:

    Anyone know why what little bit of AoS terrain there has been is no longer available? Are these just limited runs production issues?

    Afaik most, if not all of it, was produced in China, which may have caused problems with shipping

    • Thanks 1
  4. OMG YES! More seraphon evidence. With all that I'm lowkey starting to get hopeful it's a big wave for AoS, but even if it's just warcry band and scenery, I'm a happy dino fan. Also, just to confirm, here is the realmshaper engine, including the veeeery similar orb


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  5. 3 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Im glad theres no Kruelboyz Warband persoanlly, no offense of course!!

    It just means that an Orruk Warband is now mpre likely to be Ironjawz or Bonesplitterz and Im happy with either two!!

    Oh no I just got a crazy cool idea that GW will never do. So, if I remember correctly, in some Cities of Sigmar there are Orruks living in relative peace with other races. Or at least that's how it was in the Age of Myth, but I hope that's still a thing. What if we got a warband of Orruks trying to fit in with 'civilized', carrying man-made weapons, wearing your typical tight colourful freeguild pants and little feather hats. Maybe even some that got annoyed with complicated things like crossbows and using their fists or said crossbows like maces. Damn, AoS has so much potential for cool stuff, I just want GW to make it

    • Like 2
    • LOVE IT! 2
  6. 55 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    For those curious, this was what was said about AoS:Screenshot_20220726-155326_Drive.jpg.512e858eb6f502b29260d67616920eef.jpg

    Seems fine enough. While I don't think there are any death knells for AoS any time soon, it's a shame that they never seem too excited about it in financial reports. Good to hear that the launch was good though, but as we expected, lack of momentum killed the AoS 3 hype for many. I'm hoping it continues to build and we get to read "AoS has experience a large growth in sales" in one of these reports. 

    'We have an exciting roadmap of releases going forward'

    Ok, then show it to us

    • Like 11
  7. Unsolicited opinion ahead: the legionaries are pretty meh. They don't feel innovative like the rest of the chaos warbands for warcry, but also aren't your iconic typical chaos warrior. The shield guys are good, but the rest I don't really like. They kinda feel like what you'd get by telling an Ai to design 'evil fantasy soldiers". It's cool there's a beastmen among them, but than again his face is really bad imo and I'm still not sure if he really is a beastman.

    Please GW don't waste the non-chaos potential of this edition of warcry. There's so much cool stuff they could do but we get more heavy armour chaos people. And yes, this is me coping with the fact they aren't seraphon lmao

    • Confused 1
  8. 17 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I bet they'll reveal one model from it on Monday.

    I mean, the article said 'later this week', so they basically have today and tomorrow, since on weekends we only get the preorder articles. I wouldn't mind a model form 4th warband on monday though lmao

    • Thanks 1
  9. I think the chaos undivided icon could be the Hashut warband, if only because nothing else fits them. And the skull at Ven Talax's path does look seraphon-y to me (although I consume vast amounts of copium, mind you) because of those rounded spiky bits

    • Like 1
  10. Alright, seeing the warband tome made me think that, most likely, warcry will see releases in the same style that kill team does. Basically every now and then they'll release a box with two new warbands, terrain and ryles for all of that. Then after some time they release it separately (though idk if kill team terrain gets separate releases). Come to think of it, that's how it is since Catacombs, but now I'm pretty sure. Means we'll get releases for warcry rather rarely, I preferred when they released a bunch of warbands withut locking them behind a box, but in the end it's just a bit of a longer wait if you want one specific warband

    • Like 3
  11. 52 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    I'm probably a little jaded but...I wasn't too impressed with the reveals. The warcry warbands are fine, not amazing. The terrain is also okay, it's basically just a ton of trees that will be a nightmare to paint. The underworlds witch hunters are a bit cooler, but the dogs are so bland, no action poses or anything.

    Simply wasn't blown away by anything like I was with the original warcry warbands. I also feel like the witch hunter designs are far too safe to be that interesting.

    I guess that as always opinions differ, but for me that was the first preview in a long time where I didn't feel dissapointed. Might be cause I had very low expectations, but I love what they showed. I love the swampy warband, they're creepy af. The terrain is great, I think contrast will help a lot with painting the trees. It's very much what I imagine Ghur as - those trees have freakin' teeth! The terrain also has seraphon bits, whoch gives me a lot of optimism for my favourite faction. The witch hunters and their dogs are awesome, because they're what many wanted from them - a grounded warband in this world of crazy fantasy. Even the kill team stuff challenges my dislike for 40k. Overall great for me, but hey, You'll save some money (or spend them on other minis lol)

    • Like 2
  12. 18 minutes ago, Plinketts Mawtribes said:

    Looks like no Tome Celestial in the next White Dwarf, too.

    Likely confirming that all the factions that didn't get one are the next ones to get battletomes (was pretty obvious even before, but still)

    • Like 2
  13. Well one thing we can be pretty sure of is that it's not a human hand. It just doesn't look like it is. I don't think it's hobgrots either, they have sort of claws/talons. One thing I think it could be is 40k goblins (or whatever they're called there). The look of the grenade fits too. The only thing is that Orks already have a codex and had quite a release, but other than that I have no idea what it could be.

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