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Posts posted by EntMan

  1. Also, based on what we know from 40K will the loadouts from the Spearhead be from the box/marketing pictures? Specifically I'm wondering if in the Sylvaneth Spearhead will have Kurnoth Hunters be armed with the bows?

  2. Will the Spearhead's based on the current boxes still be playable once the "proper" Spearhead for a faction comes out during 4oS? And therefore will there be a choice of Spearheads for a faction?

    Anything from 40K which would mean we can answer this?


  3. 4 minutes ago, willange said:

    It's for the best.  The realms are a dangerous place with man-eating mosquitos and leeches and other dangers.  They really should be wearing full length pants instead of shorts on these crusades anyway.

    It explains why FS are always so tetchy.

    • Haha 2
  4. 8 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

    I feel like that's a pretty graceful solution if the issue is truly "we simply want to track how good the games are selling!" 

    If I navigate to "squig riders" via the TOW part of the site, there is no reason that the kit couldn't look identical to me but have a different SKU on their end!

    I'm with you on Malerion and Chorfs!! GW makes such great models these days that I think the decades-long wait for Chorfs might pan out into something cool! Also everything hinted about Malerion is sick; demon moons, crazy calvary guys in the art, lots to love and run with there! I'm hoping the wait for Malerion is bc they're cooking something pretty insane!

    If they printed two barcodes on the back of each box and begged people to scan the relevant one, it could work; tracking that sort of sale from a third party seller could be challenging, but also right now an extremely decent chunk of TOW stuff is GW-site exclusive, so they do still have some time if that was something they were interested in.


    Box them differently, to either come with square bases or with rounds?

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    I find him more interesting as an entity that is partly trapped so he has limited "power" and goes into the sneaky manipulation way.

    All the power of a full on main Chaos god being used for "sneaky manipulation"?

    Tzeentch is going to be dinning well on this!

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 6 hours ago, ArcLight said:

    On the topic of the Ardboyz, when will we actually find out whether they've changed the contents of issue 73 to be only 5 boyz or if it will still be 10 (new) Ardboyz in there?

    It'll go up for preorder on Forbidden Planet in a few weeks I assume, but we're still reliant on the big leak from a while ago to know what to expect from the issues, right? So when would we actually get confirmation of the contents?

    The Hachette site shows the covers earlier than Forbidden Planet does, but it's still not that far in advance.


    • Like 1
  7. 57 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    Giving the factions that don't have any their own set at last would be nice

    Edit: if that is happening what will KO get I wonder, since they don't have any priests or wizards afaik, don't think there are any other factions like that 

    I don't think the Gargants have priests or wizards either?

  8. 3 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    One way of fixing the balance issue is having an ironjawz version of a scroll and a big waagh version of a scroll which can be pointed differently. 

    Doesn't something similar to this happen with various Tzaangor units depending on if they are in Slaves, Beasts or Disciples?

  9. 44 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    I could easily see GW winding down shooting in the game in general. Seeing the changes to the rules so far, previous removal of a lot of firepower from Cities and now from Stormcast, I think the aim is to make ranged comat less common and less impactful. Not eradicated, but limited across the board and more tightly controlled.

    We know from leaked sprues that Skaven are getting at least 2 new ranged shooty units. It'd be weird if a horde army got the new shooty stuff if it really is being limited and scaled back overall.

  10. 34 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    It's an interesting idea, but what would a faction being cross alliance even mean at this point? Just ally choices? It's not like GAs even have mechanics attached right now.

    Yeah, what even are Grand Alliances now anyway?

    Apart from categories on the webstore and an indication of which Mega Gargant you can have in your army?

  11. 2 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    the scale is definitely something they struggle with, I think it'd be ok if they didn't always try to do these grand narratives that include every faction. For example over a quarter they could release a few army books and a campaign book that included all of those factions. Instead of having a crazy amount of books over the last 6 months of an edition, spread them out a bit more so the narrative feels more continuous?

    Is this related to "Is AoS a setting or a story"?

    During an edition it's a setting so not a lot can change. Then in the run up to a new edition they can/need to have loads of narrative to set up the updated setting for the new edition.

    Maybe? Who knows? I'm just waffling.

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