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Posts posted by EntMan

  1. So, with the base sizes announced it looks like the AoS round bases will fit within the Old World 'footprint' (at least for the freeguild/empire and the dwarves, I haven't checked others) 

    Now we just need someone to sell movement trays with appropriate sized round indents.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, mawhis117 said:

    The Honest Wargamer is Streaming at the moment with AOS predictions for 2024. 

    He's just said that he's been told that Chaos Dwarves will be coming in AOS 4, which is why they weren't included with The Old World

    Have we run out of time for an end of edition new army?

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  3. 2 hours ago, cyrus said:

    In the last stream  Valrak confirmed next pairings to be O&G vs Dwarfs 

    Followed by Empire vs Empire ( not 100% sure about this)

    No mention to time release 

    Ugh! How long am I going to have to wait for Wood Elves to return?

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  4. 2 minutes ago, SilentSentinel said:

    Perhaps the Fyreslayer anniversary model is a hint that they'll be getting some sort of sizeable release sometime within the year much like how the the previous anniversary model was a ghoul king that was eventually followed by the FEC release.

    That and there's a correlation between the ethereal and the new Kroot/Tau wave happening in the near future, could be that going forward the anniversary models might be hints towards upcoming faction release waves. 


    The Ghoul King wasn't an anniversary model, it was iirc a new year's limited edition.

    The 2023 anniversary models were a Votann and a Kharadron.

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  5. 14 minutes ago, Draznak said:

    I'd be curious to know of any examples where our Great Oracle got it wrong... I still remember that he was 100% correct in his predictions (since 2019 from memory, with new chaos warriors/knights at the beginning).

    Yes me too, I can't remember them being wrong, but that doesn't mean they weren't ever.

    They are often cryptic so us getting their hints wrong is probably more common.


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  6. Thanks to additions to my Sylvaneth from Belthanos and his box, and Stormbringer, I will have I think close to 3,000 points of tree people and bugs, nearly all unpainted at this stage.

    So I'd better bulk buy brown contrast paints for 2024 😀

    I will also continue work on my more varied Tzeentch stuff. Not so much an army, more an excuse to kitbash mutants.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    Checking the data for my Rumour Engines site I've noticed there's quite a decent number of "old" (launched 2-3 years ago) AoS minis that are currently locked inside Vanguard Boxes or even not available at all, like the LRL Alarith Stonemage.

    Did any of you notice if this is something that happened as a side effect of the site rework? Or is it something that is happening nowadays within the AoS range?

    An example of Vanguard that includes minis that you cannot buy separately:
    Vanguard: Daughters of Khaine (warhammer.com) -> Melusai Ironscale

    Sylvaneth Branchwych is only available in the vanguard. (But you could buy a Branchwraith to use as  B'wych instead as it is available on the webstore but no longer has its own rules..)

    Cities Cogsmith was for ages only available in the start collecting, but now isn't available at all.

  8. 46 minutes ago, EonChao said:

    I would be hoping for a fourth one, if it doesn't happen it's not the end of the world but it makes it easier to collect an army. Still I've got good sized Stormcast, Nighthaunt, Orruks and Gloomspite from Mortal Realms and Stormbringer, (plus a few extra little starting points for Sylvaneth, Blades of Khorne, FEC and Kharadon) and that'll keep me plenty happy if I don't get any more good discounts.

    That said I skipped Imperium due to the Imperial side not grabbing my attention so I'll be interested to see what this new one holds (I like Tyranids a lot more than most 40k factions)

    I assume the "good guys" faction is always Space Marines? Or do they throw in some other Imps, kind of like the Sylvaneth and Kharadron with Stormbringer?

  9. 56 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I always thought the same. Imo it is time that something happens in 40k and marines get a completely different look.

    I think Primaris is the closest you're going to get to that for a while.

    To be honest I actually don't mind Space Marine spam. As long as people keep buying Space Marines then GW will be able to keep making all the other stuff we love. I can't see GW surviving at the size and quality they are without the cash cow if 40k generally and Space Marines specifically.

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