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Posts posted by EntMan

  1. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

    The appearance bit was definitely a stretch Ill admit. I just want Destruction fleshed out, as it stands now its effectively Greenskins and Ogors.

    Has there ever been in lore or official fiction any humans in destruction? I just can't see why there wouldn't be destro humans.

  2. 36 minutes ago, EonChao said:

    Then if they're popular and GW think it has legs and popularity then expand them into a full faction for Destruction.

    Oh, they'll definitely have legs. Probably more legs than most residents of the Realms.

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    I would buy an army that looks like these. But the mention of weaponry is interesting to me. What weapons could an insectoid race be using.

    Hopefully not derpy looking guns made of bugs like the Nids have. I think Nids look amazing, except the derpy gun holders.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I think today we will get the 4th (and last one) from book V. That would leave us with Books 1-3 having 5, Books 4 and 5 having 4, and then next week we would get a dry week that would allow us to get Book 6 announced before the following Friday, where shorts could be resumed.

    So, who do you think we'll be hearing about today? 

  5. 9 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    To be fair to the Fyreslayers, they're also the only Warhammer Fantasy/AOS/Bloodbowl faction to actually have female dwarf models in their range.

    Yes. Unfortunately all other female dwarves seemingly have to wait until the otherwise grimdark far future to get decent representation.

  6. 19 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    And all of them apart from FS have a decent range.

    FS do have variety and diversity. 

    There's naked dwarves with axes and ginger beards.


    There's ginger bearded axe wielding dwarves with no clothes on.

    What more do you want?

    • Haha 2
  7. 13 minutes ago, Draznak said:



    Ok... after discussion with my fellow forum moderators, we pressed the green button (and because TGA deserves it ;)) :

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    As you can see now, it looks more like some kind of flak gun to me.

    That doesn't seem to be the case...

    Era of the war machine here we go!

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  8. 16 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    What if its not Kurnothi but just new Wanderers. Did they confirm "Kin of the Stag" to be Kurnothi?

    Kin of the Stag are people expelled from the Dawnbringers Crusade for following Belthanos/Kurnoth. I believe that's about all we know about them?

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  9. 51 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Go GW, give me my drug. It is Dawnbringers' short day.

    I don't think we got one last week. That might mean no more until they are building up to the next book? 😔

    (Really want to be wrong)

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  10. 11 minutes ago, Ivo said:

    Even if those spearheads don't have runes the attachment part is equal to the rumours :c 

    Watching the video, the spearheads do have runes on the other side. Couldn't see clearly enough to say they are definitely the rumour engine ones. 

  11. 18 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Completely. If you like a mini but his rules are trash now, it is very likely that you would have it built and painted for the time when is the next OP thing 😅

    These days GW seems to release a faq to nerf new OP things as a way to mark the end of the pre-order period 🤣

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  12. 1 hour ago, Pizzaprez said:

    I'd say yes! Though the rest of the pantheon may feel differently.

    GHR "ascended" during the End Times, Hashut was... trapped? inside the old world.... or the Duardin simply found him there. 

    Hashut is beyond vague; some of the only stuff about him speculates whether he's even a god or some sort of "ascended demon or prince" 

    For us, the players, there are Slaanesh, Khorne, Nurgle, and Tzeentch as the "big four." The four are vast and vague conceptually and have been described as being both gods of concepts and emotions, and such things tend to exist on a spectrum. The four play their "great game" across the multiverse, and the four are actually just like crystallizations or focus points of the greater incomprehensible force that is Chaos

    The GHR is a chaos god as well, though in-universe that is debated. Archaon spurned his allegiance, and the Four don't really want to acknowledge him. Partially because he was viewed as "inferior" but also he's sort of stepped into the Malal role of "this guy wins when our endless game is over" and to acknowledge him as an equal would only give him more strength. A lot of that lore is new for the GHR: he covets his own power, so his greater demons and demon princes are indistinguishable. He is so close with the rats that they're essentially his lesser demons despite all being mortal; they even reside in a pocket in the Realm of Chaos. The bit of Morghur we got was also pretty similar, albeit everyone melts into one big blob instead.

    With that in mind, Hashut will 100% be a 6th chaos god, or 7th if we count Morghur (I count Morghur; I'd like to see eight chaos gods). We know he is a god of hatred, industry, slavery, arcane machinery, and demonbinding. We know he, in AoS, is a god for sure. He is "a bull wreathed in smoke and flame" but that's all we've got from him physically. We know he coerced the Chaos Dwarfs into binding their faction to him, and we know the Chaos Dwarfs have folded many human nations into themselves in a similar way. Unlike the Big Four who just want to play, or the GHR who wants ruin, Hashut's worshippers have been noteworthy in that they're expansionist industrialists: they want to suck up natural resources and rule the lesser species from their cities built on the foundations of the nations they conquer.

    He also is fine with binding demons forcefully. What that looks like is vague, but it doesn't seem to be consensual compared to 40k's Forge of Souls. They create their own half-demon frankensteins with the K'daii, but don't generally seem to be about forging pacts like the other mortals (including Skaven). I'd imagine the big four appreciate their usefulness as weaponsmiths, but also are not excited about the prospect of the "demonic god who's whole thing is stuffing demons into machines"  being the ascendant god; who is to say he couldn't, eventually, stuff them into a machine?

    This repetitive circle of "ah! this god cant get too strong! what if they're secretly the real chaos god!" has always been a thing, but it's been focused on more in AoS: with Slaanesh being the God of Obsession and also absent the other gods are (rightfully) worried that their obsessions about where he is and what he is up to are empowering him and they also worry that, because each of them are themselves an avatar of hyperfixation (knowledge/violence/mortality) that really Slaanesh is the most powerful chaos god. 

    Yeah, but what's chaotic about Hashut? This description sounds more Lawful Evil to me. They seem to seek to bring the realms under order. Evil order.

    The most actually chaotic factions in the game I think are actually the destruction factions (by their desire) and the Skaven (maybe unintentionally by thier nature)

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