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Posts posted by EntMan

  1. 1 minute ago, Tonhel said:

    I painted 3 steelhelms for Misthavn, but came to the conlusion that I didn't really like painting the dark blue/greyish colours and that the playstyle wasn't my thing. I jumped to Lethis and than I jumped to Hammerhal Aqsha. But those three painted Misthavn Steelhelms just jumped with me. Even if the colours weren't really correct, I just thought the more steelhelms I paint in the colours of the free city I played, the more they would blend in.

    Well don't you know about Sigmar's cross cities Steelhelm exchange program? To foster cooperation across the realms.

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I think it's more of a 40k thing, where some (but far from all) tournaments wouldn't allow you to say... run Iron Hands if your army was painted as Ultramarines,

    I mean, that seems pretty harsh to me. A generalisation for sure, but AoS folk seem way more chilled than 40K-ers.

  3. 10 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I just cant comprehend this sudden decision that Ogors may be on the chopping block?

    Now we have certainty about Beasts and Splitters we TGAers need a faction to fret about rumoured squatting.


    10 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    *Sons of Behemat can be taken by any Alliance.

    We don't know what allies rules will be in 4oS yet. Now Megas aren't new and GW not pushing for everyone to buy them they might not be available to everyone anymore.

    • Haha 3
  4. 4 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    The old metal is smaller, but you as a player can choose which treeman you use. The AoS one, or the old metal one. Both base sizes are supported in the TOW rules and both units have basically the same name.

    I've a feeling some might turn up as Hunters in my Sylvaneth. Price dependent.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Ha! Do you remember when we were talking about the video and I said something long was a sword? Here they are. Weird swords to me. Just thinking about them as tiny spears would feel... a bit ridiculous.

    They definitely hacking, stabbing, jabbing, cutting things!

  6. 3 hours ago, Magnusaur said:

    Just to comment on the Treeman thing, The Old World books use the old sculpts in Wood Elf displays: image.png.d9df60033f30f9563f3df564f5749bab.pngimage.png.98d9d1ac96db376dee38a76c3eedbc92.png

    They do look very different.

    And I can't fully tell but size wise they look a fair bit smaller. Maybe more similar to Kurnoth Hunters than the he newer Treelord/men?

  7. 2 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    A quick search shows a lot of different flags like this including "United Farm Workers" of America. 

    Just saying. The worst conclusion isn't always the best to jump to first. 😉

    Hopefully we can successfully apply Hanlon's Razor here.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    Agreed in that they're a tad too ordinary, I hope to see something more exceptional in the rest of the range. For these as the most basic foot troops it is alright, but I really want to see something that makes Skaven feel like the Realm-Destroying rats they are in lore. I'm sure they'll do something like that, Skaven technology has to have advanced with all the possibilities opened up in the Mortal Realms and all the time they've spent hiding before the Vermindoom.

    The Warlock Bombardier is still my favourite Skaven Sculpt by far and a great way to start the AoSification of Skaven, you can see how much fun he's having shooting rockets at his victims. I'm hoping some other new sculpts match his energy.


    Didn't the WarCom short story hint at some kind of warpstone powered mech or power-armour? 😍

  9. 39 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Quite interesting flag, I don't know if the 'eavy painters painted it the way it is intentionally, but a geometric shape inside a white circle in a red flag ? Cmon they must have known what they were referencing. 

    Really hope it's an unintentional coincidence.

  10. 4 minutes ago, michu said:

    The sprue suggests a single character

    Or it could be model from a unit on an individual sprue for use as a miniature of the month like they did with a Votann and a Rotmire and probably others.

  11. 2 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    It's a very boring box. The upcoming dwarfs ones is much better in composition and discount (if priced the same). Also, indeed very old mini's. I think all the new O&G stuff sold out quickly.

    Have they revealed the Dwarfs box contents yet?

  12. 32 minutes ago, Son Of Morghur said:

    I fear that may be the case.

    And I am not even sure, that it would be that much of a problem. Sylvaneth have a lot of potential, just not as anthropomorphized trees. Just look at the new Belthanos model, Belthanos has long braided hair, which looks silly and makes no real sense to me - let the revenants have hair, or not and let the trees keep their fresh growing branches. His insect also makes no sense - from a design point, it feels like they threw every idea they had onto one model. The insect is grasshopper and beetle like with strong cicada elements too. It's mouth got insectoid elements but also has a radula (which is this rolled up tongue with teeth that you can see on the model) which most gasteropods - snails and clams - have.

    I also have nothing against a design change, if the models are well thought!

    Since AoS, it seems to me, that Sylvaneth do not have a clear classic forest and woods theme anymore. They are lorewise in an area that also includes jungle elements. So if that's the case, I wish that GW would let their designer go absolutely wild!

    Give us parasitic Sylvaneth, give us Sylvaneth that include elements of carnivorous plants (venus flytraps, give us plants that secrete fluids that digest their ennemies, Nepenthes and pitcher plants where ennemies also get gruesomly digested inside the plants), give us Sylvaneth that mimic plants and strike down on their unconscious foes. Give us insects that make sense in their design, give us a giant mantis that looks like a ghost or an orchid mantis, wasps are cool, insects are super diverse and there is so much potential. Give us disgusting insects that parasit their ennemies (love the lore of the gossamid archers which have arrows that contains grubs that bore into their ennemies flesh and make them explode in a rain of blood and flesh).

    Give us a rafflesia like model or even terrain, they could make a giant rafflesia.


    (Same thing goes for a lot of other armies, that have just SO much potential, there is an image in the Idoneth Deepkin book, where they have an entire city on top of a giant copepod, that is SO awesome)

    Not sure if it makes a difference but Alarielle's beetle and Belthanos's grasshopper are actually magical sprite things rather than actual physical giant insects so don't think they really need rationale anatomy. Rule of cool rules, especially for magical beasts.

    But I do like your thoughts and ideas. 

    If beast type people are going to be represented by a Kragnos faction then i think Sylvaneth won't be getting Kurnothi in the way I'd hope. But the plants and bugs theme is definitely a great way to go.

    Also, replace the Wyldwoods with something scarier and angrier looking.

    • Like 1
  13. 56 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Sylvaneth - SAFE. Another very popular army. Dryads may get a new sculpt

    Dryads, if they do get a resculpt, will likely get a re-naming as well to a unique Games Workshop name. They may also just fade back to the old world as there is both Tree and Spite Revs as infantry.

    Also not confident about Treelords staying in AoS, they are the other kit from WHFB with a non IP'd name. 


    • Like 2
  14. 1 minute ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    Because we want something that isn't a large hungry human or an angry green boy 😂

    Normal size angry humans? Still makes no sense to me that there's not Destruction humans. Abandoned by Sigmar and an alternative to the Dark Oath?

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