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Posts posted by EntMan

  1. 15 minutes ago, CDM said:

    Anyone else disappointed with age of the beast so  far? I was hoping for a endless spells type box with some generic beasties and some releases for each faction of big stompy monsters!

    Yeah, the rumours of 'wandering monsters' type rules seem to have come to nothing. And the feeling I get is we're already headed to the realm of shadows. At least we got dragons as well as an oversized centaur and some hobgoblins. 

    But yeah, endless spell style beasts would have rocked!

    • Like 4
  2. 21 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    Everyone is looking at the image in the middle, but what about that gearwork underneath the frame? It looks like Seraphon to me

    Well it is apparently Old One technology so it wouldn't be surprising if the Old One worshipping Seraphon  had similar looking stuff.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Feii said:

    Really hyped but I hope they won't be purely imperium aligned. 

    Well seeing as how the Imperium failed to stop them being almost entirely gobbled up by the Nids I can see a re-emergemce of angry Squats whose new grudges against both the Imps and Nids makes their old grudges against the Orks and Eldar look like a play date.

  4. 2 hours ago, SunStorm said:

    If Squats do make a comback (outside of Necromunda) will the phrase squatted have to be changed? 

    Will 'squatted' start to mean 'removed, but there is hope, just wait 25 to 30 years'?

    (and now I am feeling VERY old)

    • Like 1
  5. 36 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I'm 100% in support of GW bringing back Squats. Because if they can come back from the dead, then there is hope for any faction.

    I looked into when the Squats were squatted and it looks like they left 40k just after I did! I hadn't realised how long it had been.

    Note to GW - while I am enjoying getting back into Warhammer via AoS, I have no plans to restart 40k - but if you bring back Squats I WILL BUY THEM! 💰

    • Like 3
  6. 5 minutes ago, Higolx said:

    The fact they talked about revealS plural made me hopefull

    Two new Space Marine heroes! We're in for a treat 😂 

    Although actually the "cult uprising" bit makes me think it's the Genestealers who have turned up on Earth.

    • Like 5
    • Haha 2
  7. 3 hours ago, Indecisive said:

    AoS flipping to a dull battletome spam release with minimal models?

    It would make sense for GW, they need to get new Battletomes out with codes in them (or however they're doing it) so they can lock them in the app like they have with SCE and Orks and presumably Nurgle soon. 

    I'd therefore not be surprised if the Battletome spamming bit of the rumour is true.


  8. 10 minutes ago, Charleston said:

    4chan pseudo rumours at its finest :D We see some other popular rumours paired with some wishlists all used as envelope to put in some controverse opinion (in this case MWG criticism)

    Add in the return of Squats to 40k and I'll wishlist believe any rumour you chuck my way!

    • Haha 1
  9. 2 hours ago, AaronWilson said:

    Think they've done an amazing job on these models, it all looks fantastic. 

    Overall it does look great. But I'm not a fan of the hopping frog/toad things.

    Also I would have imagined Papa Nurgle's folk to sound a bit more jolly than this, but I guess that wouldn't fit in with the Total War vibe.

  10. 32 minutes ago, Overread said:

    I find price limits like that tend to break when you actually see models in person. Some stuff seems really expensive for what you get when all you see it as is as a photo online. Photos make things seem smaller. See them and even hold them in person and suddenly they are EVER so much bigger


    But with these we get a good sense of size because of the Stormcast rider on them.

    The opposite effect - when I saw the original tease of the Stormcast chariot I thought it was AMAZING. But since seeing more views and angles on the webstore it's now in the meh category...

  11. 10 minutes ago, edmc78 said:

    Still harder to square against the wife and kids for xmas.

    "Sorry guys, Daddy needed another plastic dragon to paint ..."

    Yeah, definitely something like that! I will probably wait and keep an eye on eBay when I have the money spare for split sets to get half a set/1 dragon (depending on if the sprues allow)

  12. 6 minutes ago, edmc78 said:

    You get x2 models but still. 

    😀 Thanks, that takes the sting out of it. The qty in pack column said 1 which confused me. I thought it meant you only got 1 model, rather than a 1 pair!

    At £34 per model it's an expensive luxury but justifyable at some point.

  13. 1 minute ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    No idea about any leaks but I’m expecting around £100 for the big boys and around £50 to £60 for the riders. 

    Oh wow, not surprised but that's more than I'd hoped. £50 of my limited hobby cash will get me more hours of gluing and painting hobby time via a start collecting Stormcast box instead. 

  14. 28 minutes ago, ManlyMuppet88 said:

    I'm supposed to be saving money right now but GW are not being cooperative. I might need a big red dragon in my life more than I need to make adult decisions and fiscal responsibility.

    I seem to remember the big dragons are going to cost lots but have we had price leaks for the smaller 2?

  15. 19 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Yeah the app is really top-notch. Quick, clean, well organized and updates nicely. (Would be nice to have the digital library back even just for a quick jaunt through old tomes but oh well)

    Interestingly I noticed the Ogor Mawtribes on the app can ally with Kruleboyz Troggoths for Mirebrute leaders & sloggoth beasts(those would make great Ghurian food carts) too but I can’t seem to find a reference to it elsewhere like in faqs. Stealth update I suppose?

    The consensus seems to be that if something is only in the app and not in books or FAQs then it doesn't count and is probably a mistake/unintended.

    • Thanks 1
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