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Posts posted by EntMan

  1. Is there somewhere to report errors in content in the new app to GW? And do we know how often they will be updating it? 

    I have noticed in the app that Aetherwings, Gryph Hounds and Flagellants have a save of 0 rather than '-'

    I assume this is a mistake rather than Sigmar blessing these loyal servants with sigmarite skin!


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  2. 47 minutes ago, Lightbox said:

    Black and Red dragons. Using them for gyrocoptors in AoS, they're a little big for the bases but otherwise seem like they're okay size wise.

    Dragons as gyrocopters is such a cool idea. Dragon breath is a great alternative to steam and brimstone guns

    "This weapon sprays the foe with scalding vapour."  - perfect match!

    • Thanks 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Lightbox said:

    Some of my conversions for my current cities of sigmar project. Ironweld arsenal aelves.





    These are amazing.

    I love the Sisters of the Gun, are the guns from Freeguild Handgunners?

    Also, where'd you the dragons? They look awesome.

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 9/30/2021 at 3:31 PM, PJetski said:

    Is there any way for an allied Warsong Revenant to set up woods? 

    So based on the consensus that Verdant Blessing on the warscrolls is an error I believe the only ways for allied or coalition Sylvaneth to set up woods is either:

    Treelord Ancient's Silent Communion ability - reliable but you can only ever get one wood this way (even if you have multiple Treelord Ancients)


    Alarielle's Metamorphosis spell, less reliable as you need to use it to deal the final (mortal) wound to finish off a unit and that unit has to be far enough away from other models and units to have space to set up the woods.



  5. 56 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    Errata > Battletome >>>>>>> App >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Random GW employees

    Lol, yeah. Which is why I specifically asked if the chat was an appropriate place for rules clarification and then checked if the app did indeed count as rules. I think Daniel was just trying to be helpful. Although in this case "I don't know" would have actually been the more helpful answer.

  6. On 10/1/2021 at 2:15 PM, PJetski said:

    The app has never been totally consistent with the rules.

    In terms of authority it is always Errata > Battletome >>>>>>> App

    Well, here is the transcript from an online chat I had on the GW website last week.

    From this it would seem:

    a) The GW webchat person considered the webchat a valid place for rule clarification

    b) His opinion is that if it's on the App it is the rules

    c) Based on this allied and coalition Sylvaneth wizards can cast Verdant Blessing

    I'm not convinced on b) or c) (or if (c) is correct GW have not realised the implications) and that we need a FAQ or correction. Maybe if we all ask GW they'll address it


    Hello Daniel. I have a question about rules. It's to do with age of sigmar spell lore. Is this the place to ask? I've checked out the FAQs on Warhammer Community and can't find an answer there.


    This is the place to ask, indeed - we can either clarify that for you, or point you in the right direction


    Thanks. On the new app, in Sylvaneth warscrolls each wizard has Verdant Blessing on their warscroll. Previously this spell was in faction abilities in the battle tome and therefore only available to wizards in a Sylvaneth army. Now it's on the individual warscrolls on the app does that mean that Sylvaneth wizards in my living city/cities of sigmar army can cast it?


    OK! Sorry for the delay there, I was cross referencing that with the latest FAQs, the Battletome, and the app.


    From what I can see here, you can indeed!


    Wow, thanks. That seems a pretty major change. So is the app "official rules" if it contradicts previous battletomes/FAQs etc?


    As in, does it count as "the most recent rules"


    The App will always include the latest FAQs as though they were always written that way, if that makes sense - so to answer your question, yes! The App has the most recent rules.

  7. 14 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    Visit https://warhammerplus.com and sign up. You can download the app for android or IOS devices which has the up to date rules. It’s currently in Beta but you can see all the rules but you will also need to subscribe to it after the beta finishes. It’s £50 for the year of you pay in one go and you get access to lots of other services. Otherwise it’s the rule book and battletomes but unless you are being super competitive and playing in lots of events, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. As long as you and your group play the same, you’ll be fine.

    It's worth noting that it is currently unknown how much faction specific warscrolls and other rules will be available on the app after beta if you do not have an unlock code from purchasing the factions tome.

    Current Stormcast and Orks have everything but the warscrolls locked away without a Battletome owners code. We don't know if even the warscrolls will be available after beta.

    For more info see the "End of free warscrolls" post - but I'd advise only going there with a lot of time to spare and a stiff drink!

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  8. 2 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    and when the base is so decorative that you find yourself wondering how it moved all the same bits of scenery up the battlefield as it advances

    This is a great point. As figures for playing the game rather than display models I've always preferred the models with plainer bases.

    I used to play back in the late 80s/early 90s and "baseing" was not what me and my buddies did much of. I'm used to plain black bases. I know for many it destroys the emersion, but for me a grass base in a desert or flagstones in woodland are equally jarring and in a way more incongruous than plain black.

    I even struggle a bit with my Warden King and it's in his rules that he lugs that massive rock slab round with him.


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  9. 13 hours ago, Digdeeper said:

    Quick heads up for everyone here, the older warscrolls are still up a the games workshop webstore, only the links have been removed. I'll let you guys figure those out for yourselves though..... 

    Shhh 😉(I've been working through downloading living cities' and tzeenrch's allies before GW finish the purge!

  10. On 7/23/2021 at 2:41 AM, Erosharcos said:

    - wyldwoods allow 1 TP from historical Sylvaneth allegiance (could be use to Sylvaneth unit) 

    - you could take a treelord ancient to have 3 separate wylwoods in Living City 

    - you can take treelords froms free TPs with 9 treelord ancient 

    Some questions:

    What is/are TP?

    How do you get 3 wildwoods from a treelord ancient? I thought they could only produce one once per battle?

  11. 10 minutes ago, pnkdth said:

    Silver lining, GW has directed me to other more consumer friendly game studios.

    I haven't played it yet but I like the look of onepagerules. Added bonus it looks like their 'medieval fantasy' and 'future fantasy' systems are compatible. I'm old enough to remember my first foray into Rouge Trader and Fantasy Battle where it only took agreement on a few rule tweaks before my space marines, imp guards and squats could battle my friends fantasy army. Fun times.

  12. 1 hour ago, Garxia said:

    An update for the old WH: AoS app has just popped on my phone... 

    It says "bug fixes" but I'm scared of updating it and losing all the warscrolls.

    Have some brave soul updated it? 😆

    I've always been "bugged" by all those pesky free warscrolls!

    A while ago, around the time W£+ was launched and before the new AoS app arrived there was a pop up when I opened (now old) app to say it would no longer be supported or updated. So I would share your caution. 

    It looks like the old app might still be on the play store so you could try installing it on a different device (friend/spouse/child/parent's phone) and see whats different or potentially removed in the "updated" version.

  13. When I look at 40k miniatures for possible conversation to AoS proxies I've noticed single piece resin models seem more common over in the grimdark future. I'm new enough back to the hobby after a long enough time away that I don't know if these are old hangers on or a new trend.

    I like multi piece models where there are options to pose them in different ways or different weapon options etc and they obviously make conversion easier ( I like to kitbash and wish my painting skill did my bashed kits justice).

    But for models which don't really have the freedom to pose differently etc I'd say single piece is best? What's the point in having an arm to stick on if there's only one position it can go. I guess the easy build and push fits are the worst offenders here.

    • Like 1
  14. Have I understood this rule correctly that the only 2 possible outcomes of an attack by the Talon is either death or no damage?

    Either the attack fails at to hit, to wound or is saved  - therefore no wounds inflicted.

    Or the attack succeeds, you then role for a 1 in 6 chance of instant kill and if this fails no wounds are inflicted at all?







  15. 2 minutes ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

    Can't they just sell stuff without mentioning GW's IPs?

    This would mean people searching for Warhammer stuff would be less likely to come across it, which I'd guess is what GW want to reduce.

    People who want to buy Space Elves, Space Crusaders, Golden Angelic Knights, Corrupted Mutant Warriors etc will find them whatever. But I can see why GW wouldn't want me to chance upon the above and give my business to someone else when I search for Eldar, Space Marines etc.

  16. Slightly off topic but...

    I have been looking in on and occasionally posting on TGA for a while now and it seems a friendly knowledgeable place. Was wondering if there are any forums where y'all hang out to talk fantasy and wargamming that isn't specifically just Warhammer? This is in no way a dis of TGA and I won't be gone, but I'd love to also have TGA quality chat about wider fantasy stuff.

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  17. Why the fuss? Well because some people have spent hundreds of pounds on miniatures on the understanding that they could use these miniatures in a game that can be played for free at a basic level. But GW are not just starting to charge for new warscrolls, by whisking away the old ones it means if people hadn't downloaded the scrolls there miniatures are now basically useless game play wise unless they now shell out more money.

    GW have broken the admittedly informal deal they sold the miniatures under.

    It sort of sucks to have to pay to play the new game but business is business but to now be prevented from playing the old game feels like betrayal.

    (Except I realise it's not technically betrayal, it's my stupid neivety in being fooled by the GW "community' nonsense, maybe I'm just cross with myself... but it FEELS like betrayal. Life has been tough and now I feel screwed over by my means of escapism!)


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