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Posts posted by EntMan

  1. 31 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

    Im confused , the recent spoiler about death stormcast . Is this could be death stormcast / skaven at V4 starter set ?

    I think Whitefang's comment was just about Death as (some of the) protagonists in 4.0 and didn't mention Stormcasts. 

    The Death Stormcast talk I think is just me and others guessing or wondering or pondering what might happen. (Or in my case just sharing my thoughts on what I think would be cool)

    So, no actual spoiler or credible rumour about Death Stormcast.


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  2. 3 minutes ago, Gaball Slaaneshi said:


    Or Stormcast become mad, don't workship Nagash but thinks that the death must be spread around the Realms for the Realm sake. A army that even Nagash can't control. 

    Delusional Ionus Cryptborn, thinking that he's found the answer the the reforging problem, leads the rebellion as the Horus equivalent? 

    • Haha 2
  3. 1 minute ago, Gaball Slaaneshi said:

    So....they are just Ossiarch with Stormcast souls in their head.

    Nagash has try in Soul War, a Stormcast soul without Azyr and Sigmar is just...a soul that became a nighthaunt.

    More actual Stormcast, which you could argue are sort of undead, or at least something different from alive, who decide to align with Death as they think that's a better prospect for them than what Sigmar has to offer especially considering the reforging issue.

  4. 1 minute ago, RetconnedLegion said:

    Kroot absorb DNA from what they eat which affects how their species evolves. The Kroot hounds (and Krootox, gnarlocs etc) are evolutionary dead ends, where a group evolved too far down the quadruped path. Shapers try to avoid this by directing what their Kroot kinbands should eat.

    Are they allowed to eat Psykers?

  5. 9 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

    I sort of hope they at least do some sort of livestream in the vein of a Nintendo Direct: I've never been to a Warhammer Fest, but I do always look forward to the reveals and cellphone camera pictures of stuff in glass cases (whether it's upcoming WIP models or painted stuff) 

    With a ton of cool stuff coming out this year, I'm surprised they're swerving the opportunity to hype it up!

    Yeah "rats!" are cool and all, but the diversity of the ratmen is why I think they're cool. Frankensteins, crazy machinery, demon rats, wizards, Ninjas, Plague Monks, legions of endless numbers; all of those concepts should be competing under the Ratmen umbrella! It's why they have the council of 13 and everything! Their whole thing is "if only this faction could stop infighting they'd win!"

    I'm all for AoSifying things! If they want to blur the lines between the factions I think that'd work well: the stormfiends are an example of Moulder + Skyre, and we've seen Parasite Englines that seem like Pestilines + Moulder + Skyre, but thewiki page suggests that, actually, all the Clans may have them

    I would be happy to see ratsassins become an elite hero-hunter unit if not battleline, but Plague Monks are a part of the faction identity imo; filling the "sturdy chaff" role and letting one make an army with a Pestilines identity. For the most part, I would expect Eshin to be a smaller more elite force by comparison. 

    Skaven don't really need a reboot imho: everything from them in AoS suggests they're on their same BS they were in WHF just bigger and more complicated. Give me a new monster like the hell pit (maybe just bigger?) with build options to let it represent what it'd look like in a few major clans: maybe "more" mutations, guns, and some sort of plaguebringing device. Idk! 

    Skaven walker-tanks! any of the hybrid monsters that have come up in passing! Skaven have an extremely strong and unique identity and really they could just use some slight adjustments and new/refreshed sculpts!! At least from my perspective!

    Give us Rat Mega Gargants! Something like this beauty I saw on Reddit image.png.45cd2af4e40aa4cce24e0dd9e470a76f.png


    • Haha 1
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  6. 2 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

    So as there is no warhammer fest , V4 could be announced at Adepticon ? If I recall 40K V4 was at adepticon too last year ?

    When did they release that tease of a close up if a nid eye with a terminator reflected in it? (Or was it the other way round)

  7. I pretty sure the Sunday preview article said we'd be getting new model reveals (plural) this week.

    So hopefully we'll get something today as well as Heresy on Thursday.

    Not sure what though, most likely Necromunda or Bloodbowl foreword?

  8. 12 minutes ago, Augusto said:

    I cant find the like of wf  "for Boc will evolve by the grace of morghur" bit. could you show me?

    It's instructions to the 'Fang - if option a) is correct please react with a thanks, if option b) is correct then pleasr react with a like...

  9. 4 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

    Chariots seem like a pretty bad choice when your main shtick is fighting in tangled forest terrain, but I'm no expert.

    So you're saying the mighty Beasts of Chaos don't get to benefit from the Rule of Cool?

    More lore accurate anti- beastmen prejudice right there...


  10. 3 minutes ago, Armoured said:

    The world isn't ready for goats with guns!  It would be too powerful!

    40k Imps used to have goats with guns. 

    Is it merely a coincidence that since the Imperial Guard stopped using Beastmen the Imperium has got worse and has been split, Cadia is gone, the eye of terror is now the great rift, humanity is even closer to extinction? I think not.

    Basically the old school Squats and the Beastmen were propping up the Empire.

    • Thanks 2
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  11. Do we know enough yet to establish how accurate 'Whitefang back me up' is as a rumour monger?

    They may well have been spot on about somethings so far, none come to mind but it might be I just don't remember.

    But they were definitely wrong about seeing dwarves by the end of January.

  12. 1 hour ago, Gotz said:

    Yeah, but thats the point, all models that are made to order are mostly older minis variants of stuff that is already sold or is going to be in old world lineup.

    A good example is the giant. We already have a plastic giant (from ¿7th? Fantasy ed) and are going to get a retooled resin giant, the bonegrinder and made to order marauder giant


    I've just realised that forgeworld orc stuff is not mto, so I expect Empire and dwarf ones to be regular releases.



    Sorry, I think I misunderstood you. 

    I didn't realise there was an earlier steam tank. But I should really have twigged to that the dwarf copter I remember from my youth wouldn't have been the same as the plastic one I have now.

  13. 3 hours ago, Gotz said:

    I've written some stuff that contradicts what I believe are the principles that determine what gets made to order, but I want to believe XD

    • Iconic/Nostalgic
    • Has a profile on the army list
    • Is not a named character


    • Gotrek & Felix
    • gyrocopter
    • Thorgrim
    • Bugman

    High Elves:

    • "snake dragon" (Imrik)
    • Tyrion & Teclis
    • Griffon (Eltharion)


    • Two Headed Dragon (Galrauch)
    • Slambo
    • Harry the hammer
    • random assortment of champions


    • Minotaurs

    Wood Elves

    • 4th ed "snake dragon"
    • Orion & Ariel
    • Treemen
    • Metal Dryads


    • Halfling Hot-pot
    • Steam Tank
    • Knight Grandmasters
    • War Altar
    • Knights Panther/White Wolf, etc..
    • Forgeworld stuff from Black Pass


    Aren't Steam Tanks and Gyrocopters already with us via AoS Cities of Sigmar?

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