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Posts posted by Orkmann

  1. 8 hours ago, stratigo said:


    The current evolving dominant paradigm is three plus save monster heroes. Not shooting. Not even Lumineth shooting. We'll see where the edition takes us, but shooting armies need the help of unleash hell against what looks to be the dominent meta and taking it away just further cements one type of army as viable.

    Three plus save is crazy good, esp. on monster heroes, but thats because of the save stacking rules, which should be a whole different conversation. What you are not appreciating is that this hurts both combat and shooting output. Ironically enough, these big monster heroes usually have only rend 2, so they will be wiffing a lot too. But the real issue here is that there are a bunch of armies without significant rend or access to good armor saves. They will suffer against tanky armies the same way as conventional shooting and on the top of that, they will get shoot at an extra time.

  2. Unleash hell wont ruin the game and is perfectly fine in casual games. But the truth is everything is fine in a casual setting, at least if the players make some effort prior to the game to balance your lists.

    When it comes to judging, whether a game mechanism is too strong or not, you have to look at competitive play. Sentinels and dakka sneaks are rightly in the focus, but they are not the only offenders.  Armies with access to aura buffs will not care much with -1 to hit. Irondrakes or even stuffs like 30 reavers or a unit of 20 pinks (in some builds) will do plenty of damage upon unleashing hell.

    Im playing combat armies so I admit I'm biased, but when I'm looking at the combat vs shooting situation, it is clear to me that shooting came out much better in aos3, so I dont see why this extremely generous overwatch was necessary in the game. Redeploy, only one cp reroll in the charge phase, shackles, and the various half charge abilities/spells can make it very difficult to get things into combat. On the other hand, there is no similar counter against shooting except of Idoneth. I appreciate that the output of some shooting armies have dropped a lot, but that is due to the save stacking rules, and combat units suffer from that as well.

    In think unleash hell is too strong, because it gives you a free shooting without risking anything and the price of a CP is just too low. Besides of the actual extra damage, It is also encouraging the use of certain shooty castle/point and click type of lists, which is not good for the game imo.

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  3. 6 hours ago, DerZauberer said:

    Had an interesting interaction with belakor and my megaboss last week in a game of AoS3.0.

    Even in the Core Book errata where all "old" CAs were explained or erratad, i've found no information on whether this move was legal or not. 

    While it does not describe exactly the same situarion, I think the old ca part of the core book faq is relevant here. When you measure a distance for a ca bubble effect from a model than both the issuer and the receiver of the ca should be that model. It means that the cheeky weirdnob should not be eligible to call the waaagh 🙂

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 7/8/2021 at 5:49 PM, Bonesplitterz said:

    It’s a V2 tournament guys 🙃

    If he is bringing the usual filth with Kairos and the portal, it can be a rough match up. Expect a hero turning into a spawn, tagging your units each turn. In my experience the best you can do is avoiding Archy (when hes buffed) and try to take out the rest of his army, mainly the little wizards and the big bird. He can be in only one place so try to spread out and focus on the points rather than on killing stuff. The more objective is on the table the better chances you have.

  5. It feels to me these rules were written for 2019, when the worst thing could happen to you in the game was a Terrorgeist or a Keeper charging into your lines. It might be due to the long product development cycle or the lack of tournaments in the UK, but from the balancing point of view GW ignored how the game has evolved in the past ~18 months.

    I think introducing unleash hell was totally unnecessary, but I do not see a realistic chance that it will get nerfed in the near future, so we just have to live with it. In regards to comp play, the new CAs, the smaller board and the new scoring together are buffing certain shooting castle builds a lot, so the game will be pretty much about how can you deal with those sort of lists. It is not impossible at all, but armies which were already struggling in aos2 like Khorne or FEC will fall further behind.

    • Like 1
  6. I think that the faq, which is implying that not following official paint schemes is considered proxying, is silly, but there is no reason to make too much out of it. That sentence is taken from the old /aos2 designer commentary, so it is hardly a recent thing GW trying to sneak into the game.

  7. 8 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    only other thing to say is that if this orc isn't a Beast Snagga art reveal, looks like Bonesplittas might get a new model

    I really hope the boyz getting some love but that handsome green dude is a wardokk, best support hero finecast can ever offer 🙂

    • Thanks 1
  8. 29 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I want to know what intern got the job of doing Fyreslayers on his lunchbreak, because it feels so random.

    The update hit the units with horde bonuses the most. Savege orcs for instance went up by 10 (120->130), but in practice you wanted to run them in big blocs, so if you look at a unit of 30, the cost went from 300 to 390.

    The same goes for HGBs, where you could take 20 for 400 and blightkings where you could have 20 for 500. So the effective point increase on these army list is more significant.

  9. 17 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    Why would you ever run brutes with those changes? They were already weaker than pigs/ardboyz. Maybe thats the tax for not getting wrecked by the coherency changes?

    Those point changes look real harsh, but we are getting a new tome soon, so it is not bothering me that much. For the moment I put aos3 on hold, planning to play only after the tome and the faqs for the other armies have landed.

  10. 4 minutes ago, yukishiro1 said:

     There is no tactical depth to getting low-dropped and then double-turned by ranged armies right now, because there's no real way to mitigate it. 

    Yes, I agree, but I think it's more of a problem of the extreme range shooting and low drop/teleporting armies brought by the recent books, than the system itself.

    On the other hand, if you field two melee armies, or at least armies with reasonable ranged shooting, that can lead to tactically amazing games. 

    • Like 1
  11. I like the roll off/double turn mechanism, because it adds extra depth to the game, but the roll off should be applied to the first battle round as well. First turn priority is such a huge deal in AoS, that it is silly that some armies can almost guarantee it every game without much tax paid in points. 

    • Like 3
  12. 15 minutes ago, mojojojo101 said:

    Not asking for much really, an acknowledgement that AoS / other games will get FAQs in the next few days would be enough.


    GW confuse me so much sometimes.

    GW perfected the way to build up hype, sometimes it feels they are using confusion as a marketing tool, which is perfectly understandable for new product releases. But the lack of transparency is not cool when it comes to these rules updates/faqs. Even if it is not on purpose, it sends the message they don't care with ppl who are here  (at least partially) for the wargaming aspect of the hobby.

    I recall stg similar happened in the summer. The ghb was out, but the point changes for the new books were not posted for about 2 weeks.  And while ppl were waiting for the news, in the meantime GW were posting every day on facebook stuff like tell us what is cooler, an angry dwarf or a big spider.


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    • Confused 2
  13. 37 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Fyreslayers are not alone - heck technically Daughters of Khaine had the least number of actual kits on sale of any AoS army. They only appeared to have more because most of their kits are duel and the Cauldron kit makes up a lot of their leaders. 

    While I do not want to derail the topic into a "whose army is the least loved one" competitition 😆 , DoK is not the least favourite child. The Bonesplittaz have only two kits for units and 4 for heroes (out of which 3 are resin). If I recall it correctly FEC is also just two kits for units and maybe ~4 for heroes. So I am sorry to put it this way, but we had enough of the aelves, what we need is more boyz to the party 😉

    • Like 7
    • LOVE IT! 1
  14. I was just discussing the change on crystal touch with a friend of mine. As it looks it will work like the evocators ability, it can be pretty strong imo, although it's somewhat situational.

    This can be very handy if you engage multiple units, let's say a beefy hero and a large unit. So you hit the unit with most of the snakes, than you need only one snake in the range of the hero to channel the mws and remove it. 

    It is true sometimes the opponent will be able to remove models to not get impacted by the mortals - but if they do so, they wont be able to hit back either.

    • Like 3
  15. We have played quite a lot Warcry in our gaming group last fall. We enjoy the competitive aspect of wargaming, so our initial approach was the same for Warcry as well: we tried to optimize our lists, trying all type of warbands, a few with extra boxes etc.

    In my experince, even if you have the extra box, only the Untamed Beasts and Corvus Cabal are the ones which are competitive vs an average AoS warband.  But if you look at the strongest ones like Ogors, Skaven or Vanguard, they are still pretty weak.

    The lack of balance was a main factor for us to lose interest in the game. The comeback point for us was when we decided to let the compatitive aspect go, at least from list building perspective - so we dont put 2 rocktusk to UB, for instance. We have switched back to playing one-box chaos warbands and I think the game is the most fun this way.

    I have preordered the catacombs as well, at first look both new bands fit to the same power level, so I am looking to have some new games 🙂 we might even test some of the powerful builds as well, because the new setting will limit shooting quite a lot, which is a much needed change imo



    • Thanks 2
  16. 2 hours ago, cyrus said:

    Yes,it looks Gorkamorka itself is coming and empowering all the orruks.

    The clobbering /fight seems to be between an armoured ironjawz Borkrogg  and a naked bonesplitterz Grakka. 

    Last short story from " forbidden power" was about orruks ( Gordrakk and godhammer)

    First short strory from " Broken realms" is about orruks !  ;)

    On this one I share novakai's opinion, for me the story clearly describes the "awekening" of a Bonesplitter 🙂

    To provide more insights, according to the battletome the savages are not just another tribe, but basically crazy/enlightened orcs, whose mind are completely taken over by the waaagh. This is usually triggers in battle, so experiencing the transformation after a glorious duel makes a lot of sense. The story has some direct references as well, like Bonesplitterz are constantly hearing a thumping of waaagh in their head. It is also symbolic how he get rid of the armor (even though it was not entirely voluntary 😁) replacing it with warpaint, picks up a bone chompa and walks away to find the tribe.

    All in all, it's a cool story, I was very pleased to read it. Really excited to see what Gorkamorka brings to us! 

    • Like 6
  17. Dear Ladies and Gents,

    After lurking around for a couple of months, I have finally signed up :) All good so far, except that I had to realize that I am now a Liberator! This is already an unfortunate situation, but (assuming active members will gain ranks) the prospect of becoming something even more heroic is truly distressing.

    So I am turning to this kind audience for advice: how can I un-Liberate myself? If there is any way to switch to stg like...well...at this point I would say anything greenskinned, that would be much appreciated! 😉



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