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Posts posted by GenericEdgyName

  1. Just woke up, you know the deal, it's opinion time!

    40k/30k: not my thing. When I looked at the marines I literally yawned, but it might be cause it's early lol. One thing I must admit is that today I found out that mark III is my favourite space marine armor. Oh, and like @Twisted Firaun said, this version of fulgrim, more that anything, makes me curious of how effed up he looks 10 millenias later

    Underworlds: I think my perception of the slaneesh warband might be altered by the fact that when I first saw the silhouette of the bloated one, I thought they were gonna be nautical cthulhu-esque monstrosities, not just slaneeshi demons. Still rather cool, I like that lorefully they hate each other, fitting for demons. And the idoneth are always a hit for me, I need that squid. GW marketing really knows how to get me with those sea critters

    Warcry: I'm very happy gorgers are finally getting renewed, even if they're not my cup of tea. Guess it means I'm gonna have to split the box with someone, because I still want/need the doggos and the star wars tatooine terrain is cool too

    AoS proper: E-R-A O-F T-H-E B-E-A-S-T!!! Finally it earns its name. The troggoth is very impressive, definitely a centerpiece for the gitz. Painting hin would be a nightmare though lol. Ironjawz are now a proper, great army. I'm also pleasantly surprised that the rules supplememt is free. The ardboyz are an absolute gem and have my supressing me urge to buy random units from armies I don't play. And my reactions to the brutes can only be conveyed through a meme:


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  2. 36 minutes ago, GenericEdgyName said:

    Interestingly enough, I think that it's the first ever case of a stormcast miniature being directly remade/replaced. Unless they keep selling the old Neave too. Anyway, I think it does increase the possibility of 1st edition stormcast getting retired in favour of new stormstrike versions.

    Also, I think those minis go incredibly hard. I love the crossbow lass, but the idoneth is undeniably my fave.

    Yay I got my first whitefang like! I guess that means saying goodbye to old stormcast

  3. Interestingly enough, I think that it's the first ever case of a stormcast miniature being directly remade/replaced. Unless they keep selling the old Neave too. Anyway, I think it does increase the possibility of 1st edition stormcast getting retired in favour of new stormstrike versions.

    Also, I think those minis go incredibly hard. I love the crossbow lass, but the idoneth is undeniably my fave.

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  4. That's a wonderfully eclectic bunch of characters, exactly what I hoped for from cities. And the mascot thingy is adorable. Not sure I love the cannon, might be the angle, but the shield things make it a bit too busy for me, so much that before reading the name I didn't know it was a cannon. Also, I really want higher quality shots now, cause I wanna se the creature that is with the soul sheperd. Overall love it though, just one or two more infantry units and it's be a very good, complete range that I'll most likely buy into at some point.

  5. 1 hour ago, Nazarjo said:

    Lots of complaints that the Seraphon Vanguard should have had a foot hero (discounting that the existing Old Blood and Eternity Warden don't hold up well next to the new sculpts), so I wonder if perception would be different if they'd advertised it as the Skink Oracle as the monster figure and had the Cold One/Scar Veteran on Foot from that kit as the hero for the box? Strangely, I can't find any pictures of the site about the hero on foot despite it being a perfectly solid model

    They do mention the oracle as an option, so I suppose there will be instructions for the foot veteran too. But I guess they focus on the carnosaur variant because it's the option that has synergy with the rest of the box. But that's true, I think the box could be more enticing if the saurus foot hero was there on the photo

  6. I think the Vanguard is good and will get one, as I wanted at least one of the units in there (and I don't have kroxis yet)

    But anyway, are we at a point where we could start some speculation on this year's battleforces? Do you think we'll get as many as last year? Will they give ones to recently released or reworked factions (yes, I wanna know if seraphon will get one lol)? Will we have some factions repeated from the last year? What factions do y'all think will get one?

  7. I can talk about some things about seraphon changes. First off, Trog bomb is gone! Kroak got much less of a point increase than I and many expected, but the actual balance of him hides in the change to arcane vassal. I'm overall very happy as those changes bring coalesced and starborne closer to being internally balanced. Stegadons might actually be worth it now and saurus are in my opinion, a steal at 180 pts. Can't wait to make up some more coalesced lists! And hopefully with trog bomb gone, lizards lose the reputation of a powerhouse faction

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  8. Oh my, that that Realms of Ruin looks tasty as heck. I honestly can't wait, from graphics to gameplay it looks very up my alley.

    And Harry the Hammer for TWW surprised me, I adore him. With those two reveals, it hinestky feels like it's my birthday today. Oh, wait, it IS my birthday today, and warhammer games delivered.

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  9. I am quite hopeful in regards to the AoS frontier game. I really like what they've done with Jurassic World Evolution and Planet Zoo, especially post-release. I do understand that a fantasy rts is a whole different beast (okay bit  AoS zoo/park builder when? I want a gryph hound petting zoo and a seraphon safari) but I am quite fond of the studio and really desperate for AoS games

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  10. 21 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Headsman's Curse.




    Those are great, I love those warbands that focus on one theme, probably gonna get these.

    Also, funnily I'm most excited about roadmpas xD. Love how much support warcry is getting, even if the box with chameleons was all I needed

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  11. I haven't been active in the forum recently (too busy with that beautiful, pricy Seraphon box) but I'm just popping in to say I'm very excited for today's and tomorrow's reveals. FEC are a faction most deserving of some new and updated goodies. And Old World might be great, Tomb Kings are very tempting for me. I almost feel sorry gor 40k fans because I'm almost certain that once again, AoS will come out with more reveals and hype overall. Oh, and I forgot to mention CoS, they are also something I'm looking forward to, especially since my lizzies can ally them 👀

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  12. 1 minute ago, KingBrodd said:

    Chances are high mate!! You and @DinoJon and @GenericEdgyName will be all scaled up!!

    This whole week the thought of the box realeasing soon kept me going. I have already put aside money to throw at my local game store owner, I just need confirmation that it's time to do that. Oh, Old Ones rain your scaly plastic blessings upon us!

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  13. 23 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    A true Hammerhal geezer. Love him already!


    A day in a life of a Hammerhal geezer:

    Wake up and meet the stormcast Lord Castellan

    My little gryph hound, isn't he beautiful

    Time to take George to bow training

    Revv up the steamtank, wheeeey

    Quick stop at the realm gate, and load up that bottle with aqua ghyran

    Battlefield lookin lovely today

    Just a bit of crusading

    Prayer to Sigmar makes the loss of 30 dawnbribger crusades better

    Pop down the local tavern and grab a pint with the duardin

    And finish up at the stormvault of dreams

    (This was all from memory so I might've skipped some bits)

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    • Haha 12
  14. Unsolicited, hype-filled and overtly looong opinion:

    AoS Seraphon: pure perfection. At this point I could just use superlatives until I run out of the ones I know and it still wpuldn't be enough. This is the best release GW has ever done. The scar-vet on Aggradon is now genuinely my favourite model ever made for any army in any wargame. I want to be the first person to paint it like blue from jurassic world and call the saurus rider O'wen Gra'xdi. Also positively surprised by Kroxigors being dual build, especially since I prefer the warpspawned much more. Now all I want is for the army set to release as soon as possible, preferably in May.

    AoS bonereapers and SBG: very cool models, I have friends who play those armies so I hope to see them on tabletops when they release. Stings a bit that Ossiarchs didn't get an archer unit, but maybe next edition.

    Underworlds: I love how this game allows the sculptors to go crazy and release some out there stuff. I love me some mysterious eldritch magician vibes, so both warbands are to my tastes and once they release in a cheaper form without all the boards and stuff, I'm getting them

    AoS CoS: and again, beautiful. I usually don't get people who want to play the normal human factions in fantasy games, but when they look so good, I'm tempted myself. I'm very interested in seeing more from the faction, my personal wish is some heavy knights on horses. Also good to see them release so soon, autumn is much quicker than I expected.

    Kill team: the beastmen look great, very savage. Makes me sad for all our AoS beastie fans, it feels like some devious teasing from GW to release those for 40k and leave the real beastmen faction like that. The space dwarves look like good for what they are, it's just that I never really loved the concept to begin with. I know, I know, I'm in the book now

    40k Lion: a really cool model, I'm a sucker for dudes wearing hoods on helmets so that's definitely the best showcased option for him. I also adore the little monk helper dudes. If 40k released them as a separate faction, I'd immidiately buy enough to play apocalypse games with them.

    40k new edition: Oh GW, you devious temptress! The new rules and the way they highlight beginner-friendliness, together with dudes from my FLG, really make me wanna get into it, but AoS will always come first. Space Marines will never be my jam, but the tyranids look great and are a real contender for my potential first army. 

    Overall: probably the best GW preview ever. I was afraid that 40k would steal the show, but now that I wrote all that, AoS got quite the chunk of reveals, with seraphon being the clear winner

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  15. They really just keep knocking those out of the (jurassic) park!

    I can't say anything new tbh, I am incredibly happy with each and every sculpt they show. A part of me fears that with every showcased hero model we have less chance of all units being renewed, but a more hopeful part says that it just means that GW are really going for it and intend to refresh everything that needs it

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  16. Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to nighthaunt and I could use some help.

    Next week I'm starting a Path to Glory campaign and so I need a 600 points list. I've only ever played two games with nighthaunt so I have no idea what's good yet, and so I don't know which of these two ideas is better. Pleases note that they're mostly based on stuff I already own or can easily get and also aren't meant to be super powerful, while also being good enough to give me some chance of winning. Also, I'll decide the artifact and command trait later, for now I just need to know what units I want. Anyway, said lists:

    Emerald Host

    Guardian of Souls (150)

    3 x Spirit Hosts (130)

    10 x Grimghast Reapers (160)

    10 x Dreadscythe Harridans (160)


    Emerald Host

    Guardian of Souls (150)

    10 x Chainrasps (110)

    10 x Grimghast Reapers (160)

    10 x Bladegheist Revenants (180)


  17. Now watch those three reveals be necromunda, blood bowl and horus heresy 😆

    but more realistically, my bet is one very exciting seraphon model, one horus heresy (some things are just inevitable) and one either from warcry or necromunda, depending on our luck.

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  18. Y'all know what, I re-read the rules and they don't seem bad anymore, just different. Yeah, the damage output is lesser than the current (porbably overpowered, as @DinoJon mentioned) but instead it has a completely different role. 24" range and save debuff will help nicely against a lot of stuff

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  19. It's beautiful! I love it! It has the sail, it has a big sack on the throat and even some weird axolotl-like thingies that I don't know what to call! It really is perfect.

    Now, I don't love the skinks lmao. I see what they were going for with them, but the horizontal crests look silly to me. At least the banner is awesome.

    Another concern of mine is that it probably means we're losing the salamander and razordon for that beastie. Model wise it's much better and afaik razordon wasn't really good rules-wise, but still, I'll miss that spiky ****** and forever imagine what he would look like without bendy resin legs. Also, those rules they previewed... I dunno how I feel about just 1 attack, I hope there's a way to boost that

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