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Posts posted by EntMan

  1. 10 hours ago, Neverchosen said:
    18 hours ago, EntMan said:

    I got a pack of Lord of the Rings Hobbits to use as crew for my ironweld arsenal, with a bit of bashing to replace mini axes with tools or signal flags.

    That sounds amazing any photos?

    As you can see they are definitely still a work in progress but hopefully you get the idea! You can also see the beginnings of my steampunk automoton gun crew.


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  2. 1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

    I have been thinking of going 3rd party and getting some haflings to build as freepeoples to run alongside my SCE 

    I got a pack of Lord of the Rings Hobbits to use as crew for my ironweld arsenal, with a bit of bashing to replace mini axes with tools or signal flags.

  3. 21 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I think a lot of facitons would prefer getting a new troop option over getting a new hero, but releasing new troops just doesn't seem to be a thing GW does outside of large range updates. I'm afraid the only options are big waves of ~10 new kits or a token hero. Or, if we go back to 2019, just a battletome with nothing in the way of models.

    I definitely have a preference for troops over heroes, but I guess for GW there is a lot more profit in single models.

    Unfortunately for me I have a hard time justifying spending over 15 pounds on a single small model which I'll destroy with my (lack of) painting skills.

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  4. 22 minutes ago, Yziel said:

    How does the 1 in 4 Coalition thing work.

    Do I need to have four units and one of them can be from the Coalition or can I not have more than one per four units? Like if I have a list with only 3 units can 1 of those 3 be Coalition or do I need a minimum of 4?

    I'm trying to build a 750pt list for an Excalation league and I don't understand.

    My understanding is you need a minimum of 4 units for one of them to be coalition.

    In Living Cities the SCE and Sylvaneth count separately, so you can have 2 Cities units, 1 SCE and 1 Sylvaneth. Not sure if this works the same for other cities who have non SCE coalitions.

    Also, with the 3.0 coalition rules you can no longer have usually have a coalition general, so your general needs to be a cities unit.

  5. 10 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    At least we can ponder now what the next Battletome is likely to be. I'm assuming either Order or Death. If Death itll most likely be Nighthaunt.

    I really hope it won't be Dawnbringer Crusades replacing Cities with a human only faction. (Not a rumour as such, just my fear)

  6. A question about Boon of Mutation and maximum unit size.

    When my Tzaangor Shaman uses Boon of Mutation to slay some enemy models, if my Tzaangor unit is still full strength at 10 models can I still add the new Tzaangors to it or does maximum unit size block me from producing new Tzaangors until the unit has fewer than 10 models in it?

  7. 54 minutes ago, ArkanautDadmiral said:

    Because in all my working life I’ve not experienced the company throwing perfectly good non perishable stock in the bin.

    old books can be recycled, why would they be destroyed?

    Do you know what’s classed as leftover stock? How old does it need to be? You’ve mentioned it in relation to dominion so when do you expect that to be destroyed?

    Why wouldn’t they sell off at a discount, both to end user and wholesale? In anticipation of storage requirements? 

    I can't remember enough to back up with specific examples but I think I remember hearing that brands, particularly "luxury" brands, would rather destroy stock than have it sold off at a discount that would devalue the luxury status of the brand.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Kergeross said:

    I'm currently working on a Settlers Gain army. The idea is to have a bunch of these as Freeguild Guard. Already assembled around 1000pts worth of these guys and currently working on the paint scheme. He is still a little WIP.


    I love the look of this. I'm guessing Greatswords bodies and Shadow Warrior heads? Where are the halberds from? They look more ornate than the standard Freeguild guard ones.

    Edit: are the choppers from Executioners/Black guard?

  9. 53 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Warhammer Underworlds FaQs are up before the release!


    EDIT: Underworld Warscroll are up too!

    Free warscrolls? That's a fantastic marketing strategy! Do you think they'll extend it to the rest of their model range? 😂

    • Like 3
    • Haha 9
  10. 1 hour ago, Orbei said:

    Sounds like putting them all together would result in a pretty chaotic situation! Though Chaos in Warhammer isn't really chaos, it's Evil.

    I find no-one in lore is as evil as Dark Elves (at least they aren't quite as disturbing as dark Eldar)

    You're right that Chaos isn't always that chaotic. Destruction actually seem the most chaotic.

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  11. 3 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

    No chaos stormcast yet (and hopefully it'll stay that way).

    Except those blessed with being turned into Tzaangors and Chaos Spawn.

    But yeah, overall I'd agree that Chaos Stormcast would be a terrible (and lazy) idea.


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  12. 1 hour ago, EccentricCircle said:

    That may be how general language evolves, but not technical language. Insect and arachnid, beetle and spider all have very specific meanings and refer to how those animals fit into a well defined system of classification. Even if it becomes common usage to call spiders "insects" in either English or Polish, it will still be wrong. 

    If it gets a definition in the dictionary as a general bug then linguistically it will be correct, even if scientifically and morally it'll be (as you say) wrong. I never said I approved of the adding of new meanings.

    Don't even get me started on the fact that now in the English language "literally" has definitions which mean it can be correctly used to mean either literally or not literally!

    (Sorry to distract from the rumours - bring on the fantasy 'nids insectoid Destruction faction)

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  13. 1 hour ago, Aeryenn said:

    Oh and as for spider - insect distinction. It might be a language thing but in Polish the word "insect" is used to name all the bugs, where spiders (arachnids) are only one group among insects. In other words: all spiders are insects, but not every insect is a spider. And thus maybe spider-like humanoids are only one caste of Silent People.

    Interesting. I think in English common usage "insect" is increasingly used to refer to bugs (or at least bugs with legs) rather than just six legged bugs of a specific type, and as English is an evolving language and changes with usage this new less specific/accurate use will become an official definition. I'm curious if in Polish there is a word specifically for what English speakers would call a (six legged) insect? (Obviously I'm sure Polish bug scientists have a word, but I mean in general usage)

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  14. 11 minutes ago, Iksdee said:

    The old O&G army had way more character than any army in AoS.

    Gobbos shooting gobbos with wings.
    Squigs running wild around the table.
    Animosity / Stupidity.
    Orcs being tough like chaos warriors.
    Gobbos and Snotlings being silly yet frightening in their own way.
    All kinds of artillery.
    Foot of gork stomping friend and foe.

    It was pure madness and i loved it. I miss the feels of that army.

    Don't forget Snotling Pump Wagons!

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  15. 6 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Actually, I do like the fact that skaven are basically almost unable to to ally with other faction.

    I see the sense in what you're saying, I guess either let some ally with Tzeentch or ban the others from allying with Nurgle.

  16. 17 minutes ago, Ahlambra said:

    I don't know if it would be busted, but I would love for them to just follow how it works with Cities. Your general determines your special battleline (beyond clanrats and stormvermins) and then just pick the clan as a subfaction. So Skryre generals gives Stormfiends/Acolytes, Esshin Gutter Runners, etc. I guess the main problem with this approach is that it's probably not thematically accurate.

    Depending on the clan Scheming Skaven being able to ally or coalition with Tzeentch would make sense to me.

  17. 28 minutes ago, Iksdee said:

    I second this.
    I would have bought anything bonesplitterz or ironjaws so fast my shadow couldnt keep up. I'm skipping kruleboyz.
    They should have released the troggoths within gloomspite gitz.

    I thought the talk pre 3.0 was of a whole new faction for Destruction. Was Kruleboyz it? Or are we still waiting?

  18. It says on the warscroll that they can use spells from Lore of the Deepwood, warscroll overrules tome/core rule when there is a conflict (unless specifically stated) so the Warsong Rev gets the Deepwood spells.

    (But note that Verdant Blessing is a Sylvaneth faction spell but is not a Lore of the Deepwood spell so allied and coalition Warsongs don't get that particular spell.)


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